`hook_chat_command()` allows Lua mods to react and respond to chat commands. Chat commands start with the `/` character. The function the mod passes to the hook should return `true` when the command was valid and `false` otherwise.
### Parameters
| Field | Type |
| ----- | ---- |
| command | string |
| description | string |
| func | Lua Function |
### Lua Example
function on_test_command(msg)
if msg == 'on' then
djui_chat_message_create('Test: enabled')
return true
elseif msg == 'off' then
djui_chat_message_create('Test: disabled')
return true
return false
hook_chat_command('test', "[on|off] turn test on or off", on_hide_and_seek_command)
## [hook_event](#hook_event)
The lua functions sent to `hook_event()` will be automatically called by SM64 when certain events occur.
| HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE | Called once per player per frame at the end of a mario update | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) mario |
| HOOK_BEFORE_MARIO_UPDATE | Called once per player per frame at the beginning of a mario update | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) mario |
| HOOK_ON_SET_MARIO_ACTION | Called every time a player's current action is changed | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) mario |
| HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP | Called once per player per frame before physics code is run | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) mario |
| HOOK_ON_PVP_ATTACK | Called when one player attacks another | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) attacker, [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) victim |
| HOOK_ON_PLAYER_CONNECTED | Called when a player connects | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) connector |
| HOOK_ON_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED | Called when a player disconnects | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) disconnector |
| HOOK_ON_INTERACT | Called when mario interacts with an object | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) interactor, [Object](structs.md#Object) interactee, [InteractType](constants.md#InteractType) interactType, bool interactValue |
`hook_on_sync_table_change()` allows Lua mods to react to sync table changes.
-`syncTable` parameter must be a sync table, e.g. [gGlobalSyncTable](globals.md#gGlobalSyncTable), [gPlayerSyncTable[]](globals.md#gPlayerSyncTable), or one of their child tables.
-`field` parameter must be one of the fields in the `SyncTable`.
-`tag` parameter can be any type, and is automatically passed to the callback.
-`func` parameter must be a function with three parameters: `tag`, `oldVal`, and `newVal`.
-`tag` will be the same `tag` passed into `hook_on_sync_table_change()`.