const Client = require("./Client.js") class Server extends EventEmitter { constructor(config) { super();; this.wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: config.port, backlog: 100, verifyClient: function (info, done) { done(true) } }); this.connectionid = 0; this.connections = new Map(); this.roomlisteners = new Map(); this.rooms = new Map(); this.wss.on('connection', (ws, req) => { this.connections.set(++this.connectionid, new Client(ws, req, this)); }); this.legit_m = ["a", "bye", "hi", "ch", "+ls", "-ls", "m", "n", "devices", "t", "chset", "userset", "chown", "kickban", "admin message"] this.welcome_motd = config.motd || "You agree to read this message."; this._id_Private_Key = config._id_PrivateKey || "boppity"; this.defaultUsername = config.defaultUsername || "Anonymous"; this.defaultRoomColor = config.defaultRoomColor || "#3b5054"; this.defaultLobbyColor = config.defaultLobbyColor || "#19b4b9"; this.defaultLobbyColor2 = config.defaultLobbyColor2 || "#801014"; }; updateRoom(data) { for (let cl of Array.from(this.roomlisteners.values())) { cl.sendArray([{ "m": "ls", "c": false, "u": [] }]) } } } module.exports = Server;