moveset = false cheats = false for mod in pairs(gActiveMods) do if gActiveMods[mod].name:find("Object Spawner") then cheats = true end end if gServerSettings.enableCheats ~= 0 then cheats = true end for i in pairs(gActiveMods) do if (gActiveMods[i].incompatible ~= nil and gActiveMods[i].incompatible:find("moveset")) or gActiveMods[i].name:find("Squishy's Server") or (gActiveMods[i].name:find("Pasta") and gActiveMods[i].name:find("Castle")) then moveset = true end end -- localize functions to improve performance local math_floor,is_player_active,table_insert,is_game_paused,djui_hud_set_color = math.floor,is_player_active,table.insert,is_game_paused,djui_hud_set_color rom_hack_cam_set_collisions(false) -- Rounds up or down depending on the decimal position of `x`. --- @param x number --- @return integer function math_round(x) return if_then_else(x - math.floor(x) >= 0.5, math.ceil(x), math.floor(x)) end -- Recieves a value of any type and converts it into a boolean. function tobool(v) local type = type(v) if type == "boolean" then return v elseif type == "number" then return v == 1 elseif type == "string" then return v == "true" elseif type == "table" or type == "function" or type == "thread" or type == "userdata" then return true end return false end function switch(param, case_table) local case = case_table[param] if case then return case() end local def = case_table['default'] return def and def() or nil end --- @param m MarioState function active_player(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] if m.playerIndex == 0 then return 1 end if not np.connected then return 0 end if np.currCourseNum ~= gNetworkPlayers[0].currCourseNum then return 0 end if np.currActNum ~= gNetworkPlayers[0].currActNum then return 0 end if np.currLevelNum ~= gNetworkPlayers[0].currLevelNum then return 0 end if np.currAreaIndex ~= gNetworkPlayers[0].currAreaIndex then return 0 end return is_player_active(m) end function if_then_else(cond, ifTrue, ifFalse) if cond then return ifTrue end return ifFalse end function approach_number(current, target, inc, dec) if current < target then current = current + inc if current > target then current = target end else current = current - dec if current < target then current = target end end return current end function string_without_hex(name) local s = '' local inSlash = false for i = 1, #name do local c = name:sub(i,i) if c == '\\' then inSlash = not inSlash elseif not inSlash then s = s .. c end end return s end function on_or_off(value) if value then return "\\#00ff00\\ON" end return "\\#ff0000\\OFF" end function split(s) local result = {} for match in (s):gmatch(string.format("[^%s]+", " ")) do table.insert(result, match) end return result end function djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(r, g, b, a) local multiplier = 1 if is_game_paused() then multiplier = 0.5 end djui_hud_set_color(r * multiplier, g * multiplier, b * multiplier, a) end function SEQUENCE_ARGS(priority, seqId) return ((priority << 8) | seqId) end --- @param m MarioState function mario_set_full_health(m) = 0x880 m.healCounter = 0 m.hurtCounter = 0 end local levelToCourse = { [LEVEL_NONE] = COURSE_NONE, [LEVEL_BOB] = COURSE_BOB, [LEVEL_WF] = COURSE_WF, [LEVEL_JRB] = COURSE_JRB, [LEVEL_CCM] = COURSE_CCM, [LEVEL_BBH] = COURSE_BBH, [LEVEL_HMC] = COURSE_HMC, [LEVEL_LLL] = COURSE_LLL, [LEVEL_SSL] = COURSE_SSL, [LEVEL_DDD] = COURSE_DDD, [LEVEL_SL] = COURSE_SL, [LEVEL_WDW] = COURSE_WDW, [LEVEL_TTM] = COURSE_TTM, [LEVEL_THI] = COURSE_THI, [LEVEL_TTC] = COURSE_TTC, [LEVEL_RR] = COURSE_RR, [LEVEL_BITDW] = COURSE_BITDW, [LEVEL_BITFS] = COURSE_BITFS, [LEVEL_BITS] = COURSE_BITS, [LEVEL_PSS] = COURSE_PSS, [LEVEL_COTMC] = COURSE_COTMC, [LEVEL_TOTWC] = COURSE_TOTWC, [LEVEL_VCUTM] = COURSE_VCUTM, [LEVEL_WMOTR] = COURSE_WMOTR, [LEVEL_SA] = COURSE_SA, [LEVEL_ENDING] = COURSE_CAKE_END, } function level_to_course(level) return levelToCourse[level] or COURSE_NONE end function timestamp(seconds) seconds = seconds / 30 local minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60) local milliseconds = math.floor((seconds - math.floor(seconds)) * 1000) seconds = math.floor(seconds) % 60 return string.format("%d:%02d:%03d", minutes, seconds, milliseconds) end