for i = 0, MAX_PLAYERS -1, 1 do gPlayerSyncTable[i].customVoice = 0 end local voicecount = 0 local SLEEP_TALK_SNORES = 8 gCustomVoiceSamples = {} gCustomVoiceSamplesBackup = {} gCustomVoiceStream = nil --- @param m MarioState function stop_custom_character_sound(m, sound) local voice_sample = gCustomVoiceSamples[m.playerIndex] if voice_sample == false and gCustomVoiceSamplesBackup[m.playerIndex].loaded then audio_sample_stop(gCustomVoiceSamplesBackup[m.playerIndex]) audio_sample_destroy(gCustomVoiceSamplesBackup[m.playerIndex]) voicecount = voicecount - 1 gCustomVoiceSamplesBackup[m.playerIndex] = nil return end if voice_sample == nil or type(voice_sample) == "boolean" then return end if not voice_sample.loaded then gCustomVoiceSamplesBackup[m.playerIndex] = true return end audio_sample_stop(voice_sample) if voice_sample.file.relativePath:match('^.+/(.+)$') == sound then return voice_sample end audio_sample_destroy(voice_sample) voicecount = voicecount - 1 end --- @param m MarioState function play_custom_character_sound(m, voice) local sound if type(voice) == "table" then sound = voice[math.random(#voice)] else sound = voice end if sound == nil then return 0 end --Get current sample and stop it local voice_sample = stop_custom_character_sound(m, sound) if type(sound) ~= "string" then return sound end if (m.area == nil or == nil) and m.playerIndex == 0 then if gCustomVoiceStream ~= nil then audio_stream_stop(gCustomVoiceStream) audio_stream_destroy(gCustomVoiceStream) end gCustomVoiceStream = audio_stream_load(sound) audio_stream_play(gCustomVoiceStream, true, 1) else if voice_sample == nil then voice_sample = audio_sample_load(sound) while not voice_sample.loaded do end voicecount = voicecount + 1 end audio_sample_play(voice_sample, m.pos, 1) if gCustomVoiceSamplesBackup[m.playerIndex] ~= nil and not(gCustomVoiceSamples[m.playerIndex] == false) then gCustomVoiceSamplesBackup[m.playerIndex] = voice_sample else gCustomVoiceSamples[m.playerIndex] = voice_sample end end return 0 end --- @param m MarioState local function custom_character_sound(m, characterSound) if is_game_paused() then return end if characterSound == CHAR_SOUND_SNORING3 then return 0 end if characterSound == CHAR_SOUND_HAHA and m.hurtCounter > 0 then return 0 end local voice = _G.charSelect.character_get_voice(m)[characterSound] if voice ~= nil then return play_custom_character_sound(m, voice) end return 0 end local STARTING_SNORE = 46 local SLEEP_TALK_START = STARTING_SNORE + 49 local SLEEP_TALK_END = SLEEP_TALK_START + SLEEP_TALK_SNORES --- @param m MarioState local function custom_character_snore(m) if is_game_paused() then return end if gCustomVoiceSamplesBackup[m.playerIndex] ~= nil and not (gCustomVoiceSamples[m.playerIndex] == false) then if gCustomVoiceSamples[m.playerIndex].loaded then audio_sample_destroy(gCustomVoiceSamples[m.playerIndex]) voicecount = voicecount - 1 gCustomVoiceSamples[m.playerIndex] = false end end local SNORE3_TABLE = _G.charSelect.character_get_voice(m)[CHAR_SOUND_SNORING3] if m.action ~= ACT_SLEEPING then if m.isSnoring > 0 then stop_custom_character_sound(m) end return elseif not (m.actionState == 2 and (m.flags & MARIO_MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) ~= 0) then return end local animFrame = m.marioObj.header.gfx.animInfo.animFrame if SNORE3_TABLE ~= nil and #SNORE3_TABLE >= 2 then if animFrame == 2 and m.actionTimer < SLEEP_TALK_START then play_custom_character_sound(m, SNORE3_TABLE[2]) elseif animFrame == 25 then if #SNORE3_TABLE >= 3 then m.actionTimer = m.actionTimer + 1 if m.actionTimer >= SLEEP_TALK_END then m.actionTimer = STARTING_SNORE end if m.actionTimer == SLEEP_TALK_START then play_custom_character_sound(m, SNORE3_TABLE[3]) elseif m.actionTimer < SLEEP_TALK_START then play_custom_character_sound(m, SNORE3_TABLE[1]) end else play_custom_character_sound(m, SNORE3_TABLE[1]) end end elseif animFrame == 2 then play_character_sound(m, CHAR_SOUND_SNORING2) elseif animFrame == 25 then play_character_sound(m, CHAR_SOUND_SNORING1) end end _G.charSelect.voice = { sound = custom_character_sound, snore = custom_character_snore, } gPlayerSyncTable[0].customVoice = true