const http = require("http"); http .createServer(function(request, response) { response.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }); response.end( "welcome to hri's bot page :)\nthis is just here so heroku/glitch doesn't freak out" ); }) .listen(process.env.PORT || 3000); console.log("HTTP Host Established"); const MPPClient = require('mpp-client-xt'); const client = new MPPClient("", undefined); const fs = require('fs'); client.start(); client.on("hi", () => { setTimeout(function() { client.sendArray([{m:'userset', set:{name:"dvdbot [dvd!help](made by Hri7566)"}}]); }) client.setChannel("βœ§π“‘π“Ÿ π“‘π“Έπ“Έπ“Άβœ§"); }); function chat(string) { client.sendArray([{m:'a', message:string}]); } var ctoggle = true; var cursormode = "dvd"; client.on("a", (msg) => { let args = msg.a.split(' '); let cmd = args[0].toLowerCase(); let argcat = msg.a.substring(cmd.length).trim(); switch (cmd) { case "dvd!help": chat("cmds: dvd!help // dvd!cursor // dvd!stats"); break; case "dvd!cursor": if (!argcat || argcat == "") { chat("Modes: on // off"); } else { switch (argcat) { case "on": ctoggle = true; pos = {x: (Math.random() * 100) - 50, y: (Math.random() * 100) - 50}; vel = {x: 2/5, y: 2/7}; cursormode = "dvd"; break; case "off": ctoggle = false; cursormode = "none"; pos = {x: -500, y: -500}; break; default: chat("invalid :P"); break; } } break; case "dvd!stats": chat("Edge hits: " + stats.edgehits + " | Corner hits: " + stats.cornerhits); break; } }); var pos = {x: (Math.random() * 100) - 50, y: (Math.random() * 100) - 50}; var vel = {x: 2/5, y: 2/7}; var statsraw = fs.readFileSync('stats.json'); var stats = JSON.parse(statsraw); console.log(stats); var cursor = setInterval(function() { client.sendArray([{m:'m', x: client.getOwnParticipant().x = pos.x + 50, y: client.getOwnParticipant().y = pos.y + 50}]); }); var cursorupdate = setInterval(function() { switch (cursormode) { case "dvd": pos.x += vel.x; pos.y += vel.y; if (pos.x >= 50) { vel.x = -vel.x; } if (pos.y >= 50) { vel.y = -vel.y; } if (pos.x <= -50) { vel.x = -vel.x; } if (pos.y <= -50) { vel.y = -vel.y; } if ((pos.x >= 50) && (pos.y >= 50)) { stats.cornerhits += 1; } else if ((pos.x >= 50) && (pos.y <= -50)) { stats.cornerhits += 1; } else if ((pos.x <= -50) && (pos.y <= -50)) { stats.cornerhits += 1; } else if ((pos.x <= -50) && (pos.y >= 50)) { stats.cornerhits += 1; } else if ((pos.x >= 50) || (pos.y >= 50) || (pos.y <= -50) || (pos.x <= -50)) { stats.edgehits += 1; } let statsjson = JSON.stringify(stats); fs.writeFile("stats.json", statsjson, 'utf8', function (err) { if (err) { console.log("stats.json couldn't be saved!"); return console.log(err); } }); break; } }, 25);