function bhv_race_shell_set_hitbox(obj) local hitbox = get_temp_object_hitbox() hitbox.interactType = INTERACT_KOOPA_SHELL hitbox.downOffset = 0 hitbox.damageOrCoinValue = 4 = 1 hitbox.numLootCoins = 1 hitbox.radius = 50 hitbox.height = 50 hitbox.hurtboxRadius = 50 hitbox.hurtboxHeight = 50 obj_set_hitbox(obj, hitbox) end function bhv_race_shell_water_drop(obj) spawn_non_sync_object(id_bhvObjectWaveTrail, E_MODEL_WAVE_TRAIL, obj.oPosX, obj.oPosY, obj.oPosZ, nil) if gMarioStates[0].forwardVel > 10.0 then local drop = spawn_non_sync_object(id_bhvWaterDroplet, E_MODEL_WHITE_PARTICLE_SMALL, obj.oPosX, obj.oPosY, obj.oPosZ, nil) if drop ~= nil then obj_scale(drop, 1.5) drop.oVelY = math.random() * 30.0 obj_translate_xz_random(drop, 110.0) end end end function bhv_race_shell_flame_spawn(obj) for i = 0, 1 do spawn_non_sync_object(id_bhvKoopaShellFlame, E_MODEL_RED_FLAME, obj.oPosX, obj.oPosY, obj.oPosZ, nil) end end function bhv_race_shell_spawn_sparkles(obj, offset) spawn_non_sync_object(id_bhvSparkleSpawn, E_MODEL_NONE, obj.oPosX, obj.oPosY + offset, obj.oPosZ, nil) end function bhv_race_shell_init(obj) obj.oFlags = OBJ_FLAG_UPDATE_GFX_POS_AND_ANGLE -- set_obj_physics obj.oWallHitboxRadius = 30 obj.oGravity = -400 / 100.0 obj.oBounciness = -50 / 100.0 obj.oDragStrength = 1000 / 100.0 obj.oFriction = 1000 / 100.0 obj.oBuoyancy = 200 / 100.0 end function bhv_race_shell_loop(obj) local np = gNetworkPlayers[obj.heldByPlayerIndex] local m = gMarioStates[obj.heldByPlayerIndex] local player = m.marioObj local riding = is_riding(m) if active_player(m) and riding then cur_obj_unhide() else cur_obj_hide() return end --bhv_race_shell_set_hitbox(obj) cur_obj_scale(1.0) obj_copy_pos(obj, player) obj.oFaceAngleYaw = player.oFaceAngleYaw local surface = cur_obj_update_floor_height_and_get_floor() local waterLevel = find_water_level(obj.oPosX, obj.oPosZ) if math.abs(waterLevel - obj.oPosY) < 10.0 then bhv_race_shell_water_drop(obj) elseif 5.0 > math.abs(obj.oPosY - obj.oFloorHeight) then if surface ~= nil and surface.type == 1 then bhv_race_shell_flame_spawn(obj) elseif m.forwardVel > 70 then bhv_race_shell_spawn_sparkles(obj, 10.0) end elseif m.forwardVel > 70 then bhv_race_shell_spawn_sparkles(obj, 10.0) end obj.oFaceAngleYaw = player.oMoveAngleYaw end id_bhvRaceShell = hook_behavior(nil, OBJ_LIST_LEVEL, true, bhv_race_shell_init, bhv_race_shell_loop)