From 76b56aa997d0efac0fc8ef609273373849020c56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Joslin Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2023 19:16:48 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Added cheats as a mod by JairoThePlumber, Coolio, Blocky, and Sunk --- mods/cheats.lua | 590 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 590 insertions(+) create mode 100644 mods/cheats.lua diff --git a/mods/cheats.lua b/mods/cheats.lua new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae53eeb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/cheats.lua @@ -0,0 +1,590 @@ +-- name: Cheats +-- description: The Official Cheats have been Recreated into a Single Mod, Due to the Removal of Cheats as a Settings Option \n\nMod By JairoThePlumber, Coolio and Blocky \n\nSyncing fixed by Blocky and Coolio\n\nBLJ Anywhere and Rapid Fire made by Sunk\n\nAlways Triple Jump made by Bread\n\nMenu made also by Blocky +-- incompatible: cheats + +--localise function for performance + +local approach_s32, collision_find_surface_on_ray, disable_time_stop_including_mario, enable_time_stop_including_mario, djui_hud_get_screen_width, djui_hud_measure_text, +djui_hud_set_color, djui_hud_set_font, djui_hud_print_text, djui_hud_render_rect, djui_hud_get_mouse_x, djui_hud_get_mouse_y, djui_hud_render_texture, play_sound, +djui_hud_set_resolution, hook_chat_command, hook_event = + +approach_s32, collision_find_surface_on_ray, disable_time_stop_including_mario, enable_time_stop_including_mario, djui_hud_get_screen_width, djui_hud_measure_text, +djui_hud_set_color, djui_hud_set_font, djui_hud_print_text, djui_hud_render_rect, djui_hud_get_mouse_x, djui_hud_get_mouse_y, djui_hud_render_texture, play_sound, +djui_hud_set_resolution, hook_chat_command, hook_event + +-- Cheats in Order -- +for i = 0, MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do + gPlayerSyncTable[i].Moon_Jump = false + gPlayerSyncTable[i].God_Mode = false + gPlayerSyncTable[i].Infinite_lives = false + gPlayerSyncTable[i].Super_Speed = false + gPlayerSyncTable[i].Responsive_Controls = false + gPlayerSyncTable[i].Rapid_Fire = false + gPlayerSyncTable[i].BLJ_Anywhere = false + gPlayerSyncTable[i].Always_Triple_Jump = false +end + +local function lang() + local l = gLang[smlua_text_utils_get_language()] + return l == nil and gLang["English"] or l +end + +-- Text For Languages -- +gLang = { + ["English"] = { + MJ = "Moon Jump", + GM = "God Mode", + IL = "Infinite Lives", + SS = "Super Speed", + RC = "Responsive Controls", + RF = "Rapid Fire", + BLJA = "BLJ Anywhere", + ATJ = "Always Triple Jump", + CHEATS = 'cheats', + EXIT = 'Exit', + DESC = '- Opens the Cheats menu.', + EXIT_DESC = "Exit the cheat menu.", + MJ_DESC = "Allows Mario to jump very high.", + GM_DESC = "Makes Mario invincible.", + IL_DESC = "Gives Mario infinite lives.", + SS_DESC = "Increases Mario's movement speed.", + RC_DESC = "Improves control responsiveness.", + RF_DESC = "Enables rapid fire for Mario's A button.", + BLJA_DESC = "Allows Backwards Long Jumps anywhere.", + ATJ_DESC = "Allows Mario to always perform a triple jump.", + }, + + ["Spanish"] = { + MJ = "Salto Lunar", + GM = "Modo Dios", + IL = "Vidas Infinitas", + SS = "Super Velocidad", + RC = "Controles Responsivos", + RF = "Pulsación Rápida", + BLJA = "BLJ Donde Sea", + ATJ = "Siempre Hacer Salto Triple", + CHEATS = 'trucos', + EXIT = 'Dejar', + DESC = '- Abre el menú Trucos.', + EXIT_DESC = "Sal del menú de trucos.", + MJ_DESC = "Permite a Mario saltar muy alto.", + GM_DESC = "Hace que Mario sea invencible.", + IL_DESC = "Le da a Mario vidas infinitas.", + SS_DESC = "Aumenta la velocidad de movimiento de Mario.", + RC_DESC = "Mejora la capacidad de respuesta del control.", + RF_DESC = "Permite disparar rápidamente el botón A de Mario.", + BLJA_DESC = "Permite saltos largos hacia atrás en cualquier lugar.", + ATJ_DESC = "Permite a Mario realizar siempre un Salto Triple.", + }, + + ["French"] = { + MJ = "Saut Antigravité", + GM = "Mode Invincible", + IL = "Vies Infinies", + SS = "Super Vitesse", + RC = "Contrôles Réactifs", + RF = "Tir Rapide", + BLJA = "BLJ N'importe Où", + ATJ = "Triple Sauts Infinis", + CHEATS = 'triche', + EXIT = 'Partir', + DESC = '- Ouvrez le menu Astuces.', + EXIT_DESC = "Quittez le menu de triche.", + MJ_DESC = "Permet à Mario de sauter très haut.", + GM_DESC = "Rend Mario invincible.", + IL_DESC = "Donne à Mario des vies infinies.", + SS_DESC = "Augmente la vitesse de déplacement de Mario.", + RC_DESC = "Améliore la réactivité du contrôle.", + RF_DESC = "Permet un tir rapide pour le bouton A de Mario.", + BLJA_DESC = "PPermet des sauts longs en arrière n'importe où.", + ATJ_DESC = "Permet à Mario de toujours effectuer un triple saut.", + }, + + ["Portuguese"] = { + MJ = "Pulo da Lua", + GM = "Modo Deus", + IL = "Vidas Infinitas", + SS = "Super Velocidade", + RC = "Controle Responsivos", + RF = "Fogo Rápido", + BLJA = "BLJ Em Qualquer Lugar", + ATJ = "Sempre Fazer Triple Jump", + CHEATS = 'trapaças', + EXIT = 'Deixar', + DESC = '- Abra o menu Truques.', + EXIT_DESC = "Saia do menu de truques.", + MJ_DESC = "Permite que Mario salte muito alto.", + GM_DESC = "Makes Mario invincible.", + IL_DESC = "Torna Mario invencível.", + SS_DESC = "Aumenta a velocidade de movimento de Mario.", + RC_DESC = "Melhora a capacidade de resposta do controle.", + RF_DESC = "Ativa o disparo rápido para o botão A de Mario.", + BLJA_DESC = "Permite saltos longos para trás em qualquer lugar.", + ATJ_DESC = "Permite que Mario sempre execute um salto triplo.", + }, + + ["German"] = { + MJ = "Mond-Sprung", + GM = "Gott Modus", + IL = "Unbegrenzte Leben", + SS = "Supergeschwindigkeit", + RC = "Reaktionsschnelle Steuerung", + RF = "Schnellfeuer", + BLJA = "Überall Rückwertsweitspringen", + ATJ = "Immer Dreisprung", + CHEATS = 'betrugt', + EXIT = 'Verlassen', + DESC = '- Öffnet das Cheats-Menü.', + EXIT_DESC = "Verlassen Sie das Cheat-Menü.", + MJ_DESC = "Ermöglicht Mario, sehr hoch zu springen.", + GM_DESC = "Macht Mario unbesiegbar.", + IL_DESC = "Gibt Mario unendlich viele Leben.", + SS_DESC = "Erhöht Marios Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit.", + RC_DESC = "Verbessert die Reaktionsfähigkeit der Steuerung.", + RF_DESC = "Enables rapid fire for Mario's A button.", + BLJA_DESC = "Ermöglicht Schnellfeuer für Marios A-Taste.", + ATJ_DESC = "Ermöglicht Mario, immer einen Dreisprung auszuführen.", + }, + + ["Russian"] = { + MJ = "Супер прыжок", + GM = "Режим бога", + IL = "Бесконечные жизни", + SS = "Супер cкорость", + RC = "Отзывчивое управление", + RF = "Быстрый огонь", + BLJA = "BLJ в любом месте", + ATJ = "Всегда тройной прыжок", + CHEATS = 'cheats', + EXIT = 'Покинуть', + DESC = '- Открывает меню читов.', + EXIT_DESC = "Выйдите из чит-меню.", + MJ_DESC = "Позволяет Марио прыгать очень высоко.", + GM_DESC = "Делает Марио непобедимым.", + IL_DESC = "Дает Марио бесконечное количество жизней.", + SS_DESC = "Увеличивает скорость передвижения Марио.", + RC_DESC = "Улучшает оперативность управления.", + RF_DESC = "Включает быстрый огонь для кнопки A Марио.", + BLJA_DESC = "Позволяет совершать прыжки назад в длину в любом месте.", + ATJ_DESC = "Позволяет Марио всегда выполнять тройной прыжок.", + }, + + ["Italian"] = { + MJ = "Salto della Luna", + GM = "Modalità Dio", + IL = "Vite Infinite", + SS = "Super Velocità", + RC = "Controlli Reattivi", + RF = "Fuoco Rapido", + BLJA = "BLJ Ovunque", + ATJ = "Sempre Salto Triplo", + CHEATS = 'trucchi', + EXIT = 'lasciare', + DESC = '- Apre il menu Trucchi.', + EXIT_DESC = "Esci dal menu dei trucchi.", + MJ_DESC = "Permette a Mario di saltare molto in alto.", + GM_DESC = "Rende Mario invincibile.", + IL_DESC = "Dà a Mario vite infinite.", + SS_DESC = "Aumenta la velocità di movimento di Mario.", + RC_DESC = "Migliora la reattività del controllo.", + RF_DESC = "Abilita il fuoco rapido per il pulsante A di Mario.", + BLJA_DESC = "Permette salti in lungo all'indietro ovunque.", + ATJ_DESC = "Permette a Mario di eseguire sempre un triplo salto.", + }, + + ["Czech"] = { + MJ = "Nekonečný Skok", + GM = "Nenech Se Zranit", + IL = "Nekonečné Životy", + SS = "Super Rychlost", + RC = "Citlivé Ovládání", + RF = "Rychle Mačkat Tlačítko", + BLJA = "BLJ Všude", + ATJ = "Vždy Trojitý Skok", + CHEATS = 'cheaty', + EXIT = 'opustit', + DESC = '- Otevře nabídku Cheatů.', + EXIT_DESC = "Opusťte cheat menu.", + MJ_DESC = "Umožňuje Mariovi skákat velmi vysoko.", + GM_DESC = "Učiní Maria neporazitelným.", + IL_DESC = "Dává Mariovi nekonečné životy.", + SS_DESC = "Zvyšuje Mariovu rychlost pohybu.", + RC_DESC = "Zlepšuje odezvu ovládání.", + RF_DESC = "Umožňuje rychlou střelbu pro Mariovo tlačítko A.", + BLJA_DESC = "Umožňuje dlouhé skoky vzad kdekoli.", + ATJ_DESC = "Umožňuje Mariovi vždy provést trojitý skok.", + }, + + ["Dutch"] = { + MJ = "Maan Sprong", + GM = "God Modus", + IL = "Oneindige Levens", + SS = "Super Snelheid", + RC = "Snel Reagerende Controles", + RF = "Snel Vuur", + BLJA = "BLJ Overal", + ATJ = "Altijd Drievoudige Sprong", + CHEATS = 'cheats', + EXIT = 'Verlaten', + DESC = '- Opent het Cheats-menu.', + EXIT_DESC = "Verlaat het cheatmenu.", + MJ_DESC = "Hiermee kan Mario heel hoog springen.", + GM_DESC = "Maakt Mario onoverwinnelijk.", + IL_DESC = "Geeft Mario oneindige levens.", + SS_DESC = "Verhoogt de bewegingssnelheid van Mario.", + RC_DESC = "Verbetert het reactievermogen van de besturing.", + RF_DESC = "Maakt snel vuren voor Mario's A-knop mogelijk.", + BLJA_DESC = "Maakt achteruit lange sprongen overal mogelijk.", + ATJ_DESC = "Hiermee kan Mario altijd een hinkstapsprong uitvoeren." + } +} + +local menu = false + +-- Moon Jump -- + +local function limit_angle(a) + return (a + 0x8000) % 0x10000 - 0x8000 +end + +local function moon_jump_update(m) + if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].Moon_Jump then + if (m.controller.buttonDown & L_TRIG) ~= 0 then + m.faceAngle.y = m.intendedYaw - approach_s32(limit_angle(m.intendedYaw - m.faceAngle.y), 0, 0x800, 0x800) + m.vel.y = 40 + + if (m.action == ACT_FORWARD_GROUND_KB or + m.action == ACT_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB or + m.action == ACT_SOFT_FORWARD_GROUND_KB or + m.action == ACT_HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB or + m.action == ACT_FORWARD_AIR_KB or + m.action == ACT_BACKWARD_AIR_KB or + m.action == ACT_HARD_FORWARD_AIR_KB or + m.action == ACT_HARD_BACKWARD_AIR_KB or + m.action == ACT_AIR_HIT_WALL) then + set_mario_action(m, ACT_FREEFALL, 0) + end + end + end +end + +local function moon_jump_command() + gPlayerSyncTable[0].Moon_Jump = not gPlayerSyncTable[0].Moon_Jump + --djui_popup_create("Moon Jump is now " .. (gPlayerSyncTable[0].Moon_Jump and "Enabled" or "Disabled"), 1) + return true +end + +-- God Mode -- + +local function god_mode_update(m) + if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].God_Mode then + = 0x880 + m.healCounter = 0 + m.hurtCounter = 0 + end +end + +local function god_mode_fall_update(m, type) + if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].God_Mode then + if type == STEP_TYPE_AIR and m.vel.y < 0 then + ray = collision_find_surface_on_ray(m.pos.x, m.pos.y, m.pos.z, m.vel.x, m.vel.y, m.vel.z) + if ray.surface ~= nil then + if ray.surface.normal.y ~= 0 then + m.peakHeight = m.pos.y + end + end + end + end +end + +local function god_mode_command() + gPlayerSyncTable[0].God_Mode = not gPlayerSyncTable[0].God_Mode + --djui_popup_create("God Mode is now " .. (gPlayerSyncTable[0].God_Mode and "Enabled" or "Disabled"), 1) + return true +end + +-- Infinite Lives -- + +local function infinite_lives_update(m) + if gPlayerSyncTable[0].Infinite_lives then + m.numLives = 100 + end +end + +local function infinite_lives_command() + gPlayerSyncTable[0].Infinite_lives = not gPlayerSyncTable[0].Infinite_lives + --djui_popup_create("Infinite Lives is now " .. (Infinite_lives and "Enabled" or "Disabled"), 1) + return true +end + +-- Super Speed -- + +local SUPER_SPEED_MULTIPLIER = 4 + +local function super_speed_update(m) + if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].Super_Speed and m.action ~= ACT_BUBBLED then + m.vel.x = m.vel.x * SUPER_SPEED_MULTIPLIER + m.vel.z = m.vel.z * SUPER_SPEED_MULTIPLIER + end +end + +local function super_speed_command() + gPlayerSyncTable[0].Super_Speed = not gPlayerSyncTable[0].Super_Speed + --djui_popup_create("Super Speed is now " .. (gPlayerSyncTable[0].Super_Speed and "Enabled" or "Disabled"), 1) + return true +end + +-- Responsive Controls -- + +local function responsive_controls_update(m) + if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].Responsive_Controls then + if m.action == ACT_WALKING or + m.action == ACT_HOLD_WALKING or + m.action == ACT_HOLD_HEAVY_WALKING or + m.action == ACT_FINISH_TURNING_AROUND or + m.action == ACT_CRAWLING then + m.faceAngle.y = m.intendedYaw + end + end +end + +local function responsive_controls_command() + gPlayerSyncTable[0].Responsive_Controls = not gPlayerSyncTable[0].Responsive_Controls + --djui_popup_create("Responsive Controls is now " .. (gPlayerSyncTable[0].Responsive_Controls and "Enabled" or "Disabled"), 1) + return true +end + +-- Rapid Fire -- + +local function rapid_fire_update(m) + if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].Rapid_Fire then + if (m.controller.buttonDown & A_BUTTON) ~= 0 then + m.controller.buttonPressed = m.controller.buttonPressed | A_BUTTON + end + end +end + +local function rapid_fire_command() + gPlayerSyncTable[0].Rapid_Fire = not gPlayerSyncTable[0].Rapid_Fire + --djui_popup_create("Rapid Fire is now " .. (gPlayerSyncTable[0].Rapid_Fire and "Enabled" or "Disabled"), 1) + return true +end + +-- BLJ Anywhere -- + +local function blj_anywhere_update(m) + if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].BLJ_Anywhere then + if (m.action == ACT_LONG_JUMP) and + (m.controller.buttonDown & Z_TRIG) ~= 0 and + m.forwardVel < -15 then + m.vel.y = -30 + end + end +end + +local function blj_anywhere_command() + gPlayerSyncTable[0].BLJ_Anywhere = not gPlayerSyncTable[0].BLJ_Anywhere + --djui_popup_create("BLJ Anywhere is now " .. (gPlayerSyncTable[0].BLJ_Anywhere and "Enabled" or "Disabled"), 1) + return true +end + +-- Always Triple Jump -- + +---@param m MarioState +local function always_triple_jump_update(m, action) + if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].Always_Triple_Jump then + if m.forwardVel < 20 and m.action == ACT_DOUBLE_JUMP_LAND and action == ACT_JUMP then + return ACT_TRIPLE_JUMP + end + end +end + + +local function always_triple_jump_command() + gPlayerSyncTable[0].Always_Triple_Jump = not gPlayerSyncTable[0].Always_Triple_Jump + --djui_popup_create("Always Triple Jump is now " .. (gPlayerSyncTable[0].Always_Triple_Jump and "Enabled" or "Disabled"), 1) + return true +end + +local function mario_update(m) + if m.playerIndex ~= 0 then return end + moon_jump_update(m) + god_mode_update(m) + infinite_lives_update(m) + responsive_controls_update(m) +end + +local function before_phys_step(m, type) + god_mode_fall_update(m, type) + super_speed_update(m) +end + +local function before_mario_update(m) + if m.playerIndex ~= 0 then return end + blj_anywhere_update(m) + rapid_fire_update(m) +end + +local function close_menu() + menu = false + selectedOption = 1 + disable_time_stop_including_mario() +end + +-- Define menu options +local menuOptions = { + { label = lang().MJ, action = moon_jump_command, status = gPlayerSyncTable[0].Moon_Jump, description = lang().MJ_DESC }, + { label = lang().GM, action = god_mode_command, status = gPlayerSyncTable[0].God_Mode, description = lang().GM_DESC }, + { label = lang().IL, action = infinite_lives_command, status = gPlayerSyncTable[0].Infinite_lives, description = lang().IL_DESC }, + { label = lang().SS, action = super_speed_command, status = gPlayerSyncTable[0].Super_Speed, description = lang().SS_DESC }, + { label = lang().RC, action = responsive_controls_command, status = gPlayerSyncTable[0].Responsive_Controls, description = lang().RC_DESC }, + { label = lang().RF, action = rapid_fire_command, status = gPlayerSyncTable[0].Rapid_Fire, description = lang().RF_DESC }, + { label = lang().BLJA, action = blj_anywhere_command, status = gPlayerSyncTable[0].BLJ_Anywhere, description = lang().BLJA_DESC }, + { label = lang().ATJ, action = always_triple_jump_command, status = gPlayerSyncTable[0].Always_Triple_Jump, description = lang().ATJ_DESC }, + { label = lang().EXIT, action = function() close_menu() end, description = lang().EXIT_DESC }, +} + +-- Initialize the selected option +local selectedOption = 1 + +-- Set the scale factor for the menu +local menuScale = 2.0 -- Adjust this value as needed + +-- Add a title for the menu +local menuTitle = lang().CHEATS +local titleY = 150 + +local function drawMenu() + if not menu then return end + enable_time_stop_including_mario() + + djui_hud_set_color(0, 0, 0, 200) + djui_hud_render_rect(0, 0, 10000, 10000) + + -- Set text color and position for the title + local titleX = ((djui_hud_get_screen_width() - djui_hud_measure_text(menuTitle) * menuScale * 2.5) / 2.1) + + -- Draw the title + djui_hud_set_color(255, 255, 255, 255) + djui_hud_set_font(FONT_HUD) + djui_hud_print_text(menuTitle, titleX, titleY, menuScale * 2.5) + djui_hud_set_font(FONT_NORMAL) + + -- Set text color and position for the menu options + local textY = titleY + 100 + local textSpacing = 30 * menuScale + local rectPadding = 5 + + for i, option in ipairs(menuOptions) do + local textWidth = djui_hud_measure_text(option.label) + local textX = (djui_hud_get_screen_width() - textWidth * menuScale) / 2 + + if i == selectedOption then + -- Draw black rectangle behind the selected option + -- Draw the description with a smaller scale + local descX = (djui_hud_get_screen_width() - djui_hud_measure_text(option.description) * (menuScale - 0.5)) / 2 + local descY = 850 + djui_hud_set_color(255, 255, 255, 255) + djui_hud_set_font(FONT_NORMAL) + djui_hud_print_text(option.description, descX, descY, menuScale - 0.5) + local optionWidth = textWidth * menuScale + rectPadding * 2 + local optionHeight = 16 * menuScale + rectPadding * 2 + djui_hud_set_color(0, 255, 255, 150) + djui_hud_render_rect(textX - rectPadding, (textY + (i - 1) * textSpacing - rectPadding) + 15, optionWidth, optionHeight + 5) + end + + -- Set text color based on the status + if option.status == nil then + djui_hud_set_color(255, 255, 255, 255) -- Green for "On" + elseif option.status then + djui_hud_set_color(0, 255, 0, 255) -- Green for "On" + else + djui_hud_set_color(255, 0, 0, 255) -- Red for "Off" + end + + -- Draw the menu option with scale + djui_hud_print_text(option.label, textX, textY + (i - 1) * textSpacing, menuScale) + end +end + +---comment +-----@param m MarioState +-- Add a cooldown for menu navigation +local cooldown = 5 +local cooldownCounter = 0 + +local function updateMenu() + if not menu then return end + local m = gMarioStates[0] + if m.playerIndex ~= 0 then return end + + local stickY = m.controller.stickY + local mouseX = djui_hud_get_mouse_x() + local mouseY = djui_hud_get_mouse_y() + + djui_hud_render_texture(, mouseX - 8, mouseY - 8, 2, 2) + + if selectedOption < 1 then + selectedOption = #menuOptions + elseif selectedOption > #menuOptions then + selectedOption = 1 + end + + if cooldownCounter > 0 then + cooldownCounter = cooldownCounter - 1 + else + for i, option in ipairs(menuOptions) do + local textWidth = djui_hud_measure_text(option.label) + local textX = (djui_hud_get_screen_width() - textWidth * menuScale) / 2 + local textY = titleY + 100 + (i - 1) * (30 * menuScale) + local optionWidth = textWidth * menuScale + local optionHeight = 16 * menuScale + + -- Check if the mouse is within the bounds of the option + if mouseX >= textX and mouseX <= textX + optionWidth and mouseY >= textY and mouseY <= textY + optionHeight then + selectedOption = i + end + end + + if stickY > 0.5 then + -- Move selection down + selectedOption = selectedOption - 1 + play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CHANGE_SELECT, gMarioStates[0].pos) + cooldownCounter = cooldown + elseif stickY < -0.5 then + -- Move selection up + selectedOption = selectedOption + 1 + play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CHANGE_SELECT, gMarioStates[0].pos) + cooldownCounter = cooldown + elseif m.controller.buttonPressed & A_BUTTON ~= 0 or m.controller.buttonPressed & B_BUTTON ~= 0 then + play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CLICK_FILE_SELECT, gMarioStates[0].pos) + -- Execute the selected menu option + menuOptions[selectedOption].action() + if menuOptions[selectedOption].status ~= nil then + menuOptions[selectedOption].status = not menuOptions[selectedOption].status + end + elseif m.controller.buttonPressed & START_BUTTON ~= 0 then + close_menu() + end + end +end + +-- Main loop +local function hud_render() + djui_hud_set_resolution(RESOLUTION_DJUI) + drawMenu() + updateMenu() +end + +local function menu_command() + menu = true + return true +end + +hook_chat_command(lang().CHEATS, lang().DESC, menu_command) +hook_event(HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER, hud_render) +hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, mario_update) +hook_event(HOOK_ALLOW_HAZARD_SURFACE, function (m) return not gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].God_Mode end) +hook_event(HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP, before_phys_step) +hook_event(HOOK_BEFORE_MARIO_UPDATE, before_mario_update) +hook_event(HOOK_BEFORE_SET_MARIO_ACTION,always_triple_jump_update) \ No newline at end of file