------------------------------------------------------ -- Custom HUD Rendering by Agent X and xLuigiGamerx -- ------------------------------------------------------ if incompatibleClient then return 0 end local defaultIcons = { [CT_MARIO] = gTextures.mario_head, [CT_LUIGI] = gTextures.luigi_head, [CT_TOAD] = gTextures.toad_head, [CT_WALUIGI] = gTextures.waluigi_head, [CT_WARIO] = gTextures.wario_head } local sHudElements = { [HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_LIVES] = true, [HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_STAR_COUNT] = true, [HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_CAMERA] = true } ---Hides the specified custom hud element ---@param hudElement HUDDisplayFlag function hud_hide_element(hudElement) if sHudElements[hudElement] == nil then return false end sHudElements[hudElement] = false return true end ---Shows the specified custom hud element ---@param hudElement HUDDisplayFlag function hud_show_element(hudElement) if sHudElements[hudElement] == nil then return false end sHudElements[hudElement] = true return true end ---Gets the specified custom hud element's state ---@param hudElement HUDDisplayFlag function hud_get_element(hudElement) if sHudElements[hudElement] == nil then return false end return sHudElements[hudElement] end local MATH_DIVIDE_16 = 1/16 -- Localize Functions to improve performence local texture_override_set,texture_override_reset,djui_hud_print_text,djui_hud_render_texture,tostring,hud_set_value,hud_get_value,hud_get_flash,djui_hud_get_screen_width,djui_hud_render_rect,math_ceil = texture_override_set,texture_override_reset,djui_hud_print_text,djui_hud_render_texture,tostring,hud_set_value,hud_get_value,hud_get_flash,djui_hud_get_screen_width,djui_hud_render_rect,math.ceil --- @param localIndex integer --- @return TextureInfo|nil --- This assumes multiple characters will not have the same model, --- Icons can only be seen by users who have the character avalible to them. --- This function can return nil. if this is the case, render `djui_hud_print_text("?", x, y, 1)` function life_icon_from_local_index(localIndex) for i = 1, #characterTable do if i == 1 and characterTable[i].model == gPlayerSyncTable[localIndex].modelId then return defaultIcons[gMarioStates[localIndex].character.type] end if characterTable[i].model == gPlayerSyncTable[localIndex].modelId then return characterTable[i].lifeIcon end end end --- @param localIndex integer --- @return TextureInfo --- This assumes multiple characters will not have the same model, --- Icons can only be seen by users who have the character avalible to them function star_icon_from_local_index(localIndex) for i = 1, #characterTable do if characterTable[i].model == gPlayerSyncTable[localIndex].modelId then return characterTable[i].starIcon end end return gTextures.star end local pieTextureNames = { "one_segments", "two_segments", "three_segments", "four_segments", "five_segments", "six_segments", "seven_segments", "full", } local function render_hud_health() local textureTable = characterTable[currChar].healthTexture if textureTable then -- sets health HUD to custom textures if textureTable.label.left and textureTable.label.right then -- if left and right label textures exist. BOTH have to exist to be set! texture_override_set("texture_power_meter_left_side", textureTable.label.left) texture_override_set("texture_power_meter_right_side", textureTable.label.right) end for i = 1, 8 do texture_override_set("texture_power_meter_" .. pieTextureNames[i], textureTable.pie[i]) end else -- resets the health HUD texture_override_reset("texture_power_meter_left_side") texture_override_reset("texture_power_meter_right_side") for i = 1, 8 do texture_override_reset("texture_power_meter_" .. pieTextureNames[i]) end end end local function render_hud_mario_lives() hud_set_value(HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS, hud_get_value(HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS) & ~HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_LIVES) if not hud_get_element(HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_LIVES) then return end local x = 22 local y = 15 -- SCREEN_HEIGHT - 209 - 16 local lifeIcon = characterTable[currChar].lifeIcon if lifeIcon == nil then djui_hud_print_text("?", x, y, 1) else djui_hud_render_texture(lifeIcon, x, y, 1 / (lifeIcon.width * MATH_DIVIDE_16), 1 / (lifeIcon.height * MATH_DIVIDE_16)) end djui_hud_print_text("@", x + 16, y, 1) djui_hud_print_text(tostring(hud_get_value(HUD_DISPLAY_LIVES)):gsub("-", "M"), x + 32, y, 1) end local function render_hud_stars() hud_set_value(HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS, hud_get_value(HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS) & ~HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_STAR_COUNT) if not hud_get_element(HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_STAR_COUNT) then return end if hud_get_flash ~= nil then -- prevent star count from flashing outside of castle if gNetworkPlayers[0].currCourseNum ~= COURSE_NONE then hud_set_flash(0) end if hud_get_flash() == 1 and (get_global_timer() & 0x08) == 0 then return end end local x = math_ceil(djui_hud_get_screen_width() - 76) if x % 2 ~= 0 then x = x - 1 end local y = math_ceil(240 - 209 - 16) local starIcon = characterTable[currChar].starIcon and characterTable[currChar].starIcon or gTextures.star local showX = 0 local hudDisplayStars = hud_get_value(HUD_DISPLAY_STARS) if hudDisplayStars < 100 then showX = 1 end djui_hud_render_texture(starIcon, x, y, 1 / (starIcon.width*MATH_DIVIDE_16), 1 / (starIcon.height*MATH_DIVIDE_16)) if showX == 1 then djui_hud_print_text("@", x + 16, y, 1) end djui_hud_print_text(tostring(hudDisplayStars):gsub("-", "M"), (showX * 14) + x + 16, y, 1) end local function render_hud_camera_status() if not HUD_DISPLAY_CAMERA_STATUS then return end hud_set_value(HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS, hud_get_value(HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS) & ~HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_CAMERA) if not hud_get_element(HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_CAMERA) then return end local x = djui_hud_get_screen_width() - 54 local y = 205 local cameraHudStatus = hud_get_value(HUD_DISPLAY_CAMERA_STATUS) if cameraHudStatus == CAM_STATUS_NONE then return end djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.camera, x, y, 1, 1) switch(cameraHudStatus & CAM_STATUS_MODE_GROUP, { [CAM_STATUS_MARIO] = function() local lifeIcon = characterTable[currChar].lifeIcon if lifeIcon == nil then djui_hud_print_text("?", x + 16, y, 1) else djui_hud_render_texture(lifeIcon, x + 16, y, 1 / (lifeIcon.width * MATH_DIVIDE_16), 1 / (lifeIcon.height * MATH_DIVIDE_16)) end end, [CAM_STATUS_LAKITU] = function() djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.lakitu, x + 16, y, 1, 1) end, [CAM_STATUS_FIXED] = function() djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.no_camera, x + 16, y, 1, 1) end }) switch(cameraHudStatus & CAM_STATUS_C_MODE_GROUP, { [CAM_STATUS_C_DOWN] = function() djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.arrow_down, x + 4, y + 16, 1, 1) end, [CAM_STATUS_C_UP] = function() djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.arrow_up, x + 4, y - 8, 1, 1) end }) end -- Act Select Hud -- local function render_act_select_hud() local course, starBhvCount, sVisibleStars -- Localizing variables course = gNetworkPlayers[0].currCourseNum if gServerSettings.enablePlayersInLevelDisplay == 0 or course == 0 or obj_get_first_with_behavior_id(id_bhvActSelector) == nil then return end starBhvCount = count_objects_with_behavior(get_behavior_from_id(id_bhvActSelectorStarType)) sVisibleStars = starBhvCount < 7 and starBhvCount or 6 for a = 1, sVisibleStars do local x = (139 - sVisibleStars * 17 + a * 34) + (djui_hud_get_screen_width() / 2) - 160 + 0.5 for j = 1, MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do -- 0 is not needed due to the due to the fact that you are never supposed to see yourself in the act local np = gNetworkPlayers[j] if np and np.connected and np.currCourseNum == course and np.currActNum == a then djui_hud_render_rect(x - 4, 17, 16, 16) local displayHead = life_icon_from_local_index(j) if displayHead == nil then djui_hud_print_text("?", x - 4, 17, 1) else djui_hud_render_texture(displayHead, x - 4, 17, 1 / (displayHead.width/16), 1 / (displayHead.height * MATH_DIVIDE_16)) end break end end end end local function on_hud_render_behind() djui_hud_set_resolution(RESOLUTION_N64) djui_hud_set_font(FONT_HUD) djui_hud_set_color(255, 255, 255, 255) if gNetworkPlayers[0].currActNum == 99 or gMarioStates[0].action == ACT_INTRO_CUTSCENE or hud_is_hidden() or obj_get_first_with_behavior_id(id_bhvActSelector) ~= nil then return end render_hud_mario_lives() render_hud_stars() render_hud_camera_status() render_hud_health() end local function on_hud_render() djui_hud_set_resolution(RESOLUTION_N64) djui_hud_set_font(FONT_HUD) djui_hud_set_color(255, 255, 255, 255) if obj_get_first_with_behavior_id(id_bhvActSelector) ~= nil then render_act_select_hud() end end hook_event(HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER_BEHIND, on_hud_render_behind) hook_event(HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER, on_hud_render)