-- name: Custom Text -- description: Replaces The King Bobomb Intro Dialog with custom text. Credit: ThePlayerRolo + ManIsCat2 (For fixing issues) smlua_text_utils_dialog_replace(gBehaviorValues.dialogs.KingBobombIntroDialog, 1, 4, 100, 175, ("Hello.\ I'm doing good,\ Are you doing good?\ No?\ Then DIE!" )) -- First Paramater is what text you want to replace. To find the full table go to here: https://github.com/coop-deluxe/sm64coopdx/blob/main/docs/lua/functions-5.md -- Second Parameter is unused in the game. -- Third paramater defines how many lines your dialog has per box. -- Fourth paramater sets how much you want to offset you text to the left (higher number moves to the right- lower to the left.). -- Fifth Paramater is the width. -- Sixth paramater is your text. -- Have Fun! -- The Function in C for Reference: #define DEFINE_DIALOG(id, unused, linesPerBox, leftOffset, width, text)