port richembed support for discord2rocket

This commit is contained in:
Lamp 2019-10-08 18:02:04 -07:00
parent a1aab3e89c
commit f6177a853e
1 changed files with 15 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -25,14 +25,27 @@
rcmsg.msg = message.cleanContent;
rcmsg.alias = message.member && message.member.displayName || message.author.username;
rcmsg.avatar = message.author.avatarURL || message.author.defaultAvatarURL;
rcmsg.attachments = message.attachments.map(attachment => ({
rcmsg.attachments = message.attachments.array().map(attachment => ({
title: attachment.filename,
title_link: attachment.url,
title_link_download: true,
image_url: attachment.width ? attachment.url : undefined,
audio_url: [".ogg", ".mp3", ".wav", ".flac"].some(ext=>attachment.name.endsWith(ext)) ? attachment.url : undefined,
video_url: [".mp4", ".webm", ".mov", ".avi"].some(ext=>attachment.name.endsWith(ext)) ? attachment.url : undefined
})).concat(message.embeds.map(embed => embed.type == "rich" ? {
author_name: embed.author && embed.author.name,
author_link: embed.author && embed.author.url,
author_icon: embed.author && embed.author.iconURL,
title: embed.title,
title_link: embed.url,
title_link_download: false,
color: embed.hexColor,
text: embed.description,
image_url: embed.image && embed.image.url,
thumb_url: embed.thumbnail && embed.thumbnail.url,
fields: embed.fields && embed.fields.map(f => ({title: f.name, value: f.value, short: f.inline})),
ts: embed.timestamp
} : undefined)).filter(x=>x);
message.rcmsg = await driver.sendMessage(rcmsg);
dClient.on("local_messageUpdate", async function (oldMessage, newMessage) {