## [:rewind: Lua Reference](../lua.md) # Hooks Hooks are a way for SM64 to trigger Lua code, whereas the functions listed in [functions](../functions.md) allow Lua to trigger SM64 code. # Supported Hooks - [hook_behavior](#hook_behavior) - [hook_chat_command](#hook_chat_command) - [hook_event](#hook_event) - [hook_mario_action](#hook_mario_action) - [hook_on_sync_table_change](#hook_on_sync_table_change) - [hook_mod_menu_button](#hook_mod_menu_button) - [hook_mod_menu_checkbox](#hook_mod_menu_checkbox) - [hook_mod_menu_slider](#hook_mod_menu_slider) - [hook_mod_menu_inputbox](#hook_mod_menu_inputbox)
## [hook_behavior](#hook_behavior) `hook_behavior()` allows Lua mods to override existing behaviors or create new ones. ### Parameters | Field | Type | Notes | | ----- | ---- | ----- | | behaviorId | [enum BehaviorId](../constants.md#enum-BehaviorId) | Set to `nil` to create a new behavior | | objectList | [enum ObjectList](../constants.md#enum-ObjectList) | | | replaceBehavior | `bool` | Prevents the original behavior code from running | | initFunction | `Lua Function` ([Object](../structs.md#Object) obj) | Runs once per object | | loopFunction | `Lua Function` ([Object](../structs.md#Object) obj) | Runs once per frame per object | | behaviorName | `string` | Optional, name to give to the behavior | ### Returns - [enum BehaviorId](../constants.md#enum-BehaviorId) ### Lua Example ```lua function bhv_example_init(obj) obj.oFlags = OBJ_FLAG_UPDATE_GFX_POS_AND_ANGLE network_init_object(obj, true, nil) end function bhv_example_loop(obj) obj.oPosY = obj.oPosY + 1 end id_bhvExample = hook_behavior(nil, OBJ_LIST_DEFAULT, true, bhv_example_init, bhv_example_loop, "bhvExample") ``` [:arrow_up_small:](#)
## [hook_chat_command](#hook_chat_command) `hook_chat_command()` allows Lua mods to react and respond to chat commands. Chat commands start with the `/` character. The function the mod passes to the hook should return `true` when the command was valid and `false` otherwise. ### Parameters | Field | Type | | ----- | ---- | | command | `string` | | description | `string` | | func | `Lua Function` (`string` message) -> `bool` | ### Lua Example ```lua function on_test_command(msg) if msg == "on" then djui_chat_message_create("Test: enabled") return true elseif msg == "off" then djui_chat_message_create("Test: disabled") return true end return false end hook_chat_command("test", "[on|off] turn test on or off", on_hide_and_seek_command) ``` [:arrow_up_small:](#)
## [hook_event](#hook_event) The lua functions sent to `hook_event()` will be automatically called by SM64 when certain events occur. ### [Hook Event Types](#Hook-Event-Types) | Type | Description | Parameters | | :--- | :---------- | :--------- | | HOOK_UPDATE | Called once per frame | None | | HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE | Called once per player per frame at the end of a mario update | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) mario | | HOOK_BEFORE_MARIO_UPDATE | Called once per player per frame at the beginning of a mario update | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) mario | | HOOK_ON_SET_MARIO_ACTION | Called every time a player's current action is changed | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) mario | | HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP | Called once per player per frame before physics code is run, return an integer to cancel it with your own step result | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) mario, `integer` stepType | | HOOK_ALLOW_PVP_ATTACK | Called when one player attacks another, return `true` to allow the attack | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) attacker, [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) victim, `integer` interaction | | HOOK_ON_PVP_ATTACK | Called when one player attacks another | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) attacker, [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) victim, `integer` interaction | | HOOK_ON_PLAYER_CONNECTED | Called when a player connects | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) connector | | HOOK_ON_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED | Called when a player disconnects | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) disconnector | | HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER | Called when the HUD is being rendered | None | | HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER_BEHIND | Called when the HUD is being rendered, every HUD call in this hook renders behind the vanilla HUD | None | | HOOK_ALLOW_INTERACT | Called before mario interacts with an object, return `true` to allow the interaction | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) interactor, [Object](../structs.md#Object) interactee, [enum InteractionType](../constants.md#enum-InteractionType) interactType | | HOOK_ON_INTERACT | Called when mario interacts with an object | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) interactor, [Object](../structs.md#Object) interactee, [enum InteractionType](../constants.md#enum-InteractionType) interactType, bool interactValue | | HOOK_ON_LEVEL_INIT | Called when the level is initialized | None | | HOOK_ON_WARP | Called when the local player warps | None | | HOOK_ON_SYNC_VALID | Called when the current area is synchronized | None | | HOOK_ON_OBJECT_UNLOAD | Called when any object is unloaded | [Object](../structs.md#Object) unloadedObject | | HOOK_ON_SYNC_OBJECT_UNLOAD | Called when any networked object is unloaded | [Object](../structs.md#Object) unloadedObject | | HOOK_ON_PAUSE_EXIT | Called when the local player exits through the pause screen, return `false` to prevent the exit | `boolean` usedExitToCastle | | HOOK_GET_STAR_COLLECTION_DIALOG | Called when the local player collects a star, return a [DialogId](../constants.md#enum-DialogId) to show a message | None | | HOOK_ON_SET_CAMERA_MODE | Called when the camera mode gets set, return `false` to prevent the camera mode from being set | [Camera](../structs.md#Camera), `integer` mode, `integer` frames | | HOOK_ON_OBJECT_RENDER | Called right before an object is rendered **Note:** You must set the `hookRender` field of the object to a non-zero value | [Object](../structs.md#Object) renderedObj | | HOOK_ON_DEATH | Called when the local player dies, return `false` to prevent normal death sequence | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) localMario | | HOOK_ON_PACKET_RECEIVE | Called when the mod receives a packet that used `network_send()` or `network_send_to()` | `table` dataTable | | HOOK_USE_ACT_SELECT | Called when the level changes, return `true` to show act selection screen and `false` otherwise | `integer` levelNum | | HOOK_ON_CHANGE_CAMERA_ANGLE | Called when the player changes the camera mode to Lakitu cam or Mario cam, return `false` to prevent the change | `integer` mode | | HOOK_ON_SCREEN_TRANSITION | Called when the game is about to play a transition, return `false` to prevent the transition from playing | `integer` type | | HOOK_ALLOW_HAZARD_SURFACE | Called once per player per frame. Return `false` to prevent the player from being affected by lava or quicksand | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) mario, `integer` hazardType | | HOOK_ON_CHAT_MESSAGE | Called when a chat message gets sent. Return `false` to prevent the message from being sent | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) messageSender, `string` messageSent | | HOOK_OBJECT_SET_MODEL | Called when a behavior changes models. Also runs when a behavior spawns | [Object](../structs.md#Object) obj, `integer` modelID | | HOOK_CHARACTER_SOUND | Called when mario retrieves a character sound to play, return a character sound or `0` to override it | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) mario, [enum CharacterSound](../constants.md#enum-CharacterSound) characterSound | | HOOK_BEFORE_SET_MARIO_ACTION | Called before Mario's action changes Return an action to change the incoming action or `1` to cancel the action change | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) mario, `integer` incomingAction | | HOOK_JOINED_GAME | Called when the local player finishes the join process (if the player isn't the host) | None | | HOOK_ON_OBJECT_ANIM_UPDATE | Called when an object's animation is updated | [Object](../structs.md#Object) objNode | | HOOK_ON_DIALOG | Called when a dialog appears. Return `false` to prevent it from appearing. Return a second parameter as any string to override the text in the textbox | `integer` dialogId | | HOOK_ON_EXIT | Called before the game shuts down | None | | HOOK_DIALOG_SOUND | Called when a dialog box sound is going to play, return a `DS_*` constant to override the sound | `integer` dialogSound | | HOOK_ON_COLLIDE_LEVEL_BOUNDS | Called when a mario collides with the level boundaries | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) mario | | HOOK_MIRROR_MARIO_RENDER | Called when a Mirror Mario is rendered | [GraphNodeObject](../structs.md#GraphNodeObject) mirrorMario | `integer` mirrorMarioIndex | | HOOK_MARIO_OVERRIDE_PHYS_STEP_DEFACTO_SPEED | Called when slope defacto speed for walking is being calculated, overrides the floor normal in the equation | [MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) mario | | HOOK_ON_OBJECT_LOAD | Called when an object is spawned in | [Object](../structs.md#Object) obj | | HOOK_ON_PLAY_SOUND | Called when a sound is going to play, return a `SOUND_*` constant or `NO_SOUND` to override the sound | `integer` soundBits, `Vec3f` pos | | HOOK_ON_SEQ_LOAD | Called when a sequence is going to play, return a `SEQ_*` constant to override the sequence. `SEQ_SOUND_PLAYER` (0) is silence. | `integer` player, `integer` seqID | | HOOK_ON_ATTACK_OBJECT | Called when a player attacks an object. May be double-fired in some cases, you'll need to write special code for this | [MarioState](structs.md#MarioState) attacker, [Object](structs.md#Object) victim, `integer` interactionId | | HOOK_ON_LANGUAGE_CHANGED | Called when the language is changed | `string` language | | HOOK_ON_MODS_LOADED | Called directly after every mod file is loaded in by smlua | None | ### Parameters | Field | Type | | ----- | ---- | | hook_event_type | [HookEventType](#Hook-Event-Types) | | func | `Lua Function` (`...`) | ### Lua Example The following example will print out a message 16 times per frame (once for every possible player). ```lua function mario_update(m) print("Mario update was called for player index ", m.playerIndex) end hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, mario_update) ``` [:arrow_up_small:](#)
## [hook_mario_action](#hook_mario_action) `hook_mario_action()` allows Lua mods to create new actions or override existing ones. ### Parameters | Field | Type | | ----- | ---- | | action_id | `integer` | | func | Table with entries for [Action Hook Types](#action-hook-types) of `Lua Function` ([MarioState](../structs.md#MarioState) m) | | interaction_type | [enum InteractionFlag](../constants.md#enum-InteractionFlag) | #### [Action Hook Types](#action-hook-types) | Type | Description | Returns | | :--- | :---------- | :------ | | every_frame | Main action code, called once per frame | `true` if action cancelled, else `false` | | gravity | Called inside `apply_gravity` when in action | Unused | ### Lua Example ```lua ACT_WALL_SLIDE = (0x0BF | ACT_FLAG_AIR | ACT_FLAG_MOVING | ACT_FLAG_ALLOW_VERTICAL_WIND_ACTION) function act_wall_slide(m) if (m.input & INPUT_A_PRESSED) ~= 0 then local rc = set_mario_action(m, ACT_TRIPLE_JUMP, 0) m.vel.y = 72.0 if m.forwardVel < 20.0 then m.forwardVel = 20.0 end m.wallKickTimer = 0 return rc end -- attempt to stick to the wall a bit. if it's 0, sometimes you'll get kicked off of slightly sloped walls mario_set_forward_vel(m, -1.0) m.particleFlags = m.particleFlags | PARTICLE_DUST play_sound(SOUND_MOVING_TERRAIN_SLIDE + m.terrainSoundAddend, m.marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) set_mario_animation(m, MARIO_ANIM_START_WALLKICK) if perform_air_step(m, 0) == AIR_STEP_LANDED then mario_set_forward_vel(m, 0.0) if check_fall_damage_or_get_stuck(m, ACT_HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB) == 0 then return set_mario_action(m, ACT_FREEFALL_LAND, 0) end end m.actionTimer = m.actionTimer + 1 if m.wall == nil and m.actionTimer > 2 then mario_set_forward_vel(m, 0.0) return set_mario_action(m, ACT_FREEFALL, 0) end return 0 end function act_wall_slide_gravity(m) m.vel.y = m.vel.y - 2 if m.vel.y < -15 then m.vel.y = -15 end end function mario_on_set_action(m) -- wall slide if m.action == ACT_SOFT_BONK then m.faceAngle.y = m.faceAngle.y + 0x8000 set_mario_action(m, ACT_WALL_SLIDE, 0) end end hook_event(HOOK_ON_SET_MARIO_ACTION, mario_on_set_action) hook_mario_action(ACT_WALL_SLIDE, { every_frame = act_wall_slide, gravity = act_wall_slide_gravity } ) ``` [:arrow_up_small:](#)
## [hook_on_sync_table_change](#hook_on_sync_table_change) `hook_on_sync_table_change()` allows Lua mods to react to sync table changes. - `syncTable` parameter must be a sync table, e.g. [gGlobalSyncTable](../globals.md#gGlobalSyncTable), [gPlayerSyncTable[]](../globals.md#gPlayerSyncTable), or one of their child tables. - `field` parameter must be one of the fields in the `SyncTable`. - `tag` parameter can be any type, and is automatically passed to the callback. - `func` parameter must be a function with three parameters: `tag`, `oldVal`, and `newVal`. - `tag` will be the same `tag` passed into `hook_on_sync_table_change()`. - `oldVal` will be the value before it was set. - `newVal` will be the value that it was set to. ### Parameters | Field | Type | | ----- | ---- | | syncTable | `SyncTable` | | field | `value` | | tag | `value` | | func | `Lua Function` (`value` tag, `value` oldValue, `value` newValue) | ### Lua Example ```lua function on_testing_field_changed(tag, oldVal, newVal) print("testingField changed:", tag, ",", oldVal, "->", newVal) end hook_on_sync_table_change(gGlobalSyncTable, "testingField", "tag", on_testing_field_changed) -- now when testingField is set, either locally or over the network on_testing_field_changed() will be called gGlobalSyncTable.testingField = "hello" ``` [:arrow_up_small:](#)
## [hook_mod_menu_button](#hook_mod_menu_button) `hook_mod_menu_button()` allows Lua to add buttons to their designated mod menu submenu. ### Parameters | Field | Type | | ----- | ---- | | message | `string` | | func | `Lua Function` (`integer` index) | ### Lua Example ```lua local menu1Open = false local menu2Open = false --- @param index integer local function on_open_menu(index) if index == 0 then menu1Open = true menu2Open = false else menu1Open = false menu2Open = true end end -- you can always do separate functions too! hook_mod_menu_button("Open Menu 1", on_open_menu) hook_mod_menu_button("Open Menu 2", on_open_menu) ``` [:arrow_up_small:](#)
## [hook_mod_menu_checkbox](#hook_mod_menu_checkbox) `hook_mod_menu_checkbox()` allows Lua to add checkboxes to their designated mod menu submenu. ### Parameters | Field | Type | | ----- | ---- | | message | `string` | | defaultValue | `boolean` | | func | `Lua Function` (`integer` index, `boolean` value) | ### Lua Example ```lua local flyMode = false local noclipMode = false --- @param index integer --- @param value boolean local function on_set_player_mode(index, value) if index == 0 then flyMode = value else noclipMode = value end end -- you can always do separate functions too! hook_mod_menu_checkbox("Fly Mode", false, on_set_player_mode) hook_mod_menu_checkbox("Noclip Mode", false, on_set_player_mode) ``` [:arrow_up_small:](#)
## [hook_mod_menu_slider](#hook_mod_menu_slider) `hook_mod_menu_slider()` allows Lua to add sliders to their designated mod menu submenu. ### Parameters | Field | Type | | ----- | ---- | | message | `string` | | defaultValue | `integer` | | min | `integer` | | max | `integer` | | func | `Lua Function` (`integer` index, `integer` value) | ### Lua Example ```lua local timeScale = 0.0 local function on_set_time_scale(index, value) timeScale = value end hook_mod_menu_slider("Time Scale", 1, 0, 10, on_set_time_scale) ``` [:arrow_up_small:](#)
## [hook_mod_menu_inputbox](#hook_mod_menu_inputbox) `hook_mod_menu_inputbox()` allows Lua to add textboxes to their designated mod menu submenu. ### Parameters | Field | Type | | ----- | ---- | | message | `string` | | defaultValue | `string` | | stringLength | `integer` | | func | `Lua Function` (`integer` index, `string` value) | ### Lua Example ```lua --- @param index integer --- @param value string local function on_set_network_player_description(index, value) network_player_set_description(gNetworkPlayers[0], value, 255, 255, 255, 255) end hook_mod_menu_inputbox("Network Player Description", on_set_network_player_description) ```