// 钢琴 $(function () { var test_mode = window.location.hash && window.location.hash.match(/^(?:#.+)*#test(?:#.+)*$/i); var gSeeOwnCursor = window.location.hash && window.location.hash.match(/^(?:#.+)*#seeowncursor(?:#.+)*$/i); var gMidiVolumeTest = window.location.hash && window.location.hash.match(/^(?:#.+)*#midivolumetest(?:#.+)*$/i); var gMidiOutTest; if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function (elt /*, from*/) { var len = this.length >>> 0; var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0; from = from < 0 ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) from += len; for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in this && this[from] === elt) return from; } return -1; }; } window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (cb) { setTimeout(cb, 1000 / 30); }; var DEFAULT_VELOCITY = 0.5; var TIMING_TARGET = 1000; // Utility //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var Rect = function (x, y, w, h) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.x2 = x + w; this.y2 = y + h; }; Rect.prototype.contains = function (x, y) { return x >= this.x && x <= this.x2 && y >= this.y && y <= this.y2; }; // performing translation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var Translation = (function () { var strings = { "people are playing": { pt: "pessoas estão jogando", es: "personas están jugando", ru: "человек играет", fr: "personnes jouent", ja: "人が遊んでいる", de: "Leute spielen", zh: "人在玩", nl: "mensen spelen", pl: "osób grają", hu: "ember játszik" }, "New Room...": { pt: "Nova Sala ...", es: "Nueva sala de...", ru: "Новый номер...", ja: "新しい部屋", zh: "新房间", nl: "nieuwe Kamer", hu: "új szoba" }, "room name": { pt: "nome da sala", es: "sala de nombre", ru: "название комнаты", fr: "nom de la chambre", ja: "ルーム名", de: "Raumnamen", zh: "房间名称", nl: "kamernaam", pl: "nazwa pokój", hu: "szoba neve" }, "Visible (open to everyone)": { pt: "Visível (aberto a todos)", es: "Visible (abierto a todo el mundo)", ru: "Visible (открытый для всех)", fr: "Visible (ouvert à tous)", ja: "目に見える(誰にでも開いている)", de: "Sichtbar (offen für alle)", zh: "可见(向所有人开放)", nl: "Zichtbaar (open voor iedereen)", pl: "Widoczne (otwarte dla wszystkich)", hu: "Látható (nyitott mindenki számára)" }, "Enable Chat": { pt: "Ativar bate-papo", es: "Habilitar chat", ru: "Включить чат", fr: "Activer discuter", ja: "チャットを有効にする", de: "aktivieren Sie chatten", zh: "启用聊天", nl: "Chat inschakelen", pl: "Włącz czat", hu: "a csevegést" }, "Play Alone": { pt: "Jogar Sozinho", es: "Jugar Solo", ru: "Играть в одиночку", fr: "Jouez Seul", ja: "一人でプレイ", de: "Alleine Spielen", zh: "独自玩耍", nl: "Speel Alleen", pl: "Zagraj sam", hu: "Játssz egyedül" } // todo: it, tr, th, sv, ar, fi, nb, da, sv, he, cs, ko, ro, vi, id, nb, el, sk, bg, lt, sl, hr // todo: Connecting, Offline mode, input placeholder, Notifications }; var setLanguage = function (lang) { language = lang; }; var getLanguage = function () { if ( window.navigator && navigator.language && navigator.language.length >= 2 ) { return navigator.language.substr(0, 2).toLowerCase(); } else { return "en"; } }; var get = function (text, lang) { if (typeof lang === "undefined") lang = language; var row = strings[text]; if (row == undefined) return text; var string = row[lang]; if (string == undefined) return text; return string; }; var perform = function (lang) { if (typeof lang === "undefined") lang = language; $(".translate").each(function (i, ele) { var th = $(this); if (ele.tagName && ele.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input") { if (typeof ele.placeholder != "undefined") { th.attr( "placeholder", get(th.attr("placeholder"), lang) ); } } else { th.text(get(th.text(), lang)); } }); }; var language = getLanguage(); return { setLanguage: setLanguage, getLanguage: getLanguage, get: get, perform: perform }; })(); Translation.perform(); // AudioEngine classes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var AudioEngine = function () {}; AudioEngine.prototype.init = function (cb) { this.volume = 0.6; this.sounds = {}; this.paused = true; return this; }; AudioEngine.prototype.load = function (id, url, cb) {}; AudioEngine.prototype.play = function () {}; AudioEngine.prototype.stop = function () {}; AudioEngine.prototype.setVolume = function (vol) { this.volume = vol; }; AudioEngine.prototype.resume = function () { this.paused = false; }; AudioEngineWeb = function () { this.threshold = 1000; this.worker = new Worker("/workerTimer.js"); var self = this; this.worker.onmessage = function (event) { if (event.data.args) if (event.data.args.action == 0) { self.actualPlay( event.data.args.id, event.data.args.vol, event.data.args.time, event.data.args.part_id ); } else { self.actualStop( event.data.args.id, event.data.args.time, event.data.args.part_id ); } }; }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype = new AudioEngine(); AudioEngineWeb.prototype.init = function (cb) { AudioEngine.prototype.init.call(this); this.context = new AudioContext({ latencyHint: "interactive" }); this.masterGain = this.context.createGain(); this.masterGain.connect(this.context.destination); this.masterGain.gain.value = this.volume; this.limiterNode = this.context.createDynamicsCompressor(); this.limiterNode.threshold.value = -10; this.limiterNode.knee.value = 0; this.limiterNode.ratio.value = 20; this.limiterNode.attack.value = 0; this.limiterNode.release.value = 0.1; this.limiterNode.connect(this.masterGain); // for synth mix this.pianoGain = this.context.createGain(); this.pianoGain.gain.value = 0.5; this.pianoGain.connect(this.limiterNode); this.synthGain = this.context.createGain(); this.synthGain.gain.value = 0.5; this.synthGain.connect(this.limiterNode); this.playings = {}; if (cb) setTimeout(cb, 0); return this; }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.load = function (id, url, cb) { var audio = this; var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open("GET", url); req.responseType = "arraybuffer"; req.addEventListener("readystatechange", function (evt) { if (req.readyState !== 4) return; try { audio.context.decodeAudioData(req.response, function (buffer) { audio.sounds[id] = buffer; if (cb) cb(); }); } catch (e) { /*throw new Error(e.message + " / id: " + id + " / url: " + url + " / status: " + req.status + " / ArrayBuffer: " + (req.response instanceof ArrayBuffer) + " / byteLength: " + (req.response && req.response.byteLength ? req.response.byteLength : "undefined"));*/ new Notification({ id: "audio-download-error", title: "Problem", text: "For some reason, an audio download failed with a status of " + req.status + ". ", target: "#piano", duration: 10000 }); } }); req.send(); }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.actualPlay = function (id, vol, time, part_id) { //the old play(), but with time insted of delay_ms. if (this.paused) return; if (!this.sounds.hasOwnProperty(id)) return; var source = this.context.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = this.sounds[id]; var gain = this.context.createGain(); gain.gain.value = vol; source.connect(gain); gain.connect(this.pianoGain); source.start(time); // Patch from ste-art remedies stuttering under heavy load if (this.playings[id]) { var playing = this.playings[id]; playing.gain.gain.setValueAtTime(playing.gain.gain.value, time); playing.gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0.0, time + 0.2); playing.source.stop(time + 0.21); if (enableSynth && playing.voice) { playing.voice.stop(time); } } this.playings[id] = { source: source, gain: gain, part_id: part_id }; if (enableSynth) { this.playings[id].voice = new synthVoice(id, time); } }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.play = function (id, vol, delay_ms, part_id) { if (!this.sounds.hasOwnProperty(id)) return; var time = this.context.currentTime + delay_ms / 1000; //calculate time on note receive. var delay = delay_ms - this.threshold; if (delay <= 0) this.actualPlay(id, vol, time, part_id); else { this.worker.postMessage({ delay: delay, args: { action: 0 /*play*/, id: id, vol: vol, time: time, part_id: part_id } }); // but start scheduling right before play. } }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.actualStop = function (id, time, part_id) { if ( this.playings.hasOwnProperty(id) && this.playings[id] && this.playings[id].part_id === part_id ) { var gain = this.playings[id].gain.gain; gain.setValueAtTime(gain.value, time); gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gain.value * 0.1, time + 0.16); gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0.0, time + 0.4); this.playings[id].source.stop(time + 0.41); if (this.playings[id].voice) { this.playings[id].voice.stop(time); } this.playings[id] = null; } }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.stop = function (id, delay_ms, part_id) { var time = this.context.currentTime + delay_ms / 1000; var delay = delay_ms - this.threshold; if (delay <= 0) this.actualStop(id, time, part_id); else { this.worker.postMessage({ delay: delay, args: { action: 1 /*stop*/, id: id, time: time, part_id: part_id } }); } }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.setVolume = function (vol) { AudioEngine.prototype.setVolume.call(this, vol); this.masterGain.gain.value = this.volume; }; AudioEngineWeb.prototype.resume = function () { this.paused = false; this.context.resume(); }; // Renderer classes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var Renderer = function () {}; Renderer.prototype.init = function (piano) { this.piano = piano; this.resize(); return this; }; Renderer.prototype.resize = function (width, height) { if (typeof width == "undefined") width = $(this.piano.rootElement).width(); if (typeof height == "undefined") height = Math.floor(width * 0.2); $(this.piano.rootElement).css({ height: height + "px", marginTop: Math.floor($(window).height() / 2 - height / 2) + "px" }); this.width = width * window.devicePixelRatio; this.height = height * window.devicePixelRatio; }; Renderer.prototype.visualize = function (key, color) {}; var CanvasRenderer = function () { Renderer.call(this); }; CanvasRenderer.prototype = new Renderer(); CanvasRenderer.prototype.init = function (piano) { this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); piano.rootElement.appendChild(this.canvas); Renderer.prototype.init.call(this, piano); // calls resize() // create render loop var self = this; var render = function () { self.redraw(); requestAnimationFrame(render); }; requestAnimationFrame(render); // add event listeners var mouse_down = false; var last_key = null; $(piano.rootElement).mousedown(function (event) { mouse_down = true; //event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); var pos = CanvasRenderer.translateMouseEvent(event); var hit = self.getHit(pos.x, pos.y); if (hit) { press(hit.key.note, hit.v); last_key = hit.key; } }); piano.rootElement.addEventListener( "touchstart", function (event) { mouse_down = true; //event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); for (var i in event.changedTouches) { var pos = CanvasRenderer.translateMouseEvent( event.changedTouches[i] ); var hit = self.getHit(pos.x, pos.y); if (hit) { press(hit.key.note, hit.v); last_key = hit.key; } } }, false ); $(window).mouseup(function (event) { if (last_key) { release(last_key.note); } mouse_down = false; last_key = null; }); /*$(piano.rootElement).mousemove(function(event) { if(!mouse_down) return; var pos = CanvasRenderer.translateMouseEvent(event); var hit = self.getHit(pos.x, pos.y); if(hit && hit.key != last_key) { press(hit.key.note, hit.v); last_key = hit.key; } });*/ return this; }; CanvasRenderer.prototype.resize = function (width, height) { Renderer.prototype.resize.call(this, width, height); if (this.width < 52 * 2) this.width = 52 * 2; if (this.height < this.width * 0.2) this.height = Math.floor(this.width * 0.2); this.canvas.width = this.width; this.canvas.height = this.height; this.canvas.style.width = this.width / window.devicePixelRatio + "px"; this.canvas.style.height = this.height / window.devicePixelRatio + "px"; // calculate key sizes this.whiteKeyWidth = Math.floor(this.width / 52); this.whiteKeyHeight = Math.floor(this.height * 0.9); this.blackKeyWidth = Math.floor(this.whiteKeyWidth * 0.75); this.blackKeyHeight = Math.floor(this.height * 0.5); this.blackKeyOffset = Math.floor( this.whiteKeyWidth - this.blackKeyWidth / 2 ); this.keyMovement = Math.floor(this.whiteKeyHeight * 0.015); this.whiteBlipWidth = Math.floor(this.whiteKeyWidth * 0.7); this.whiteBlipHeight = Math.floor(this.whiteBlipWidth * 0.8); this.whiteBlipX = Math.floor( (this.whiteKeyWidth - this.whiteBlipWidth) / 2 ); this.whiteBlipY = Math.floor( this.whiteKeyHeight - this.whiteBlipHeight * 1.2 ); this.blackBlipWidth = Math.floor(this.blackKeyWidth * 0.7); this.blackBlipHeight = Math.floor(this.blackBlipWidth * 0.8); this.blackBlipY = Math.floor( this.blackKeyHeight - this.blackBlipHeight * 1.2 ); this.blackBlipX = Math.floor( (this.blackKeyWidth - this.blackBlipWidth) / 2 ); // prerender white key this.whiteKeyRender = document.createElement("canvas"); this.whiteKeyRender.width = this.whiteKeyWidth; this.whiteKeyRender.height = this.height + 10; var ctx = this.whiteKeyRender.getContext("2d"); if (ctx.createLinearGradient) { var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.whiteKeyHeight ); gradient.addColorStop(0, "#eee"); gradient.addColorStop(0.75, "#fff"); gradient.addColorStop(1, "#dad4d4"); ctx.fillStyle = gradient; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; } ctx.strokeStyle = "#000"; ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.lineWidth = 10; ctx.strokeRect( ctx.lineWidth / 2, ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.whiteKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.whiteKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth ); ctx.lineWidth = 4; ctx.fillRect( ctx.lineWidth / 2, ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.whiteKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.whiteKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth ); // prerender black key this.blackKeyRender = document.createElement("canvas"); this.blackKeyRender.width = this.blackKeyWidth + 10; this.blackKeyRender.height = this.blackKeyHeight + 10; var ctx = this.blackKeyRender.getContext("2d"); if (ctx.createLinearGradient) { var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.blackKeyHeight ); gradient.addColorStop(0, "#000"); gradient.addColorStop(1, "#444"); ctx.fillStyle = gradient; } else { ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; } ctx.strokeStyle = "#222"; ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.lineWidth = 8; ctx.strokeRect( ctx.lineWidth / 2, ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.blackKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.blackKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth ); ctx.lineWidth = 4; ctx.fillRect( ctx.lineWidth / 2, ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.blackKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.blackKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth ); // prerender shadows this.shadowRender = []; var y = -this.canvas.height * 2; for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); this.shadowRender[j] = canvas; canvas.width = this.canvas.width; canvas.height = this.canvas.height; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); var sharp = j ? true : false; ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; ctx.shadowBlur = this.keyMovement * 3; ctx.shadowOffsetY = -y + this.keyMovement; if (sharp) { ctx.shadowOffsetX = this.keyMovement; } else { ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0; ctx.shadowOffsetY = -y + this.keyMovement; } for (var i in this.piano.keys) { if (!this.piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var key = this.piano.keys[i]; if (key.sharp != sharp) continue; if (key.sharp) { ctx.fillRect( this.blackKeyOffset + this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial + ctx.lineWidth / 2, y + ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.blackKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.blackKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth ); } else { ctx.fillRect( this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial + ctx.lineWidth / 2, y + ctx.lineWidth / 2, this.whiteKeyWidth - ctx.lineWidth, this.whiteKeyHeight - ctx.lineWidth ); } } } // update key rects for (var i in this.piano.keys) { if (!this.piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var key = this.piano.keys[i]; if (key.sharp) { key.rect = new Rect( this.blackKeyOffset + this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial, 0, this.blackKeyWidth, this.blackKeyHeight ); } else { key.rect = new Rect( this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial, 0, this.whiteKeyWidth, this.whiteKeyHeight ); } } }; CanvasRenderer.prototype.visualize = function (key, color) { key.timePlayed = Date.now(); key.blips.push({ time: key.timePlayed, color: color }); }; CanvasRenderer.prototype.redraw = function () { var now = Date.now(); var timeLoadedEnd = now - 1000; var timePlayedEnd = now - 100; var timeBlipEnd = now - 1000; this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); // draw all keys for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; this.ctx.drawImage(this.shadowRender[j], 0, 0); var sharp = j ? true : false; for (var i in this.piano.keys) { if (!this.piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var key = this.piano.keys[i]; if (key.sharp != sharp) continue; if (!key.loaded) { this.ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2; } else if (key.timeLoaded > timeLoadedEnd) { this.ctx.globalAlpha = ((now - key.timeLoaded) / 1000) * 0.8 + 0.2; } else { this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; } var y = 0; if (key.timePlayed > timePlayedEnd) { y = Math.floor( this.keyMovement - ((now - key.timePlayed) / 100) * this.keyMovement ); } var x = Math.floor( key.sharp ? this.blackKeyOffset + this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial : this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial ); var image = key.sharp ? this.blackKeyRender : this.whiteKeyRender; this.ctx.drawImage(image, x, y); // render blips if (key.blips.length) { var alpha = this.ctx.globalAlpha; var w, h; if (key.sharp) { x += this.blackBlipX; y = this.blackBlipY; w = this.blackBlipWidth; h = this.blackBlipHeight; } else { x += this.whiteBlipX; y = this.whiteBlipY; w = this.whiteBlipWidth; h = this.whiteBlipHeight; } for (var b = 0; b < key.blips.length; b++) { var blip = key.blips[b]; if (blip.time > timeBlipEnd) { this.ctx.fillStyle = blip.color; this.ctx.globalAlpha = alpha - (now - blip.time) / 1000; this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h); } else { key.blips.splice(b, 1); --b; } y -= Math.floor(h * 1.1); } } } } this.ctx.restore(); }; CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderNoteLyrics = function () { // render lyric for (var part_id in this.noteLyrics) { if (!this.noteLyrics.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var lyric = this.noteLyrics[part_id]; var lyric_x = x; var lyric_y = this.whiteKeyHeight + 1; this.ctx.fillStyle = key.lyric.color; var alpha = this.ctx.globalAlpha; this.ctx.globalAlpha = alpha - (now - key.lyric.time) / 1000; this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, 10, 10); } }; CanvasRenderer.prototype.getHit = function (x, y) { for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { var sharp = j ? false : true; // black keys first for (var i in this.piano.keys) { if (!this.piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var key = this.piano.keys[i]; if (key.sharp != sharp) continue; if (key.rect.contains(x, y)) { var v = y / (key.sharp ? this.blackKeyHeight : this.whiteKeyHeight); v += 0.25; v *= DEFAULT_VELOCITY; if (v > 1.0) v = 1.0; return { key: key, v: v }; } } } return null; }; CanvasRenderer.isSupported = function () { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); return !!(canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d")); }; CanvasRenderer.translateMouseEvent = function (evt) { var element = evt.target; var offx = 0; var offy = 0; do { if (!element) break; // wtf, wtf? offx += element.offsetLeft; offy += element.offsetTop; } while ((element = element.offsetParent)); return { x: (evt.pageX - offx) * window.devicePixelRatio, y: (evt.pageY - offy) * window.devicePixelRatio }; }; // Soundpack Stuff by electrashave ♥ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function SoundSelector(piano) { this.initialized = false; this.keys = piano.keys; this.loading = {}; this.notification; this.packs = []; this.piano = piano; this.soundSelection = localStorage.soundSelection ? localStorage.soundSelection : "MPP Classic"; this.addPack({ name: "MPP Classic", keys: Object.keys(this.piano.keys), ext: ".mp3", url: "/sounds/mppclassic/" }); } SoundSelector.prototype.addPack = function (pack, load) { var self = this; self.loading[pack.url || pack] = true; function add(obj) { var added = false; for (var i = 0; self.packs.length > i; i++) { if (obj.name == self.packs[i].name) { added = true; break; } } if (added) return console.warn("Sounds already added!!"); //no adding soundpacks twice D:< if (obj.url.substr(obj.url.length - 1) != "/") obj.url = obj.url + "/"; var html = document.createElement("li"); html.classList = "pack"; html.innerText = obj.name + " (" + obj.keys.length + " keys)"; html.onclick = function () { self.loadPack(obj.name); self.notification.close(); }; obj.html = html; self.packs.push(obj); self.packs.sort(function (a, b) { if (a.name < b.name) return -1; if (a.name > b.name) return 1; return 0; }); if (load) self.loadPack(obj.name); delete self.loading[obj.url]; } if (typeof pack == "string") { $.getJSON(pack + "/info.json").done(function (json) { json.url = pack; add(json); }); } else add(pack); //validate packs?? }; SoundSelector.prototype.addPacks = function (packs) { for (var i = 0; packs.length > i; i++) this.addPack(packs[i]); }; SoundSelector.prototype.init = function () { var self = this; if (self.initialized) return console.warn("Sound selector already initialized!"); if (!!Object.keys(self.loading).length) return setTimeout(function () { self.init(); }, 250); $("#sound-btn").on("click", function () { if (document.getElementById("Notification-Sound-Selector") != null) return self.notification.close(); var html = document.createElement("ul"); //$(html).append("

Current Sound: " + self.soundSelection + "

"); for (var i = 0; self.packs.length > i; i++) { var pack = self.packs[i]; if (pack.name == self.soundSelection) pack.html.classList = "pack enabled"; else pack.html.classList = "pack"; html.appendChild(pack.html); } self.notification = new Notification({ title: "Sound Selector", html: html, id: "Sound-Selector", duration: -1, target: "#sound-btn" }); }); self.initialized = true; self.loadPack(self.soundSelection, true); }; SoundSelector.prototype.loadPack = function (pack, f) { for (var i = 0; this.packs.length > i; i++) { var p = this.packs[i]; if (p.name == pack) { pack = p; break; } } if (typeof pack == "string") { console.warn("Sound pack does not exist! Loading default pack..."); return this.loadPack("MPP Classic"); } if (pack.name == this.soundSelection && !f) return; if (pack.keys.length != Object.keys(this.piano.keys).length) { this.piano.keys = {}; for (var i = 0; pack.keys.length > i; i++) this.piano.keys[pack.keys[i]] = this.keys[pack.keys[i]]; this.piano.renderer.resize(); } var self = this; for (var i in this.piano.keys) { if (!this.piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; (function () { var key = self.piano.keys[i]; key.loaded = false; self.piano.audio.load( key.note, pack.url + key.note + pack.ext, function () { key.loaded = true; key.timeLoaded = Date.now(); } ); })(); } if (localStorage) localStorage.soundSelection = pack.name; this.soundSelection = pack.name; }; SoundSelector.prototype.removePack = function (name) { var found = false; for (var i = 0; this.packs.length > i; i++) { var pack = this.packs[i]; if (pack.name == name) { this.packs.splice(i, 1); if (pack.name == this.soundSelection) this.loadPack(this.packs[0].name); //add mpp default if none? break; } } if (!found) console.warn("Sound pack not found!"); }; // Pianoctor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var PianoKey = function (note, octave) { this.note = note + octave; this.baseNote = note; this.octave = octave; this.sharp = note.indexOf("s") != -1; this.loaded = false; this.timeLoaded = 0; this.domElement = null; this.timePlayed = 0; this.blips = []; }; var Piano = function (rootElement) { var piano = this; piano.rootElement = rootElement; piano.keys = {}; var white_spatial = 0; var black_spatial = 0; var black_it = 0; var black_lut = [2, 1, 2, 1, 1]; var addKey = function (note, octave) { var key = new PianoKey(note, octave); piano.keys[key.note] = key; if (key.sharp) { key.spatial = black_spatial; black_spatial += black_lut[black_it % 5]; ++black_it; } else { key.spatial = white_spatial; ++white_spatial; } }; if (test_mode) { addKey("c", 2); } else { addKey("a", -1); addKey("as", -1); addKey("b", -1); var notes = "c cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b".split(" "); for (var oct = 0; oct < 7; oct++) { for (var i in notes) { addKey(notes[i], oct); } } addKey("c", 7); } this.renderer = new CanvasRenderer().init(this); window.addEventListener("resize", function () { piano.renderer.resize(); }); window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext || undefined; var audio_engine = AudioEngineWeb; this.audio = new audio_engine().init(); }; Piano.prototype.play = function (note, vol, participant, delay_ms, lyric) { if (!this.keys.hasOwnProperty(note) || !participant) return; var key = this.keys[note]; if (key.loaded) this.audio.play(key.note, vol, delay_ms, participant.id); if (gMidiOutTest) gMidiOutTest(key.note, vol * 100, delay_ms); var self = this; setTimeout(function () { self.renderer.visualize(key, participant.color); if (lyric) { } var jq_namediv = $(participant.nameDiv); jq_namediv.addClass("play"); setTimeout(function () { jq_namediv.removeClass("play"); }, 30); }, delay_ms || 0); }; Piano.prototype.stop = function (note, participant, delay_ms) { if (!this.keys.hasOwnProperty(note)) return; var key = this.keys[note]; if (key.loaded) this.audio.stop(key.note, delay_ms, participant.id); if (gMidiOutTest) gMidiOutTest(key.note, 0, delay_ms); }; var gPiano = new Piano(document.getElementById("piano")); var gSoundSelector = new SoundSelector(gPiano); gSoundSelector.addPacks([ "/sounds/Emotional_2.0/", "/sounds/Harp/", "/sounds/Music_Box/", "/sounds/Vintage_Upright/", "/sounds/Steinway_Grand/", "/sounds/Emotional/", "/sounds/Untitled/" ]); gSoundSelector.init(); var gAutoSustain = false; var gSustain = false; var gHeldNotes = {}; var gSustainedNotes = {}; function press(id, vol) { if (!gClient.preventsPlaying() && gNoteQuota.spend(1)) { gHeldNotes[id] = true; gSustainedNotes[id] = true; gPiano.play( id, vol !== undefined ? vol : DEFAULT_VELOCITY, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0 ); gClient.startNote(id, vol); } } function release(id) { if (gHeldNotes[id]) { gHeldNotes[id] = false; if ((gAutoSustain || gSustain) && !enableSynth) { gSustainedNotes[id] = true; } else { if (gNoteQuota.spend(1)) { gPiano.stop(id, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.stopNote(id); gSustainedNotes[id] = false; } } } } function pressSustain() { gSustain = true; } function releaseSustain() { gSustain = false; if (!gAutoSustain) { for (var id in gSustainedNotes) { if ( gSustainedNotes.hasOwnProperty(id) && gSustainedNotes[id] && !gHeldNotes[id] ) { gSustainedNotes[id] = false; if (gNoteQuota.spend(1)) { gPiano.stop(id, gClient.getOwnParticipant(), 0); gClient.stopNote(id); } } } } } // internet science //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var channel_id = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash); if (channel_id.substr(0, 1) == "#") channel_id = channel_id.substr(1); if (channel_id == "") channel_id = "lobby"; const protocol = location.protocol == "https:" ? "wss:" : "ws:"; const wssport = window.location.hostname == "www.multiplayerpiano.dev" ? 443 : 8443; const gClient = new Client(`${protocol}//${location.hostname}:${wssport}`); gClient.setChannel(channel_id); gClient.start(); gClient.on("disconnect", function (evt) { console.log(evt); }); // Setting status (function () { gClient.on("status", function (status) { $("#status").text(status); }); gClient.on("count", function (count) { if (count > 0) { $("#status").html( '' + count + " " + (count == 1 ? "person is" : "people are") + " playing" ); document.title = "Piano (" + count + ")"; } else { document.title = "Multiplayer Piano"; } }); })(); // Handle changes to participants (function () { gClient.on("participant added", function (part) { part.displayX = 150; part.displayY = 50; // add nameDiv var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "name"; div.participantId = part.id; div.textContent = part.name || ""; div.style.backgroundColor = part.color || "#777"; if (gClient.participantId === part.id) { $(div).addClass("me"); } if ( gClient.channel && gClient.channel.crown && gClient.channel.crown.participantId === part.id ) { $(div).addClass("owner"); } if (gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id) !== -1) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-notes"); } if (gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id) !== -1) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-chat"); } div.style.display = "none"; part.nameDiv = $("#names")[0].appendChild(div); $(part.nameDiv).fadeIn(2000); // sort names var arr = $("#names .name"); arr.sort(function (a, b) { a = a.style.backgroundColor; // todo: sort based on user id instead b = b.style.backgroundColor; if (a > b) return 1; else if (a < b) return -1; else return 0; }); $("#names").html(arr); // add cursorDiv if (gClient.participantId !== part.id || gSeeOwnCursor) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "cursor"; div.style.display = "none"; part.cursorDiv = $("#cursors")[0].appendChild(div); $(part.cursorDiv).fadeIn(2000); var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "name"; div.style.backgroundColor = part.color || "#777"; div.textContent = part.name || ""; part.cursorDiv.appendChild(div); } else { part.cursorDiv = undefined; } }); gClient.on("participant removed", function (part) { // remove nameDiv var nd = $(part.nameDiv); var cd = $(part.cursorDiv); cd.fadeOut(2000); nd.fadeOut(2000, function () { nd.remove(); cd.remove(); part.nameDiv = undefined; part.cursorDiv = undefined; }); }); gClient.on("participant update", function (part) { var name = part.name || ""; var color = part.color || "#777"; part.nameDiv.style.backgroundColor = color; part.nameDiv.textContent = name; $(part.cursorDiv) .find(".name") .text(name) .css("background-color", color); }); gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { for (var id in gClient.ppl) { if (gClient.ppl.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var part = gClient.ppl[id]; if (part.id === gClient.participantId) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("me"); } else { $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("me"); } if ( msg.ch.crown && msg.ch.crown.participantId === part.id ) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("owner"); $(part.cursorDiv).addClass("owner"); } else { $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("owner"); $(part.cursorDiv).removeClass("owner"); } if (gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id) !== -1) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-notes"); } else { $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-notes"); } if (gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id) !== -1) { $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-chat"); } else { $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-chat"); } } } }); function updateCursor(msg) { const part = gClient.ppl[msg.id]; if (part && part.cursorDiv) { part.cursorDiv.style.left = msg.x + "%"; part.cursorDiv.style.top = msg.y + "%"; } } gClient.on("m", updateCursor); gClient.on("participant added", updateCursor); })(); // Handle changes to crown (function () { var jqcrown = $('
') .appendTo(document.body) .hide(); var jqcountdown = $("").appendTo(jqcrown); var countdown_interval; jqcrown.click(function () { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "chown", id: gClient.participantId }]); }); gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { if (msg.ch.crown) { var crown = msg.ch.crown; if (!crown.participantId || !gClient.ppl[crown.participantId]) { var land_time = crown.time + 2000 - gClient.serverTimeOffset; var avail_time = crown.time + 15000 - gClient.serverTimeOffset; jqcountdown.text(""); jqcrown.show(); if (land_time - Date.now() <= 0) { jqcrown.css({ left: crown.endPos.x + "%", top: crown.endPos.y + "%" }); } else { jqcrown.css({ left: crown.startPos.x + "%", top: crown.startPos.y + "%" }); jqcrown.addClass("spin"); jqcrown.animate( { left: crown.endPos.x + "%", top: crown.endPos.y + "%" }, 2000, "linear", function () { jqcrown.removeClass("spin"); } ); } clearInterval(countdown_interval); countdown_interval = setInterval(function () { var time = Date.now(); if (time >= land_time) { var ms = avail_time - time; if (ms > 0) { jqcountdown.text(Math.ceil(ms / 1000) + "s"); } else { jqcountdown.text(""); clearInterval(countdown_interval); } } }, 1000); } else { jqcrown.hide(); } } else { jqcrown.hide(); } }); gClient.on("disconnect", function () { jqcrown.fadeOut(2000); }); })(); // Playing notes gClient.on("n", function (msg) { var t = msg.t - gClient.serverTimeOffset + TIMING_TARGET - Date.now(); var participant = gClient.findParticipantById(msg.p); if (gPianoMutes.indexOf(participant._id) !== -1) return; for (var i = 0; i < msg.n.length; i++) { var note = msg.n[i]; var ms = t + (note.d || 0); if (ms < 0) { ms = 0; } else if (ms > 10000) continue; if (note.s) { gPiano.stop(note.n, participant, ms); } else { var vel = typeof note.v !== "undefined" ? parseFloat(note.v) : DEFAULT_VELOCITY; if (!vel) vel = 0; else if (vel < 0) vel = 0; else if (vel > 1) vel = 1; gPiano.play(note.n, vel, participant, ms); if (enableSynth) { gPiano.stop(note.n, participant, ms + 1000); } } } }); // Send cursor updates var mx = 0, last_mx = -10, my = 0, last_my = -10; setInterval(function () { if (Math.abs(mx - last_mx) > 0.1 || Math.abs(my - last_my) > 0.1) { last_mx = mx; last_my = my; gClient.sendArray([{ m: "m", x: mx, y: my }]); if (gSeeOwnCursor) { gClient.emit("m", { m: "m", id: gClient.participantId, x: mx, y: my }); } var part = gClient.getOwnParticipant(); if (part) { part.x = mx; part.y = my; } } }, 50); $(document).mousemove(function (event) { mx = ((event.pageX / $(window).width()) * 100).toFixed(2); my = ((event.pageY / $(window).height()) * 100).toFixed(2); }); // Room settings button (function () { gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { if (gClient.isOwner()) { $("#room-settings-btn").show(); } else { $("#room-settings-btn").hide(); } }); $("#room-settings-btn").click(function (evt) { if (gClient.channel && gClient.isOwner()) { var settings = gClient.channel.settings; openModal("#room-settings"); setTimeout(function () { $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=visible]").prop( "checked", settings.visible ); $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=chat]").prop( "checked", settings.chat ); $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=crownsolo]").prop( "checked", settings.crownsolo ); $("#room-settings input[name=color]").val(settings.color); }, 100); } }); $("#room-settings .submit").click(function () { var settings = { visible: $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=visible]").is( ":checked" ), chat: $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=chat]").is(":checked"), crownsolo: $("#room-settings .checkbox[name=crownsolo]").is( ":checked" ), color: $("#room-settings input[name=color]").val() }; gClient.setChannelSettings(settings); closeModal(); }); $("#room-settings .drop-crown").click(function () { closeModal(); if (confirm("This will drop the crown...!")) gClient.sendArray([{ m: "chown" }]); }); })(); // Handle notifications gClient.on("notification", function (msg) { new Notification(msg); }); // Don't foget spin gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { var chidlo = msg.ch._id.toLowerCase(); if (chidlo === "spin" || chidlo.substr(-5) === "/spin") { $("#piano").addClass("spin"); } else { $("#piano").removeClass("spin"); } }); /*function eb() { if(gClient.channel && gClient.channel._id.toLowerCase() === "test/fishing") { ebsprite.start(gClient); } else { ebsprite.stop(); } } if(ebsprite) { gClient.on("ch", eb); eb(); }*/ // Crownsolo notice gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { let notice = ""; let has_notice = false; if (msg.ch.settings.crownsolo) { has_notice = true; notice += '

This room is set to "only the owner can play."

'; } if (msg.ch.settings["no cussing"]) { has_notice = true; notice += '

This room is set to "no cussing."

'; } let notice_div = $("#room-notice"); if (has_notice) { notice_div.html(notice); if (notice_div.is(":hidden")) notice_div.fadeIn(1000); } else { if (notice_div.is(":visible")) notice_div.fadeOut(1000); } }); gClient.on("disconnect", function () { $("#room-notice").fadeOut(1000); }); // Background color (function () { var old_color1 = new Color("#000000"); var old_color2 = new Color("#000000"); function setColor(hex, hex2) { var color1 = new Color(hex); var color2 = new Color(hex2 || hex); if (!hex2) color2.add(-0x40, -0x40, -0x40); var bottom = document.getElementById("bottom"); var duration = 500; var step = 0; var steps = 30; var step_ms = duration / steps; var difference = new Color(color1.r, color1.g, color1.b); difference.r -= old_color1.r; difference.g -= old_color1.g; difference.b -= old_color1.b; var inc1 = new Color( difference.r / steps, difference.g / steps, difference.b / steps ); difference = new Color(color2.r, color2.g, color2.b); difference.r -= old_color2.r; difference.g -= old_color2.g; difference.b -= old_color2.b; var inc2 = new Color( difference.r / steps, difference.g / steps, difference.b / steps ); var iv; iv = setInterval(function () { old_color1.add(inc1.r, inc1.g, inc1.b); old_color2.add(inc2.r, inc2.g, inc2.b); document.body.style.background = "radial-gradient(ellipse at center, " + old_color1.toHexa() + " 0%," + old_color2.toHexa() + " 100%)"; bottom.style.background = old_color2.toHexa(); if (++step >= steps) { clearInterval(iv); old_color1 = color1; old_color2 = color2; document.body.style.background = "radial-gradient(ellipse at center, " + color1.toHexa() + " 0%," + color2.toHexa() + " 100%)"; bottom.style.background = color2.toHexa(); } }, step_ms); } function setColorToDefault() { setColor("#000000", "#000000"); } setColorToDefault(); gClient.on("ch", function (ch) { if (ch.ch.settings) { if (ch.ch.settings.color) { setColor(ch.ch.settings.color, ch.ch.settings.color2); } else { setColorToDefault(); } } }); })(); var gPianoMutes = (localStorage.pianoMutes ? localStorage.pianoMutes : "") .split(",") .filter(v => v); var gChatMutes = (localStorage.pianoMutes ? localStorage.pianoMutes : "") .split(",") .filter(v => v); var volume_slider = document.getElementById("volume-slider"); volume_slider.value = gPiano.audio.volume; $("#volume-label").text( "Volume: " + Math.floor(gPiano.audio.volume * 100) + "%" ); volume_slider.addEventListener("input", function (evt) { var v = +volume_slider.value; gPiano.audio.setVolume(v); if (window.localStorage) localStorage.volume = v; $("#volume-label").text("Volume: " + Math.floor(v * 100) + "%"); }); var Note = function (note, octave) { this.note = note; this.octave = octave || 0; }; var n = function (a, b) { return { note: new Note(a, b), held: false }; }; var key_binding = { 65: n("gs"), 90: n("a"), 83: n("as"), 88: n("b"), 67: n("c", 1), 70: n("cs", 1), 86: n("d", 1), 71: n("ds", 1), 66: n("e", 1), 78: n("f", 1), 74: n("fs", 1), 77: n("g", 1), 75: n("gs", 1), 188: n("a", 1), 76: n("as", 1), 190: n("b", 1), 191: n("c", 2), 222: n("cs", 2), 49: n("gs", 1), 81: n("a", 1), 50: n("as", 1), 87: n("b", 1), 69: n("c", 2), 52: n("cs", 2), 82: n("d", 2), 53: n("ds", 2), 84: n("e", 2), 89: n("f", 2), 55: n("fs", 2), 85: n("g", 2), 56: n("gs", 2), 73: n("a", 2), 57: n("as", 2), 79: n("b", 2), 80: n("c", 3), 189: n("cs", 3), 173: n("cs", 3), // firefox why 219: n("d", 3), 187: n("ds", 3), 61: n("ds", 3), // firefox why 221: n("e", 3) }; var capsLockKey = false; var transpose_octave = 0; function handleKeyDown(evt) { //console.log(evt); var code = parseInt(evt.keyCode); if (key_binding[code] !== undefined) { var binding = key_binding[code]; if (!binding.held) { binding.held = true; var note = binding.note; var octave = 1 + note.octave + transpose_octave; if (evt.shiftKey) ++octave; else if (capsLockKey || evt.ctrlKey) --octave; note = note.note + octave; var vol = velocityFromMouseY(); press(note, vol); } if (++gKeyboardSeq == 3) { gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboard = true; if (window.gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardTimeout) clearTimeout(gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardTimeout); if (localStorage) localStorage.knowsYouCanUseKeyboard = true; if (window.gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardNotification) gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardNotification.close(); } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; } else if (code == 20) { // Caps Lock capsLockKey = true; evt.preventDefault(); } else if (code === 0x20) { // Space Bar pressSustain(); evt.preventDefault(); } else if ((code === 38 || code === 39) && transpose_octave < 3) { ++transpose_octave; } else if ((code === 40 || code === 37) && transpose_octave > -2) { --transpose_octave; } else if (code == 9) { // Tab (don't tab away from the piano) evt.preventDefault(); } else if (code == 8) { // Backspace (don't navigate Back) gAutoSustain = !gAutoSustain; evt.preventDefault(); } } function handleKeyUp(evt) { var code = parseInt(evt.keyCode); if (key_binding[code] !== undefined) { var binding = key_binding[code]; if (binding.held) { binding.held = false; var note = binding.note; var octave = 1 + note.octave + transpose_octave; if (evt.shiftKey) ++octave; else if (capsLockKey || evt.ctrlKey) --octave; note = note.note + octave; release(note); } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; } else if (code == 20) { // Caps Lock capsLockKey = false; evt.preventDefault(); } else if (code === 0x20) { // Space Bar releaseSustain(); evt.preventDefault(); } } function handleKeyPress(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if (evt.keyCode == 27 || evt.keyCode == 13) { //$("#chat input").focus(); } return false; } var recapListener = function (evt) { captureKeyboard(); }; function captureKeyboard() { $("#piano").off("mousedown", recapListener); $("#piano").off("touchstart", recapListener); $(document).on("keydown", handleKeyDown); $(document).on("keyup", handleKeyUp); $(window).on("keypress", handleKeyPress); } function releaseKeyboard() { $(document).off("keydown", handleKeyDown); $(document).off("keyup", handleKeyUp); $(window).off("keypress", handleKeyPress); $("#piano").on("mousedown", recapListener); $("#piano").on("touchstart", recapListener); } captureKeyboard(); var velocityFromMouseY = function () { return 0.1 + (my / 100) * 0.6; }; // NoteQuota var gNoteQuota = (function () { var last_rat = 0; var nqjq = $("#quota .value"); setInterval(function () { gNoteQuota.tick(); }, 2000); return new NoteQuota(function (points) { // update UI var rat = (points / this.max) * 100; if (rat <= last_rat) nqjq.stop(true, true).css("width", rat.toFixed(0) + "%"); else nqjq.stop(true, true).animate( { width: rat.toFixed(0) + "%" }, 2000, "linear" ); last_rat = rat; }); })(); gClient.on("nq", function (nq_params) { gNoteQuota.setParams(nq_params); }); gClient.on("disconnect", function () { gNoteQuota.setParams(NoteQuota.PARAMS_OFFLINE); }); // click participant names (function () { var ele = document.getElementById("names"); var touchhandler = function (e) { var target_jq = $(e.target); if (target_jq.hasClass("name")) { target_jq.addClass("play"); if (e.target.participantId == gClient.participantId) { openModal("#rename", "input[name=name]"); setTimeout(function () { $("#rename input[name=name]").val( gClient.ppl[gClient.participantId].name ); $("#rename input[name=color]").val( gClient.ppl[gClient.participantId].color ); }, 100); } else if (e.target.participantId) { var id = e.target.participantId; var part = gClient.ppl[id] || null; if (part) { participantMenu(part); e.stopPropagation(); } } } }; ele.addEventListener("mousedown", touchhandler); ele.addEventListener("touchstart", touchhandler); var releasehandler = function (e) { $("#names .name").removeClass("play"); }; document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", releasehandler); document.body.addEventListener("touchend", releasehandler); var removeParticipantMenus = function () { $(".participant-menu").remove(); $(".participantSpotlight").hide(); document.removeEventListener("mousedown", removeParticipantMenus); document.removeEventListener("touchstart", removeParticipantMenus); }; var participantMenu = function (part) { if (!part) return; removeParticipantMenus(); document.addEventListener("mousedown", removeParticipantMenus); document.addEventListener("touchstart", removeParticipantMenus); $("#" + part.id) .find(".enemySpotlight") .show(); var menu = $('
'); $("body").append(menu); // move menu to name position var jq_nd = $(part.nameDiv); var pos = jq_nd.position(); menu.css({ top: pos.top + jq_nd.height() + 15, left: pos.left + 6, background: part.color || "black" }); menu.on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); var target = $(evt.target); if (target.hasClass("menu-item")) { target.addClass("clicked"); menu.fadeOut(200, function () { removeParticipantMenus(); }); } }); // this spaces stuff out but also can be used for informational $('
').appendTo(menu).text(part._id); // add menu items if (gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id) == -1) { $('') .appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { gPianoMutes.push(part._id); if (localStorage) localStorage.pianoMutes = gPianoMutes.join(","); $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-notes"); }); } else { $('') .appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { var i; while ((i = gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id)) != -1) gPianoMutes.splice(i, 1); if (localStorage) localStorage.pianoMutes = gPianoMutes.join(","); $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-notes"); }); } if (gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id) == -1) { $('') .appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { gChatMutes.push(part._id); if (localStorage) localStorage.chatMutes = gChatMutes.join(","); $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-chat"); }); } else { $('') .appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { var i; while ((i = gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id)) != -1) gChatMutes.splice(i, 1); if (localStorage) localStorage.chatMutes = gChatMutes.join(","); $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-chat"); }); } if ( !(gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id) >= 0) || !(gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id) >= 0) ) { $('') .appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { gPianoMutes.push(part._id); if (localStorage) localStorage.pianoMutes = gPianoMutes.join(","); gChatMutes.push(part._id); if (localStorage) localStorage.chatMutes = gChatMutes.join(","); $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-notes"); $(part.nameDiv).addClass("muted-chat"); }); } if ( gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id) >= 0 || gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id) >= 0 ) { $('') .appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { var i; while ((i = gPianoMutes.indexOf(part._id)) != -1) gPianoMutes.splice(i, 1); while ((i = gChatMutes.indexOf(part._id)) != -1) gChatMutes.splice(i, 1); if (localStorage) localStorage.pianoMutes = gPianoMutes.join(","); if (localStorage) localStorage.chatMutes = gChatMutes.join(","); $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-notes"); $(part.nameDiv).removeClass("muted-chat"); }); } if (gClient.isOwner()) { $('') .appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { if ( confirm("Give room ownership to " + part.name + "?") ) gClient.sendArray([{ m: "chown", id: part.id }]); }); $('') .appendTo(menu) .on("mousedown touchstart", function (evt) { var minutes = prompt("How many minutes? (0-60)", "30"); if (minutes === null) return; minutes = parseFloat(minutes) || 0; var ms = minutes * 60 * 1000; gClient.sendArray([ { m: "kickban", _id: part._id, ms: ms } ]); }); } menu.fadeIn(100); }; })(); // Notification class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var Notification = function (par) { if (this instanceof Notification === false) throw "yeet"; EventEmitter.call(this); var par = par || {}; this.id = "Notification-" + (par.id || Math.random()); this.title = par.title || ""; this.text = par.text || ""; this.html = par.html || ""; this.target = $(par.target || "#piano"); this.duration = par.duration || 30000; this["class"] = par["class"] || "classic"; var self = this; var eles = $("#" + this.id); if (eles.length > 0) { eles.remove(); } this.domElement = $( '
' + '
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'); info.attr("roomname", room._id); $("#room .more").append(info); } info.text(room._id + " (" + room.count + ")"); if (room.settings.lobby) info.addClass("lobby"); else info.removeClass("lobby"); if (!room.settings.chat) info.addClass("no-chat"); else info.removeClass("no-chat"); if (room.settings.crownsolo) info.addClass("crownsolo"); else info.removeClass("crownsolo"); if (room.settings["no cussing"]) info.addClass("no-cussing"); else info.removeClass("no-cussing"); if (!room.settings.visible) info.addClass("not-visible"); else info.removeClass("not-visible"); if (room.banned) info.addClass("banned"); else info.removeClass("banned"); } }); $("#room").on("click", function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); // clicks on a new room if ( $(evt.target).hasClass("info") && $(evt.target).parents(".more").length ) { $("#room .more").fadeOut(250); var selected_name = $(evt.target).attr("roomname"); if (typeof selected_name != "undefined") { changeRoom(selected_name, "right"); } return false; } // clicks on "New Room..." else if ($(evt.target).hasClass("new")) { openModal("#new-room", "input[name=name]"); } // all other clicks var doc_click = function (evt) { if ($(evt.target).is("#room .more")) return; $(document).off("mousedown", doc_click); $("#room .more").fadeOut(250); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "-ls" }]); }; $(document).on("mousedown", doc_click); $("#room .more .info").remove(); $("#room .more").show(); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "+ls" }]); }); $("#new-room-btn").on("click", function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); openModal("#new-room", "input[name=name]"); }); $("#play-alone-btn").on("click", function (evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); var room_name = "Room" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000000); changeRoom(room_name, "right", { visible: false }); setTimeout(function () { new Notification({ id: "share", title: "Playing alone", html: "You are playing alone in a room by yourself, but you can always invite \ friends by sending them the link.

\ Share on Facebook

\ Tweet', duration: 25000 }); }, 1000); }); var gModal; function modalHandleEsc(evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 27) { closeModal(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } } function openModal(selector, focus) { if (chat) chat.blur(); releaseKeyboard(); $(document).on("keydown", modalHandleEsc); $("#modal #modals > *").hide(); $("#modal").fadeIn(250); $(selector).show(); setTimeout(function () { $(selector).find(focus).focus(); }, 100); gModal = selector; } function closeModal() { $(document).off("keydown", modalHandleEsc); $("#modal").fadeOut(100); $("#modal #modals > *").hide(); captureKeyboard(); gModal = null; } var modal_bg = $("#modal .bg")[0]; $(modal_bg).on("click", function (evt) { if (evt.target != modal_bg) return; closeModal(); }); (function () { function submit() { var name = $("#new-room .text[name=name]").val(); var settings = { visible: $("#new-room .checkbox[name=visible]").is(":checked"), chat: true }; $("#new-room .text[name=name]").val(""); closeModal(); changeRoom(name, "right", settings); setTimeout(function () { new Notification({ id: "share", title: "Created a Room", html: "You can invite friends to your room by sending them the link.

\ Share on Facebook

\ Tweet', duration: 25000 }); }, 1000); } $("#new-room .submit").click(function (evt) { submit(); }); $("#new-room .text[name=name]").keypress(function (evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 13) { submit(); } else if (evt.keyCode == 27) { closeModal(); } else { return; } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; }); })(); function changeRoom(name, direction, settings, push) { if (!settings) settings = {}; if (!direction) direction = "right"; if (typeof push == "undefined") push = true; var opposite = direction == "left" ? "right" : "left"; if (name == "") name = "lobby"; if (gClient.channel && gClient.channel._id === name) return; if (push) { var url = "/#" + encodeURIComponent(name).replace("'", "%27"); if (window.history && history.pushState) { history.pushState( { depth: (gHistoryDepth += 1), name: name }, "Piano > " + name, url ); } else { window.location = url; return; } } gClient.setChannel(name, settings); var t = 0, d = 100; $("#piano") .addClass("ease-out") .addClass("slide-" + opposite); setTimeout( function () { $("#piano") .removeClass("ease-out") .removeClass("slide-" + opposite) .addClass("slide-" + direction); }, (t += d) ); setTimeout( function () { $("#piano") .addClass("ease-in") .removeClass("slide-" + direction); }, (t += d) ); setTimeout( function () { $("#piano").removeClass("ease-in"); }, (t += d) ); } var gHistoryDepth = 0; $(window).on("popstate", function (evt) { var depth = evt.state ? evt.state.depth : 0; if (depth == gHistoryDepth) return; // <-- forgot why I did that though... var direction = depth <= gHistoryDepth ? "left" : "right"; gHistoryDepth = depth; var name = decodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname); if (name.substr(0, 1) == "/") name = name.substr(1); changeRoom(name, direction, null, false); }); // Rename //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { function submit() { var set = { name: $("#rename input[name=name]").val(), color: $("#rename input[name=color]").val() }; //$("#rename .text[name=name]").val(""); closeModal(); gClient.sendArray([{ m: "userset", set: set }]); } $("#rename .submit").click(function (evt) { submit(); }); $("#rename .text[name=name]").keypress(function (evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 13) { submit(); } else if (evt.keyCode == 27) { closeModal(); } else { return; } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); return false; }); })(); // chatctor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var chat = (function () { gClient.on("ch", function (msg) { if (msg.ch.settings.chat) { chat.show(); } else { chat.hide(); } }); gClient.on("disconnect", function (msg) {}); gClient.on("c", function (msg) { chat.clear(); if (msg.c) { for (var i = 0; i < msg.c.length; i++) { chat.receive(msg.c[i]); } } }); gClient.on("a", function (msg) { chat.receive(msg); }); $("#chat input").on("focus", function (evt) { releaseKeyboard(); $("#chat").addClass("chatting"); chat.scrollToBottom(); }); /*$("#chat input").on("blur", function(evt) { captureKeyboard(); $("#chat").removeClass("chatting"); chat.scrollToBottom(); });*/ $(document).mousedown(function (evt) { if (!$("#chat").has(evt.target).length > 0) { chat.blur(); } }); document.addEventListener("touchstart", function (event) { for (var i in event.changedTouches) { var touch = event.changedTouches[i]; if (!$("#chat").has(touch.target).length > 0) { chat.blur(); } } }); $(document).on("keydown", function (evt) { if ($("#chat").hasClass("chatting")) { if (evt.keyCode == 27) { chat.blur(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } else if (evt.keyCode == 13) { $("#chat input").focus(); } } else if (!gModal && (evt.keyCode == 27 || evt.keyCode == 13)) { $("#chat input").focus(); } }); $("#chat input").on("keydown", function (evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 13) { if (MPP.client.isConnected()) { var message = $(this).val(); if (message.length == 0) { setTimeout(function () { chat.blur(); }, 100); } else if (message.length <= 512) { chat.send(message); $(this).val(""); setTimeout(function () { chat.blur(); }, 100); } } evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } else if (evt.keyCode == 27) { chat.blur(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } else if (evt.keyCode == 9) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } }); return { show: function () { $("#chat").fadeIn(); }, hide: function () { $("#chat").fadeOut(); }, clear: function () { $("#chat li").remove(); }, scrollToBottom: function () { var ele = $("#chat ul").get(0); ele.scrollTop = ele.scrollHeight - ele.clientHeight; }, blur: function () { if ($("#chat").hasClass("chatting")) { $("#chat input").get(0).blur(); $("#chat").removeClass("chatting"); chat.scrollToBottom(); captureKeyboard(); } }, send: function (message) { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "a", message: message }]); }, receive: function (msg) { if (gChatMutes.indexOf(msg.p._id) != -1) return; var li = $('
  • '); li.find(".name").text(msg.p.name + ":"); li.find(".message").text(msg.a); li.css("color", msg.p.color || "white"); $("#chat ul").append(li); var eles = $("#chat ul li").get(); for (var i = 1; i <= 50 && i <= eles.length; i++) { eles[eles.length - i].style.opacity = 1.0 - i * 0.03; } if (eles.length > 50) { eles[0].style.display = "none"; } if (eles.length > 256) { $(eles[0]).remove(); } // scroll to bottom if not "chatting" or if not scrolled up if (!$("#chat").hasClass("chatting")) { chat.scrollToBottom(); } else { var ele = $("#chat ul").get(0); if ( ele.scrollTop > ele.scrollHeight - ele.offsetHeight - 50 ) chat.scrollToBottom(); } } }; })(); // MIDI //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var MIDI_TRANSPOSE = -12; var MIDI_KEY_NAMES = ["a-1", "as-1", "b-1"]; var bare_notes = "c cs d ds e f fs g gs a as b".split(" "); for (var oct = 0; oct < 7; oct++) { for (var i in bare_notes) { MIDI_KEY_NAMES.push(bare_notes[i] + oct); } } MIDI_KEY_NAMES.push("c7"); var devices_json = "[]"; function sendDevices() { gClient.sendArray([{ m: "devices", list: JSON.parse(devices_json) }]); } gClient.on("connect", sendDevices); (function () { if (navigator.requestMIDIAccess) { navigator.requestMIDIAccess().then( function (midi) { console.log(midi); function midimessagehandler(evt) { if (!evt.target.enabled) return; //console.log(evt); var channel = evt.data[0] & 0xf; var cmd = evt.data[0] >> 4; var note_number = evt.data[1]; var vel = evt.data[2]; //console.log(channel, cmd, note_number, vel); if (cmd == 8 || (cmd == 9 && vel == 0)) { // NOTE_OFF release( MIDI_KEY_NAMES[note_number - 9 + MIDI_TRANSPOSE] ); } else if (cmd == 9) { // NOTE_ON if (evt.target.volume !== undefined) vel *= evt.target.volume; press( MIDI_KEY_NAMES[ note_number - 9 + MIDI_TRANSPOSE ], vel / 100 ); } else if (cmd == 11) { // CONTROL_CHANGE if (!gAutoSustain) { if (note_number == 64) { if (vel > 0) { pressSustain(); } else { releaseSustain(); } } } } } function deviceInfo(dev) { return { type: dev.type, //id: dev.id, manufacturer: dev.manufacturer, name: dev.name, version: dev.version, //connection: dev.connection, //state: dev.state, enabled: dev.enabled, volume: dev.volume }; } function updateDevices() { var list = []; if (midi.inputs.size > 0) { var inputs = midi.inputs.values(); for ( var input_it = inputs.next(); input_it && !input_it.done; input_it = inputs.next() ) { var input = input_it.value; list.push(deviceInfo(input)); } } if (midi.outputs.size > 0) { var outputs = midi.outputs.values(); for ( var output_it = outputs.next(); output_it && !output_it.done; output_it = outputs.next() ) { var output = output_it.value; list.push(deviceInfo(output)); } } var new_json = JSON.stringify(list); if (new_json !== devices_json) { devices_json = new_json; sendDevices(); } } function plug() { if (midi.inputs.size > 0) { var inputs = midi.inputs.values(); for ( var input_it = inputs.next(); input_it && !input_it.done; input_it = inputs.next() ) { var input = input_it.value; //input.removeEventListener("midimessage", midimessagehandler); //input.addEventListener("midimessage", midimessagehandler); input.onmidimessage = midimessagehandler; if (input.enabled !== false) { input.enabled = true; } if (typeof input.volume === "undefined") { input.volume = 1.0; } console.log("input", input); } } if (midi.outputs.size > 0) { var outputs = midi.outputs.values(); for ( var output_it = outputs.next(); output_it && !output_it.done; output_it = outputs.next() ) { var output = output_it.value; //output.enabled = false; // edit: don't touch if (typeof output.volume === "undefined") { output.volume = 1.0; } console.log("output", output); } gMidiOutTest = function (note_name, vel, delay_ms) { var note_number = MIDI_KEY_NAMES.indexOf(note_name); if (note_number == -1) return; note_number = note_number + 9 - MIDI_TRANSPOSE; var outputs = midi.outputs.values(); for ( var output_it = outputs.next(); output_it && !output_it.done; output_it = outputs.next() ) { var output = output_it.value; if (output.enabled) { var v = vel; if (output.volume !== undefined) v *= output.volume; output.send( [0x90, note_number, v], window.performance.now() + delay_ms ); } } }; } showConnections(false); updateDevices(); } midi.addEventListener("statechange", function (evt) { if (evt instanceof MIDIConnectionEvent) { plug(); } }); plug(); var connectionsNotification; function showConnections(sticky) { //if(document.getElementById("Notification-MIDI-Connections")) //sticky = 1; // todo: instead, var inputs_ul = document.createElement("ul"); if (midi.inputs.size > 0) { var inputs = midi.inputs.values(); for ( var input_it = inputs.next(); input_it && !input_it.done; input_it = inputs.next() ) { var input = input_it.value; var li = document.createElement("li"); li.connectionId = input.id; li.classList.add("connection"); if (input.enabled) li.classList.add("enabled"); li.textContent = input.name; li.addEventListener("click", function (evt) { var inputs = midi.inputs.values(); for ( var input_it = inputs.next(); input_it && !input_it.done; input_it = inputs.next() ) { var input = input_it.value; if ( input.id === evt.target.connectionId ) { input.enabled = !input.enabled; evt.target.classList.toggle( "enabled" ); console.log("click", input); updateDevices(); return; } } }); if (gMidiVolumeTest) { var knob = document.createElement("canvas"); mixin(knob, { width: 16 * window.devicePixelRatio, height: 16 * window.devicePixelRatio, className: "knob" }); li.appendChild(knob); knob = new Knob( knob, 0, 2, 0.01, input.volume, "volume" ); knob.canvas.style.width = "16px"; knob.canvas.style.height = "16px"; knob.canvas.style.float = "right"; knob.on("change", function (k) { input.volume = k.value; }); knob.emit("change", knob); } inputs_ul.appendChild(li); } } else { inputs_ul.textContent = "(none)"; } var outputs_ul = document.createElement("ul"); if (midi.outputs.size > 0) { var outputs = midi.outputs.values(); for ( var output_it = outputs.next(); output_it && !output_it.done; output_it = outputs.next() ) { var output = output_it.value; var li = document.createElement("li"); li.connectionId = output.id; li.classList.add("connection"); if (output.enabled) li.classList.add("enabled"); li.textContent = output.name; li.addEventListener("click", function (evt) { var outputs = midi.outputs.values(); for ( var output_it = outputs.next(); output_it && !output_it.done; output_it = outputs.next() ) { var output = output_it.value; if ( output.id === evt.target.connectionId ) { output.enabled = !output.enabled; evt.target.classList.toggle( "enabled" ); console.log("click", output); updateDevices(); return; } } }); if (gMidiVolumeTest) { var knob = document.createElement("canvas"); mixin(knob, { width: 16 * window.devicePixelRatio, height: 16 * window.devicePixelRatio, className: "knob" }); li.appendChild(knob); knob = new Knob( knob, 0, 2, 0.01, output.volume, "volume" ); knob.canvas.style.width = "16px"; knob.canvas.style.height = "16px"; knob.canvas.style.float = "right"; knob.on("change", function (k) { output.volume = k.value; }); knob.emit("change", knob); } outputs_ul.appendChild(li); } } else { outputs_ul.textContent = "(none)"; } var div = document.createElement("div"); var h1 = document.createElement("h1"); h1.textContent = "Inputs"; div.appendChild(h1); div.appendChild(inputs_ul); h1 = document.createElement("h1"); h1.textContent = "Outputs"; div.appendChild(h1); div.appendChild(outputs_ul); connectionsNotification = new Notification({ id: "MIDI-Connections", title: "MIDI Connections", duration: sticky ? "-1" : "4500", html: div, target: "#midi-btn" }); } document .getElementById("midi-btn") .addEventListener("click", function (evt) { if ( !document.getElementById( "Notification-MIDI-Connections" ) ) showConnections(true); else { connectionsNotification.close(); } }); }, function (err) { console.log(err); } ); } })(); // bug supply //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// window.onerror = function (message, url, line) { var url = url || "(no url)"; var line = line || "(no line)"; // errors in socket.io if (url.indexOf("socket.io.js") !== -1) { if (message.indexOf("INVALID_STATE_ERR") !== -1) return; if (message.indexOf("InvalidStateError") !== -1) return; if (message.indexOf("DOM Exception 11") !== -1) return; if ( message.indexOf( "Property 'open' of object # is not a function" ) !== -1 ) return; if ( message.indexOf("Cannot call method 'close' of undefined") !== -1 ) return; if (message.indexOf("Cannot call method 'close' of null") !== -1) return; if (message.indexOf("Cannot call method 'onClose' of null") !== -1) return; if (message.indexOf("Cannot call method 'payload' of null") !== -1) return; if ( message.indexOf( "Unable to get value of the property 'close'" ) !== -1 ) return; if (message.indexOf("NS_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED") !== -1) return; if ( message.indexOf( "Unable to get property 'close' of undefined or null reference" ) !== -1 ) return; if ( message.indexOf( "Unable to get value of the property 'close': object is null or undefined" ) !== -1 ) return; if (message.indexOf("this.transport is null") !== -1) return; } // errors in soundmanager2 if (url.indexOf("soundmanager2.js") !== -1) { // operation disabled in safe mode? if ( message.indexOf( "Could not complete the operation due to error c00d36ef" ) !== -1 ) return; if (message.indexOf("_s.o._setVolume is not a function") !== -1) return; } // errors in midibridge if (url.indexOf("midibridge") !== -1) { if (message.indexOf("Error calling method on NPObject") !== -1) return; } // too many failing extensions injected in my html if (url.indexOf(".js") !== url.length - 3) return; // extensions inject cross-domain embeds too if (url.toLowerCase().indexOf("multiplayerpiano.com") == -1) return; // errors in my code if (url.indexOf("script.js") !== -1) { if ( message.indexOf("Object [object Object] has no method 'on'") !== -1 ) return; if ( message.indexOf( "Object [object Object] has no method 'off'" ) !== -1 ) return; if ( message.indexOf( "Property '$' of object [object Object] is not a function" ) !== -1 ) return; } var enc = "/bugreport/" + (message ? encodeURIComponent(message) : "") + "/" + (url ? encodeURIComponent(url) : "") + "/" + (line ? encodeURIComponent(line) : ""); var img = new Image(); img.src = enc; }; // API window.MPP = { press: press, release: release, pressSustain: pressSustain, releaseSustain: releaseSustain, piano: gPiano, client: gClient, chat: chat, noteQuota: gNoteQuota, soundSelector: gSoundSelector, Notification: Notification }; // record mp3 (function () { var button = document.querySelector("#record-btn"); var audio = MPP.piano.audio; var context = audio.context; var encoder_sample_rate = 44100; var encoder_kbps = 128; var encoder = null; var scriptProcessorNode = context.createScriptProcessor(4096, 2, 2); var recording = false; var recording_start_time = 0; var mp3_buffer = []; button.addEventListener("click", function (evt) { if (!recording) { // start recording mp3_buffer = []; encoder = new lamejs.Mp3Encoder( 2, encoder_sample_rate, encoder_kbps ); scriptProcessorNode.onaudioprocess = onAudioProcess; audio.masterGain.connect(scriptProcessorNode); scriptProcessorNode.connect(context.destination); recording_start_time = Date.now(); recording = true; button.textContent = "Stop Recording"; button.classList.add("stuck"); new Notification({ id: "mp3", title: "Recording MP3...", html: 'It\'s recording now. This could make things slow, maybe. Maybe give it a moment to settle before playing.

    This feature is experimental.
    Send complaints to multiplayerpiano.com@gmail.com.', duration: 10000 }); } else { // stop recording var mp3buf = encoder.flush(); mp3_buffer.push(mp3buf); var blob = new Blob(mp3_buffer, { type: "audio/mp3" }); var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); scriptProcessorNode.onaudioprocess = null; audio.masterGain.disconnect(scriptProcessorNode); scriptProcessorNode.disconnect(context.destination); recording = false; button.textContent = "Record MP3"; button.classList.remove("stuck"); new Notification({ id: "mp3", title: "MP3 recording finished", html: 'And here it is! (open or save as)

    This feature is experimental.
    Send complaints to multiplayerpiano.com@gmail.com.', duration: 0 }); } }); function onAudioProcess(evt) { var inputL = evt.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0); var inputR = evt.inputBuffer.getChannelData(1); var mp3buf = encoder.encodeBuffer( convert16(inputL), convert16(inputR) ); mp3_buffer.push(mp3buf); } function convert16(samples) { var len = samples.length; var result = new Int16Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { result[i] = 0x8000 * samples[i]; } return result; } })(); // synth var enableSynth = false; var audio = gPiano.audio; var context = gPiano.audio.context; var synth_gain = context.createGain(); synth_gain.gain.value = 0.05; synth_gain.connect(audio.synthGain); var osc_types = ["sine", "square", "sawtooth", "triangle"]; var osc_type_index = 1; var osc1_type = "square"; var osc1_attack = 0; var osc1_decay = 0.2; var osc1_sustain = 0.5; var osc1_release = 2.0; function synthVoice(note_name, time) { var note_number = MIDI_KEY_NAMES.indexOf(note_name); note_number = note_number + 9 - MIDI_TRANSPOSE; var freq = Math.pow(2, (note_number - 69) / 12) * 440.0; this.osc = context.createOscillator(); this.osc.type = osc1_type; this.osc.frequency.value = freq; this.gain = context.createGain(); this.gain.gain.value = 0; this.osc.connect(this.gain); this.gain.connect(synth_gain); this.osc.start(time); this.gain.gain.setValueAtTime(0, time); this.gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, time + osc1_attack); this.gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime( osc1_sustain, time + osc1_attack + osc1_decay ); } synthVoice.prototype.stop = function (time) { //this.gain.gain.setValueAtTime(osc1_sustain, time); this.gain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, time + osc1_release); this.osc.stop(time + osc1_release); }; (function () { var button = document.getElementById("synth-btn"); var notification; button.addEventListener("click", function () { if (notification) { notification.close(); } else { showSynth(); } }); function showSynth() { var html = document.createElement("div"); // on/off button (function () { var button = document.createElement("input"); mixin(button, { type: "button", value: "ON/OFF", className: enableSynth ? "switched-on" : "switched-off" }); button.addEventListener("click", function (evt) { enableSynth = !enableSynth; button.className = enableSynth ? "switched-on" : "switched-off"; if (!enableSynth) { // stop all for (var i in audio.playings) { if (!audio.playings.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; var playing = audio.playings[i]; if (playing && playing.voice) { playing.voice.osc.stop(); playing.voice = undefined; } } } }); html.appendChild(button); })(); // mix var knob = document.createElement("canvas"); mixin(knob, { width: 32 * window.devicePixelRatio, height: 32 * window.devicePixelRatio, className: "knob" }); html.appendChild(knob); knob = new Knob(knob, 0, 100, 0.1, 50, "mix", "%"); knob.canvas.style.width = "32px"; knob.canvas.style.height = "32px"; knob.on("change", function (k) { var mix = k.value / 100; audio.pianoGain.gain.value = 1 - mix; audio.synthGain.gain.value = mix; }); knob.emit("change", knob); // osc1 type (function () { osc1_type = osc_types[osc_type_index]; var button = document.createElement("input"); mixin(button, { type: "button", value: osc_types[osc_type_index] }); button.addEventListener("click", function (evt) { if (++osc_type_index >= osc_types.length) osc_type_index = 0; osc1_type = osc_types[osc_type_index]; button.value = osc1_type; }); html.appendChild(button); })(); // osc1 attack var knob = document.createElement("canvas"); mixin(knob, { width: 32 * window.devicePixelRatio, height: 32 * window.devicePixelRatio, className: "knob" }); html.appendChild(knob); knob = new Knob(knob, 0, 1, 0.001, osc1_attack, "osc1 attack", "s"); knob.canvas.style.width = "32px"; knob.canvas.style.height = "32px"; knob.on("change", function (k) { osc1_attack = k.value; }); knob.emit("change", knob); // osc1 decay var knob = document.createElement("canvas"); mixin(knob, { width: 32 * window.devicePixelRatio, height: 32 * window.devicePixelRatio, className: "knob" }); html.appendChild(knob); knob = new Knob(knob, 0, 2, 0.001, osc1_decay, "osc1 decay", "s"); knob.canvas.style.width = "32px"; knob.canvas.style.height = "32px"; knob.on("change", function (k) { osc1_decay = k.value; }); knob.emit("change", knob); var knob = document.createElement("canvas"); mixin(knob, { width: 32 * window.devicePixelRatio, height: 32 * window.devicePixelRatio, className: "knob" }); html.appendChild(knob); knob = new Knob( knob, 0, 1, 0.001, osc1_sustain, "osc1 sustain", "x" ); knob.canvas.style.width = "32px"; knob.canvas.style.height = "32px"; knob.on("change", function (k) { osc1_sustain = k.value; }); knob.emit("change", knob); // osc1 release var knob = document.createElement("canvas"); mixin(knob, { width: 32 * window.devicePixelRatio, height: 32 * window.devicePixelRatio, className: "knob" }); html.appendChild(knob); knob = new Knob( knob, 0, 2, 0.001, osc1_release, "osc1 release", "s" ); knob.canvas.style.width = "32px"; knob.canvas.style.height = "32px"; knob.on("change", function (k) { osc1_release = k.value; }); knob.emit("change", knob); var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = "

    this space intentionally left blank

    "; html.appendChild(div); // notification notification = new Notification({ title: "Synthesize", html: html, duration: -1, target: "#synth-btn" }); notification.on("close", function () { var tip = document.getElementById("tooltip"); if (tip) tip.parentNode.removeChild(tip); notification = null; }); } })(); }); function catSound() { let sounds = [ "cat-sounds/meow1.mp3", "cat-sounds/meow2.mp3", "cat-sounds/meow3.mp3", "cat-sounds/meow4.mp3", "cat-sounds/meow5.mp3", "cat-sounds/meow6.mp3", "cat-sounds/meow7.mp3", "cat-sounds/meow8.mp3", "cat-sounds/meow9.mp3", "cat-sounds/meow10.mp3" ]; let random = sounds[Math.floor(Math.random() * sounds.length)]; const meow = new Audio(random); meow.volume = MPP.piano.audio.volume / 2; meow.play(); } document.getElementById("more-button").onclick = catSound; // misc //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // analytics window.google_analytics_uacct = "UA-882009-7"; var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(["_setAccount", "UA-882009-7"]); _gaq.push(["_trackPageview"]); _gaq.push(["_setAllowAnchor", true]); (function () { var ga = document.createElement("script"); ga.type = "text/javascript"; ga.async = true; ga.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://ssl" : "http://www") + ".google-analytics.com/ga.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); // twitter !(function (d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (!d.getElementById(id)) { js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); } })(document, "script", "twitter-wjs"); // fb (function (d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.8"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); })(document, "script", "facebook-jssdk"); // non-ad-free experience /*(function() { function adsOn() { if(window.localStorage) { var div = document.querySelector("#inclinations"); div.innerHTML = "Ads:
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