Merge branch 'coopnet' of into coopnet

This commit is contained in:
MysterD 2023-04-17 16:36:15 -07:00
commit 1491e6ebcc
15 changed files with 534 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -4747,7 +4747,7 @@ PLAYER_INTERACTIONS_PVP = 2
--- @type integer
--- @type integer

lang/Italian.ini Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
CONNECTED = "@ si è connesso"
DISCONNECTED = "@ si è disconnesso"
LEFT_THIS_LEVEL = "@ ha lasciato il livello"
ENTERED_THIS_LEVEL = "@ è entrato nel livello"
ENTERED = "@ è entrato in\n#"
SERVER_CLOSED = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnesso:\\#dcdcdc\\ server chiuso"
DISCORD_ERROR = "Errore: Discord ha avuto un errore\nPer risolverlo, prova a: \n1. Chiudere il gioco.\n2. Riavviare Discord.\n3. Avviare il gioco."
DISCORD_DETECT = "\\#ffa0a0\\Errore:\\#c8c8c8\\ impossibile individuare Discord.\n\\#a0a0a0\\Prova a chiudere il gioco, riavviare Discord, e poi riaprire il gioco."
DISCONNECT_FULL = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnesso:\\#c8c8c8\\ il server è pieno."
DISCONNECT_KICK = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnesso:\\#c8c8c8\\ sei stato espulso."
DISCONNECT_BAN = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnesso:\\#c8c8c8\\ sei stato bandito."
DISCONNECT_REJOIN = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnesso:\\#c8c8c8\\ ricollegandoti..."
DISCONNECT_CLOSED = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnesso:\\#c8c8c8\\ l'host ha interroto la connessione."
DISCONNECT_BIG_MOD = "Il server ha una mod troppo pesante.\nDisconnessione."
DIED = "@ è morto"
DEBUG_FLY = "@ è entrato nello stato di debug di volo libero"
IMPORT_MOD_SUCCESS = "\\#a0ffa0\\importata la mod\n\\#c8c8c8\\'@'"
IMPORT_DYNOS_SUCCESS = "\\#a0ffa0\\Importato il pacchetto DynOS\n\\#c8c8c8\\'@'"
IMPORT_FAIL = "\\#ffa0a0\\Impossibile importare\n\\#c8c8c8\\'@'"
IMPORT_FAIL_INGAME = "\\#ffa0a0\\Impossibile importare durante la partita"
KICKING = "Espulso '@'!"
BANNING = "Bandito '@'!"
SERVER_ONLY = "Solo il server può usare questo comando."
PERM_BANNING = "Bandito permanentemente '@'!"
ADD_MODERATOR = "Aggiunto '@' tra i Moderatori!"
PLAYERS = "Giocatori"
NO_PERMS = "Non hai il permesso di usare questo comando."
PLAYER_NOT_FOUND = "Impossibile trovare il giocatore."
SELF_KICK = "Non puoi espellere te stesso."
SELF_BAN = "Non puoi bandire te stesso."
SELF_MOD = "Non puoi renderti un moderatore."
KICK_CONFIRM = "Sei sicuro di voler espellere '@'?\nScrivi '\\#a0ffa0\\/confirm\\#fff982\\' per confermare."
BAN_CONFIRM = "Sei sicuro di voler bandire '@'?\nScrivi'\\#a0ffa0\\/confirm\\#fff982\\' per confermare."
PERM_BAN_CONFIRM = "Sei sicuro di voler bandire permanentemenrte '@'?\nScrivi '\\#a0ffa0\\/confirm\\#fff982\\' per confermare."
MOD_CONFIRM = "Sei sicuro di voler rendere '@' un moderatore?\nScrivi '\\#a0ffa0\\/confirm\\#fff982\\' per confermare."
PLAYERS_DESC = "/players - Lista dei giocatori e dei loro ID"
KICK_DESC = "/kick [NAME|ID] - Espelli questo giocatore dalla partita"
BAN_DESC = "/ban [NAME|ID] - Bandisci questo giocatore dalla partita"
PERM_BAN_DESC = "/permban [NAME|ID] - Bandisci questo giocatore da tutte le tue partite"
MOD_DESC = "/moderator [NAME|ID] - Dai al gicatore il permesso di eseguire comandi come /kick, /ban, /permban in ogni partita che crei"
UNRECOGNIZED = "Comando non riconosciuto."
MOD_GRANTED = "\\#fff982\\Ora sei un moderatore."
BACK = "Indietro"
CANCEL = "Annulla"
NO = "No"
YES = "Si"
FREE_CAMERA = "Telecamera libera"
ANALOG_CAMERA = "Telecamera analogica"
MOUSE_LOOK = "Telecamera con mouse"
INVERT_X = "Inverti X"
INVERT_Y = "Inverti Y"
X_SENSITIVITY = "Inverti asse X"
Y_SENSITIVITY = "Inverti asse Y"
AGGRESSION = "Aggressività"
PAN_LEVEL = "Livello di panoramica"
DECELERATION = "Decelerazione"
MOON_JUMP = "Moon Jump"
GOD_MODE = "God Mode"
INFINITE_LIVES = "Vite infinite"
SUPER_SPEED = "Super Velocità"
RESPONSIVE_CONTROLS = "Controlli reattivi"
RAPID_FIRE = "Fuoco Rapido (A)"
ALWAYS_TRIPLE_JUMP = "Sempre Salto triplo"
N64_BINDS = "Comandi N64"
EXTRA_BINDS = "Comandi Extra"
BACKGROUND_GAMEPAD = "Azione in Background"
GAMEPAD = "Controller"
DEADZONE = "Zona Morta"
RUMBLE_STRENGTH = "Intesità Vibrazione"
CHAT = "Chat"
PLAYERS = "Giocatori"
D_UP = "D Su"
D_DOWN = "D Giù"
D_LEFT = "D Sinistra"
D_RIGHT = "D Destra"
X = "X"
Y = "Y"
UP = "Su"
DOWN = "Giù"
LEFT = "Sinistra"
RIGHT = "Destra"
A = "A"
B = "B"
START = "Start"
L = "L"
R = "R"
Z = "Z"
C_UP = "C Su"
C_DOWN = "C Giù"
C_LEFT = "C Sinistra"
C_RIGHT = "C Destra"
FULLSCREEN = "Schermo intero"
PRELOAD_TEXTURES = "Precarica Textures"
VSYNC = "VSync"
UNCAPPED_FRAMERATE = "Fotogrammi Illimitati"
FRAME_LIMIT = "Limite Fotogrammi"
FAST = "Veloce"
ACCURATE = "Accurata"
INTERPOLATION = "Interpolazione"
NEAREST = "Vicino"
LINEAR = "Lineare"
TRIPOINT = "Tripunto"
FILTERING = "Filtraggio"
D0P5X = "0.5x"
D1X = "1x"
D1P5X = "1.5x"
D3X = "3x"
D10X = "10x"
D100X = "100x"
DRAW_DISTANCE = "Distanza di simulazione"
DYNOS_PACKS = "Pacchetti DynOS"
WARN_DISCORD = "Invita gli amici facendo tasto destro sul loro nome in Discord e cliccando\n'\\#d0d0ff\\Invito a giocare\\#c8c8c8\\'.\n\npuoi invitare anche i canali dei server cliccando il pulsante \\#d0d0ff\\più\\#c8c8c8\\ vicino al posto dove scrivi.\n\nLo Stato delle Attività \\#ffa0a0\\deve essere\\#c8c8c8\\ attivo nelle\nimpostazioni utente di Discord.\n\nApparire offline \\#ffa0a0\\ti impedirà\\#c8c8c8\\ di inviare inviti."
WARN_DISCORD2 = "\\#ffa0a0\\Errore:\\#c8c8c8\\ Impossibile individuare Discord.\n\n\\#a0a0a0\\prova a chiudre il gioco,\nriavviare Discord,\ne aprire di nuovo il gioco."
WARN_SOCKET = "La connessione diretta \\#ffa0a0\\richiede\\#c8c8c8\\ una configurazione port forwarding nel tuo router.\n\nTrasmetti una connessione '\\#d0d0ff\\%d\\#c8c8c8\\' per l'UDP."
HOST = "Crea"
CONFIRM = "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo slot di salvataggio?"
ERASE = "cancella"
NONSOLID = "Non-solida"
SOLID = "Solida"
FRIENDLY_FIRE = "Fuoco Amico"
PLAYER_INTERACTION = "Interazione tra Giocatori"
WEAK = "Debole"
NORMAL = "Normale"
TOO_MUCH = "Eccessiva"
KNOCKBACK_STRENGTH = "Forza di Contraccolpo"
LEAVE_LEVEL = "Lascia il livello"
STAY_IN_LEVEL = "Rimani nel livello"
NONSTOP = "Non-stop"
ON_STAR_COLLECTION = "A stella collezzionata"
SKIP_INTRO_CUTSCENE = "Salta la intro iniziale"
SHARE_LIVES = "Condividi le vite"
ENABLE_CHEATS = "Abilita i trucchi"
BUBBLE_ON_DEATH = "Bolla alla morte"
AMOUNT_OF_PLAYERS = "Numero di giocatori"
DISCORD = "Discord"
DIRECT_CONNECTION = "Connessione diretta"
NETWORK_SYSTEM = "Sistema di connessione"
PORT = "Porta"
SAVE_SLOT = "Slot di Salvataggio"
SETTINGS = "Opzioni"
MODS = "Mods"
ROMHACKS = "Rom-Hacks"
APPLY = "Applica"
HOST = "Crea"
JOIN_DISCORD = "Per entrare in una partita da \\#d0d0ff\\Discord\\#c8c8c8\\:\n\nMantieni il gioco aperto e clicca sul pulsante Unisciti.\n\nSe l'invito dice che la partita è finita,/nclicca sul nome della persona che l'ha mandato per ripristinarla."
JOIN_SOCKET = "Immetti un \\#d0d0ff\\IP e una Porta\\#c8c8c8\\ per la connessione diretta:"
JOIN = "Unisciti"
QUIT_CONFIRM = "Sei sicuro do voler abbandonare?"
HOST = "Crea"
JOIN = "Unisciti"
OPTIONS = "Opzioni"
QUIT = "Abbandona"
LEVEL = "Livello"
USE_STAGE_MUSIC = "Usa la musica del livello"
RANDOM_STAGE = "Livello casuale"
PLAY_VANILLA_DEMOS = "Riproduci le demo di gioco"
FIXED_COLLISIONS = "Collisioni Aggiustate"
LUA_PROFILER = "Profiler Lua"
DEBUG_PRINT = "Stampa di debug"
DEBUG_INFO = "Info di debug"
DEBUG_ERRORS = "Errori di debug"
PAUSE_IN_SINGLEPLAYER = "Metti in pausa in giocatore singolo"
DISABLE_POPUPS = "Disabilita Popups"
MENU_OPTIONS = "Opzioni Menù"
DEBUG = "Debug"
LANGUAGE = "Lingua"
PLAYER = "Giocatore"
CAMERA = "Telecamera"
CONTROLS = "Comandi"
DISPLAY = "Grafica"
SOUND = "Suono"
MISC = "Varie"
QUIT_HOST = "Sei sicuro di voler interrompere la connessione?"
QUIT_CLIENT = "Sei sicuro di volerti disconnettere?"
PLAYER = "Giocatore"
DYNOS_PACKS = "Pacchetti DynOS"
OPTIONS = "Opzioni"
CHEATS = "Trucchi"
SERVER_SETTINGS = "Impostazioni Server"
RESUME = "Riprendi"
STOP_HOSTING = "Interrompi la connessione"
DISCONNECT = "Disconnettiti"
SHIRT = "Maglietta"
GLOVES = "Guanti"
SHOES = "Scarpe"
HAIR = "Capelli"
SKIN = "Pelle"
CAP = "Cappello"
PART = "Parte"
HEX_CODE = "codice Hex"
RED = "Rosso"
GREEN = "Verde"
BLUE = "Blu"
PLAYER = "Giocatore"
NAME = "Nome"
MODEL = "Modello"
PALETTE_PRESET = "Opzioni Palette"
EDIT_PALETTE = "Modifica Palette"
MARIO = "Mario"
LUIGI = "Luigi"
WALUIGI = "Waluigi"
WARIO = "Wario"
CHUCKYA = "Chuckya"
GOOMBA = "Goomba"
CLOVER = "Trifoglio"
COBALT = "Cobalto"
FURY = "Furia"
HOT_PINK = "Rosa Caldo"
NICE_PINK = "Rosa Fresco"
SEAFOAM = "Schiuma Marina"
LILAC = "Lilla"
COPPER = "Rame"
AZURE = "Azurro"
BURGUNDY = "Borgogna"
MINT = "Menta"
EGGPLANT = "Melanzana"
ORANGE = "Arancia"
ARCTIC = "Arctico"
FIRE_MARIO = "Mario Fuoco"
FIRE_LUIGI = "Luigi Fuoco"
FIRE_WALUIGI = "Waluigi Fuoco"
FIRE_WARIO = "Wario Fuoco"
BUSY_BEE = "Ape Operaia"
FORTRESS = "Fortezza"
BATTLEMENTS = "Muraglia"
BLUEBERRY_PIE = "Torta ai Mirtilli"
BUBBLEGUM = "Gomma da Masticare"
ICE_MARIO = "Mario Ghiaccio"
ICE_LUIGI = "Luigi Ghiaccio"
CUSTOM = "Personalizzato"
NAME = "nome"
LOCATION = "posizione"
ACT = "atto"
MASTER_VOLUME = "Principale"
SFX_VOLUME = "Effetti sonori"
ENV_VOLUME = "Ambiente"

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ typedef struct {
void (*OnLobbyCreated)(uint64_t aLobbyId, const char* aGame, const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode, uint16_t aMaxConnections);
void (*OnLobbyJoined)(uint64_t aLobbyId, uint64_t aUserId, uint64_t aOwnerId, uint64_t aDestId);
void (*OnLobbyLeft)(uint64_t aLobbyId, uint64_t aUserId);
void (*OnLobbyListGot)(uint64_t aLobbyId, uint64_t aOwnerId, uint16_t aConnections, uint16_t aMaxConnections, const char* aGame, const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode);
void (*OnLobbyListGot)(uint64_t aLobbyId, uint64_t aOwnerId, uint16_t aConnections, uint16_t aMaxConnections, const char* aGame, const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode, const char* aDescription);
void (*OnLobbyListFinish)(void);
void (*OnReceive)(uint64_t aFromUserId, const uint8_t* aData, uint64_t aSize);
void (*OnError)(enum MPacketErrorNumber aErrorNumber);
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ bool coopnet_is_connected(void);
CoopNetRc coopnet_begin(const char* aHost, uint32_t aPort);
CoopNetRc coopnet_shutdown(void);
CoopNetRc coopnet_update(void);
CoopNetRc coopnet_lobby_create(const char* aGame, const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode, uint16_t aMaxConnections, const char* aPassword);
CoopNetRc coopnet_lobby_update(uint64_t aLobbyId, const char* aGame, const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode);
CoopNetRc coopnet_lobby_create(const char* aGame, const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode, uint16_t aMaxConnections, const char* aPassword, const char* aDescription);
CoopNetRc coopnet_lobby_update(uint64_t aLobbyId, const char* aGame, const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode, const char* aDescription);
CoopNetRc coopnet_lobby_join(uint64_t aLobbyId, const char* aPassword);
CoopNetRc coopnet_lobby_leave(uint64_t aLobbyId);
CoopNetRc coopnet_lobby_list_get(const char* aGame, const char* aPassword);

Binary file not shown.

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "pc/djui/djui.h"
#include "pc/mods/mods.h"
#include "pc/debuglog.h"
#include "pc/utils/misc.h"
#include "pc/djui/djui_panel_join_message.h"
#ifdef COOPNET
#include "pc/network/coopnet/coopnet.h"
@ -9,6 +10,9 @@
extern struct DiscordApplication app;
struct DiscordActivity sCurActivity = { 0 };
static int sQueuedLobby = 0;
static uint64_t sQueuedLobbyId = 0;
static char sQueuedLobbyPassword[64] = "";
static void on_activity_update_callback(UNUSED void* data, enum EDiscordResult result) {
LOG_INFO("> on_activity_update_callback returned %d", result);
@ -30,7 +34,7 @@ static void on_activity_join(UNUSED void* data, const char* secret) {
// extract lobby ID
token = strtok(NULL, ":");
char* end;
u64 lobbyId = strtoll(token, &end, 10);
u64 lobbyId = strtoull(token, &end, 10);
// extract lobby password
token = strtok(NULL, ":");
@ -40,13 +44,9 @@ static void on_activity_join(UNUSED void* data, const char* secret) {
if (gNetworkType != NT_NONE) {
network_shutdown(true, false, false, false);
gCoopNetDesiredLobby = lobbyId;
snprintf(gCoopNetPassword, 64, "%s", token);
network_init(NT_CLIENT, false);
sQueuedLobbyId = lobbyId;
snprintf(sQueuedLobbyPassword, 64, "%s", token);
sQueuedLobby = 2;
@ -65,28 +65,28 @@ static void strncat_len(char* destination, char* source, size_t destinationLengt
strncat(destination, altered, destinationLength);
static bool discord_populate_details(char* details, bool shorten) {
snprintf(details, 127, "%s", get_version());
static void discord_populate_details(char* buffer, int bufferLength) {
// get version
char* version = get_version();
int versionLength = strlen(version);
snprintf(buffer, bufferLength, "%s", version);
buffer += versionLength;
bufferLength -= versionLength;
bool displayDash = true;
bool displayComma = false;
size_t catLength = shorten ? 14 : 64;
// add mods to activity
if (gActiveMods.entryCount > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < gActiveMods.entryCount; i++) {
struct Mod* mod = gActiveMods.entries[i];
if (displayDash) { strncat_len(details, " - ", 127, catLength); }
if (displayComma) { strncat_len(details, ", ", 127, catLength); }
strncat_len(details, mod->name, 127, catLength);
displayDash = false;
displayComma = true;
// get mod strings
if (gActiveMods.entryCount <= 0) { return; }
char* strings[gActiveMods.entryCount];
for (int i = 0; i < gActiveMods.entryCount; i++) {
strings[i] = gActiveMods.entries[i]->name;
return (strlen(details) >= 125);
// add seperator
snprintf(buffer, bufferLength, "%s", " - ");
buffer += 3;
bufferLength -= 3;
// concat mod strings
str_seperator_concat(buffer, bufferLength, strings, gActiveMods.entryCount, ", ");
void discord_activity_update(void) {
@ -114,13 +114,10 @@ void discord_activity_update(void) {
if ( < 1) { = 1; }
char details[256] = { 0 };
bool overrun = discord_populate_details(details, false);
if (overrun) {
discord_populate_details(details, true);
char details[128] = { 0 };
discord_populate_details(details, 128);
if (snprintf(sCurActivity.details, 125, "%s", details) < 0) {
if (snprintf(sCurActivity.details, 128, "%s", details) < 0) {
LOG_INFO("truncating details");
@ -139,6 +136,17 @@ void discord_activity_update(void) {
void discord_activity_update_check(void) {
if (sQueuedLobby > 0) {
if (--sQueuedLobby == 0) {
gCoopNetDesiredLobby = sQueuedLobbyId;
snprintf(gCoopNetPassword, 64, "%s", sQueuedLobbyPassword);
network_init(NT_CLIENT, false);
if (gNetworkType == NT_NONE) { return; }
bool shouldUpdate = false;
u8 connectedCount = network_player_connected_count();

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
#include "djui_unicode.h"
#include "pc/ini.h"
#include "pc/platform.h"
#include "pc/mods/mods.h"
#include "pc/mods/mods_utils.h"
ini_t* sLang = NULL;
@ -13,9 +15,12 @@ bool djui_language_init(char* lang) {
// construct path
char exePath[SYS_MAX_PATH] = "";
path_get_folder((char*)path_to_executable(), exePath);
char path[SYS_MAX_PATH] = "";
if (!lang || lang[0] == '\0') { lang = "English"; }
snprintf(path, SYS_MAX_PATH, "%s/lang/%s.ini", sys_exe_path(), lang);
snprintf(path, SYS_MAX_PATH, "%s/lang/%s.ini", exePath, lang);
// load
sLang = ini_load(path);

View File

@ -32,13 +32,16 @@ static void djui_lobby_entry_update_style(struct DjuiBase* base) {
static void djui_lobby_entry_destroy(struct DjuiBase* base) {
struct DjuiLobbyEntry* lobbyEntry = (struct DjuiLobbyEntry*)base;
if (lobbyEntry->description) { free((char*)lobbyEntry->description); }
struct DjuiLobbyEntry* djui_lobby_entry_create(struct DjuiBase* parent, char* host, char* mode, char* players, void (*on_click)(struct DjuiBase*)) {
struct DjuiLobbyEntry* djui_lobby_entry_create(struct DjuiBase* parent, char* host, char* mode, char* players, char* description, void (*on_click)(struct DjuiBase*), void (*on_hover)(struct DjuiBase*), void (*on_hover_end)(struct DjuiBase*)) {
struct DjuiLobbyEntry* lobbyEntry = calloc(1, sizeof(struct DjuiLobbyEntry));
struct DjuiBase* base = &lobbyEntry->base;
lobbyEntry->description = strdup(description);
djui_base_init(parent, base, djui_rect_render, djui_lobby_entry_destroy);
djui_base_set_size_type(&lobbyEntry->base, DJUI_SVT_RELATIVE, DJUI_SVT_ABSOLUTE);
djui_base_set_size(&lobbyEntry->base, 1.0f, 32);
@ -48,6 +51,7 @@ struct DjuiLobbyEntry* djui_lobby_entry_create(struct DjuiBase* parent, char* ho
djui_base_set_border_width_type(&lobbyEntry->base, DJUI_SVT_ABSOLUTE);
djui_interactable_create(base, djui_lobby_entry_update_style);
djui_interactable_hook_click(base, on_click);
djui_interactable_hook_hover(base, on_hover, on_hover_end);
u8 numColumns = 3;
f32 x = 0;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
struct DjuiLobbyEntry {
struct DjuiBase base;
const char* description;
struct DjuiLobbyEntry* djui_lobby_entry_create(struct DjuiBase* parent, char* host, char* mode, char* players, void (*on_click)(struct DjuiBase*));
struct DjuiLobbyEntry* djui_lobby_entry_create(struct DjuiBase* parent, char* host, char* mode, char* players, char* description, void (*on_click)(struct DjuiBase*), void (*on_hover)(struct DjuiBase*), void (*on_hover_end)(struct DjuiBase*));

View File

@ -14,10 +14,54 @@
#ifdef COOPNET
#define DJUI_DESC_PANEL_WIDTH (410.0f + (16 * 2.0f))
static struct DjuiFlowLayout* sLobbyLayout = NULL;
static struct DjuiButton* sRefreshButton = NULL;
static struct DjuiThreePanel* sDescriptionPanel = NULL;
static struct DjuiText* sTooltip = NULL;
static char* sPassword = NULL;
static void djui_panel_join_lobby_description_create() {
f32 bodyHeight = 600;
struct DjuiThreePanel* panel = djui_three_panel_create(&gDjuiRoot->base, 64, bodyHeight, 0);
djui_base_set_alignment(&panel->base, DJUI_HALIGN_RIGHT, DJUI_VALIGN_CENTER);
djui_base_set_size_type(&panel->base, DJUI_SVT_ABSOLUTE, DJUI_SVT_RELATIVE);
djui_base_set_size(&panel->base, DJUI_DESC_PANEL_WIDTH, 1.0f);
djui_base_set_color(&panel->base, 0, 0, 0, 240);
djui_base_set_border_color(&panel->base, 0, 0, 0, 200);
djui_base_set_border_width(&panel->base, 8);
djui_base_set_padding(&panel->base, 16, 16, 16, 16);
struct DjuiFlowLayout* body = djui_flow_layout_create(&panel->base);
djui_base_set_alignment(&body->base, DJUI_HALIGN_CENTER, DJUI_VALIGN_CENTER);
djui_base_set_size_type(&body->base, DJUI_SVT_RELATIVE, DJUI_SVT_RELATIVE);
djui_base_set_size(&body->base, 1.0f, 1.0f);
djui_base_set_color(&body->base, 0, 0, 0, 0);
djui_flow_layout_set_margin(body, 16);
djui_flow_layout_set_flow_direction(body, DJUI_FLOW_DIR_DOWN);
struct DjuiText* description = djui_text_create(&panel->base, "");
djui_base_set_size_type(&description->base, DJUI_SVT_RELATIVE, DJUI_SVT_RELATIVE);
djui_base_set_size(&description->base, 1.0f, 1.0f);
djui_base_set_color(&description->base, 222, 222, 222, 255);
djui_text_set_alignment(description, DJUI_HALIGN_LEFT, DJUI_VALIGN_CENTER);
sTooltip = description;
sDescriptionPanel = panel;
static void djui_lobby_on_hover(struct DjuiBase* base) {
struct DjuiLobbyEntry* entry = (struct DjuiLobbyEntry*)base;
djui_text_set_text(sTooltip, entry->description);
static void djui_lobby_on_hover_end(UNUSED struct DjuiBase* base) {
djui_text_set_text(sTooltip, "");
void djui_panel_join_lobby(struct DjuiBase* caller) {
gCoopNetDesiredLobby = (uint64_t)caller->tag;
snprintf(gCoopNetPassword, 64, "%s", sPassword);
@ -27,7 +71,7 @@ void djui_panel_join_lobby(struct DjuiBase* caller) {
void djui_panel_join_query(uint64_t aLobbyId, UNUSED uint64_t aOwnerId, uint16_t aConnections, uint16_t aMaxConnections, UNUSED const char* aGame, UNUSED const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode) {
void djui_panel_join_query(uint64_t aLobbyId, UNUSED uint64_t aOwnerId, uint16_t aConnections, uint16_t aMaxConnections, UNUSED const char* aGame, const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode, const char* aDescription) {
if (!sLobbyLayout) { return; }
char playerText[64] = "";
@ -44,7 +88,7 @@ void djui_panel_join_query(uint64_t aLobbyId, UNUSED uint64_t aOwnerId, uint16_t
struct DjuiBase* layoutBase = &sLobbyLayout->base;
struct DjuiLobbyEntry* entry = djui_lobby_entry_create(layoutBase, (char*)aHostName, (char*)mode, playerText, djui_panel_join_lobby);
struct DjuiLobbyEntry* entry = djui_lobby_entry_create(layoutBase, (char*)aHostName, (char*)mode, playerText, (char*)aDescription, djui_panel_join_lobby, djui_lobby_on_hover, djui_lobby_on_hover_end);
entry->base.tag = (s64)aLobbyId;
@ -66,6 +110,11 @@ void djui_panel_join_lobbies_on_destroy(UNUSED struct DjuiBase* caller) {
sPassword = NULL;
sRefreshButton = NULL;
sLobbyLayout = NULL;
if (sDescriptionPanel != NULL) {
sDescriptionPanel = NULL;
void djui_panel_join_lobbies_refresh(UNUSED struct DjuiBase* caller) {
@ -79,7 +128,8 @@ void djui_panel_join_lobbies_create(struct DjuiBase* caller, const char* passwor
if (sPassword) { free(sPassword); sPassword = NULL; }
sPassword = strdup(password);
bool private = (strlen(password) > 0);
bool querying = ns_coopnet_query(djui_panel_join_query, djui_panel_join_query_finish, password);
struct DjuiBase* defaultBase = NULL;
struct DjuiThreePanel* panel = djui_panel_menu_create(private ? DLANG(LOBBIES, PRIVATE_LOBBIES) : DLANG(LOBBIES, PUBLIC_LOBBIES));
@ -89,17 +139,7 @@ void djui_panel_join_lobbies_create(struct DjuiBase* caller, const char* passwor
sLobbyLayout = paginated->layout;
djui_flow_layout_set_margin(sLobbyLayout, 4);
#if 0
struct DjuiBase* layoutBase = &sLobbyLayout->base;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
djui_lobby_entry_create(layoutBase, "MysterD", "Super Mario 64", "15/16", NULL);
djui_lobby_entry_create(layoutBase, "djoslin0", "Star Road", "1/16", NULL);
djui_lobby_entry_create(layoutBase, "abcdefghijklmnopqrs", "Snowstorm Avalanche", "16/16", NULL);
djui_lobby_entry_create(layoutBase, "Prince Frizzy", "Hide and Seek", "4/16", NULL);
djui_lobby_entry_create(layoutBase, "Sunk", "Super Mario 74 (+EE)", "5/8", NULL);
bool querying = ns_coopnet_query(djui_panel_join_query, djui_panel_join_query_finish, password);
if (!querying) {
struct DjuiText* text = djui_text_create(&sLobbyLayout->base, DLANG(NOTIF, COOPNET_CONNECTION_FAILED));
djui_base_set_size_type(&text->base, DJUI_SVT_RELATIVE, DJUI_SVT_RELATIVE);

View File

@ -1768,7 +1768,7 @@ char gSmluaConstants[] = ""
"MAX_RX_SEQ_IDS = 64\n"

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "pc/djui/djui_language.h"
#include "pc/djui/djui_popup.h"
#include "pc/mods/mods.h"
#include "pc/utils/misc.h"
#include "pc/debuglog.h"
#include "pc/discord/discord.h"
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
uint64_t gCoopNetDesiredLobby = 0;
char gCoopNetPassword[64] = "";
char sCoopNetDescription[256] = "";
static uint64_t sLocalLobbyId = 0;
static uint64_t sLocalLobbyOwnerId = 0;
@ -139,6 +141,33 @@ bool ns_coopnet_is_connected(void) {
return coopnet_is_connected();
static void coopnet_populate_description(void) {
char* buffer = sCoopNetDescription;
int bufferLength = 256;
// get version
char* version = get_version();
int versionLength = strlen(version);
snprintf(buffer, bufferLength, "%s", version);
buffer += versionLength;
bufferLength -= versionLength;
// get mod strings
if (gActiveMods.entryCount <= 0) { return; }
char* strings[gActiveMods.entryCount];
for (int i = 0; i < gActiveMods.entryCount; i++) {
strings[i] = gActiveMods.entries[i]->name;
// add seperator
char* sep = "\n\nMods:\n";
snprintf(buffer, bufferLength, "%s", sep);
buffer += strlen(sep);
bufferLength -= strlen(sep);
// concat mod strings
str_seperator_concat(buffer, bufferLength, strings, gActiveMods.entryCount, "\n");
void ns_coopnet_update(void) {
if (!coopnet_is_connected()) { return; }
@ -149,11 +178,13 @@ void ns_coopnet_update(void) {
mods_get_main_mod_name(mode, 64);
if (sReconnecting) {
LOG_INFO("Update lobby");
coopnet_lobby_update(sLocalLobbyId, CN_GAME_STR, get_version(), configPlayerName, mode);
coopnet_lobby_update(sLocalLobbyId, CN_GAME_STR, get_version(), configPlayerName, mode, sCoopNetDescription);
} else {
LOG_INFO("Create lobby");
snprintf(gCoopNetPassword, 64, "%s", configPassword);
coopnet_lobby_create(CN_GAME_STR, get_version(), configPlayerName, mode, (uint16_t)configAmountofPlayers, gCoopNetPassword);
coopnet_lobby_create(CN_GAME_STR, get_version(), configPlayerName, mode, (uint16_t)configAmountofPlayers, gCoopNetPassword, sCoopNetDescription);
} else if (sNetworkType == NT_CLIENT) {
LOG_INFO("Join lobby");
@ -173,6 +204,11 @@ static int ns_coopnet_network_send(u8 localIndex, void* address, u8* data, u16 d
return 0;
static bool coopnet_allow_invite(void) {
if (sLocalLobbyId == 0) { return false; }
return (sLocalLobbyOwnerId == coopnet_get_local_user_id()) || (strlen(gCoopNetPassword) == 0);
static void ns_coopnet_get_lobby_id(UNUSED char* destination, UNUSED u32 destLength) {
if (sLocalLobbyId == 0) {
snprintf(destination, destLength, "%s", "");
@ -182,7 +218,7 @@ static void ns_coopnet_get_lobby_id(UNUSED char* destination, UNUSED u32 destLen
static void ns_coopnet_get_lobby_secret(UNUSED char* destination, UNUSED u32 destLength) {
if (sLocalLobbyId == 0) {
if (sLocalLobbyId == 0 || !coopnet_allow_invite()) {
snprintf(destination, destLength, "%s", "");
} else {
snprintf(destination, destLength, "coopnet:%" PRIu64":%s", sLocalLobbyId, gCoopNetPassword);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#define COOPNET_H
#ifdef COOPNET
typedef void (*QueryCallbackPtr)(uint64_t aLobbyId, uint64_t aOwnerId, uint16_t aConnections, uint16_t aMaxConnections, const char* aGame, const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode);
typedef void (*QueryCallbackPtr)(uint64_t aLobbyId, uint64_t aOwnerId, uint16_t aConnections, uint16_t aMaxConnections, const char* aGame, const char* aVersion, const char* aHostName, const char* aMode, const char* aDescription);
typedef void (*QueryFinishCallbackPtr)(void);
extern struct NetworkSystem gNetworkSystemCoopNet;

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "game/hardcoded.h"
#include "game/object_helpers.h"
#include "pc/lua/smlua_hooks.h"
#include "pc/network/socket/socket.h"
#include "lag_compensation.h"
#include "pc/discord/discord.h"
@ -179,13 +180,15 @@ void network_player_update(void) {
if (!np->connected && i > 0) { continue; }
float elapsed = (clock_elapsed() - np->lastReceived);
if (elapsed > NETWORK_PLAYER_TIMEOUT && (gNetworkSystem != &gNetworkSystemSocket)) {
LOG_INFO("dropping player %d", i);
elapsed = (clock_elapsed() - np->lastSent);
if (elapsed > NETWORK_PLAYER_TIMEOUT / 3.0f) {
@ -196,12 +199,14 @@ void network_player_update(void) {
if (!np->connected) { return; }
float elapsed = (clock_elapsed() - np->lastReceived);
if (elapsed > NETWORK_PLAYER_TIMEOUT * 1.5f && (gNetworkSystem != &gNetworkSystemSocket)) {
if (elapsed > NETWORK_PLAYER_TIMEOUT * 1.5f) {
LOG_INFO("dropping due to no server connectivity");
network_shutdown(false, false, true, false);
elapsed = (clock_elapsed() - np->lastSent);
if (elapsed > NETWORK_PLAYER_TIMEOUT / 3.0f) {

View File

@ -531,3 +531,53 @@ void detect_and_skip_mtx_interpolation(Mtx** mtxPrev, Mtx** mtx) {
*mtx = *mtxPrev;
void str_seperator_concat(char *output_buffer, int buffer_size, char** strings, int num_strings, char* seperator) {
// empty buffer
memset(output_buffer, 0, buffer_size);
if (num_strings <= 0) { return; }
// Calculate the total length of all strings
int string_length[num_strings];
int total_length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_strings; i++) {
string_length[i] = strlen(strings[i]);
total_length += string_length[i];
// get the seperator length
int seperator_length = strlen(seperator);
int seperators_length = (num_strings - 1) * seperator_length;
if (seperators_length + 8 < buffer_size) {
// Shorten the largest string over and over until we fit
while (total_length + seperators_length >= buffer_size) {
int* largest = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < num_strings; i++) {
if (largest == NULL || string_length[i] >= *largest) {
largest = &string_length[i];
if (largest == NULL || *largest == 0) { break; }
*largest = *largest - 1;
// Fill the buffer
int buffer_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_strings; i++) {
// Concat string
int amount = MIN(buffer_size - buffer_index, string_length[i] + 1);
if (amount <= 0) { break; }
snprintf(&output_buffer[buffer_index], amount, "%s", strings[i]);
buffer_index += string_length[i];
// Concat seperator
if (i != (num_strings - 1)) {
int amount = MIN(buffer_size - buffer_index, seperator_length + 1);
if (amount <= 0) { break; }
snprintf(&output_buffer[buffer_index], amount, "%s", seperator);
buffer_index += seperator_length;

View File

@ -23,4 +23,6 @@ void delta_interpolate_rgba(u8* res, u8* a, u8* b, f32 delta);
void delta_interpolate_mtx(Mtx* out, Mtx* a, Mtx* b, f32 delta);
void detect_and_skip_mtx_interpolation(Mtx** mtxPrev, Mtx** mtx);
void str_seperator_concat(char *output_buffer, int buffer_size, char** strings, int num_strings, char* seperator);