if incompatibleClient then return 0 end characterColorPresets = { [E_MODEL_MARIO] = { [PANTS] = {r = 0x00, g = 0x00, b = 0xff}, [SHIRT] = {r = 0xff, g = 0x00, b = 0x00}, [GLOVES] = {r = 0xff, g = 0xff, b = 0xff}, [SHOES] = {r = 0x72, g = 0x1c, b = 0x0e}, [HAIR] = {r = 0x73, g = 0x06, b = 0x00}, [SKIN] = {r = 0xfe, g = 0xc1, b = 0x79}, [CAP] = {r = 0xff, g = 0x00, b = 0x00}, [EMBLEM] = {r = 0xff, g = 0x00, b = 0x00}, }, [E_MODEL_LUIGI] = { [PANTS] = {r = 0x00, g = 0x00, b = 0xff}, [SHIRT] = {r = 0x00, g = 0xff, b = 0x00}, [GLOVES] = {r = 0xff, g = 0xff, b = 0xff}, [SHOES] = {r = 0x72, g = 0x1c, b = 0x0e}, [HAIR] = {r = 0x73, g = 0x06, b = 0x00}, [SKIN] = {r = 0xfe, g = 0xc1, b = 0x79}, [CAP] = {r = 0x00, g = 0xff, b = 0x00}, [EMBLEM] = {r = 0x00, g = 0xff, b = 0x00}, }, [E_MODEL_TOAD_PLAYER] = { [PANTS] = {r = 0xff, g = 0xff, b = 0xff}, [SHIRT] = {r = 0x4c, g = 0x2c, b = 0xd3}, [GLOVES] = {r = 0xff, g = 0xff, b = 0xff}, [SHOES] = {r = 0x68, g = 0x40, b = 0x1b}, [HAIR] = {r = 0x73, g = 0x06, b = 0x00}, [SKIN] = {r = 0xfe, g = 0xd5, b = 0xa1}, [CAP] = {r = 0xff, g = 0x00, b = 0x00}, [EMBLEM] = {r = 0xff, g = 0x00, b = 0x00}, }, [E_MODEL_WALUIGI] = { [PANTS] = {r = 0x16, g = 0x16, b = 0x27}, [SHIRT] = {r = 0x61, g = 0x26, b = 0xb0}, [GLOVES] = {r = 0xff, g = 0xff, b = 0xff}, [SHOES] = {r = 0xfe, g = 0x76, b = 0x00}, [HAIR] = {r = 0x73, g = 0x53, b = 0x00}, [SKIN] = {r = 0xfe, g = 0xc1, b = 0x79}, [CAP] = {r = 0x61, g = 0x26, b = 0xb0}, [EMBLEM] = {r = 0x4c, g = 0x2c, b = 0xd3}, }, [E_MODEL_WARIO] = { [PANTS] = {r = 0x7f, g = 0x20, b = 0x7a}, [SHIRT] = {r = 0xe3, g = 0xa9, b = 0x01}, [GLOVES] = {r = 0xff, g = 0xff, b = 0xff}, [SHOES] = {r = 0x0e, g = 0x72, b = 0x1c}, [HAIR] = {r = 0x73, g = 0x53, b = 0x00}, [SKIN] = {r = 0xfe, g = 0xc1, b = 0x79}, [CAP] = {r = 0xe3, g = 0xa9, b = 0x01}, [EMBLEM] = {r = 0x61, g = 0x26, b = 0xb0}, }, } local defaultModels = { [CT_MARIO] = E_MODEL_MARIO, [CT_LUIGI] = E_MODEL_LUIGI, [CT_TOAD] = E_MODEL_TOAD_PLAYER, [CT_WALUIGI] = E_MODEL_WALUIGI, [CT_WARIO] = E_MODEL_WARIO } local paletteLoop = #characterColorPresets[E_MODEL_MARIO] local network_player_set_override_palette_color = network_player_set_override_palette_color local function network_player_set_full_override_palette(networkPlayer, colorTable) for i = 0, paletteLoop do network_player_set_override_palette_color(networkPlayer, i, colorTable[i]) end end local prevChar = currChar local stallTimer = 5 local prevPresetPalette = {} local prevModel = {} local function mario_update(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local p = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] if m.playerIndex == 0 and not p.isUpdating then p.isUpdating = true for i = 1, MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do prevPresetPalette[i] = gPlayerSyncTable[i].presetPalette prevModel[i] = gPlayerSyncTable[i].modelId and gPlayerSyncTable[i].modelId or defaultModels[gMarioStates[i].character.type] end end if np.connected then local modelId = p.modelId and p.modelId or defaultModels[m.character.type] if p.presetPalette == nil or characterColorPresets[modelId] == nil then if p.presetPalette == nil then prevPresetPalette[m.playerIndex] = false end p.presetPalette = false end if (prevPresetPalette[m.playerIndex] ~= p.presetPalette or prevModel[m.playerIndex] ~= modelId) then if not p.presetPalette or not characterColorPresets[modelId] then network_player_reset_override_palette(np) end end prevPresetPalette[m.playerIndex] = p.presetPalette prevModel[m.playerIndex] = modelId if p.presetPalette and characterColorPresets[modelId] and not stopPalettes then network_player_set_full_override_palette(np, characterColorPresets[modelId]) end else if p.isUpdating then p.isUpdating = false end end if m.playerIndex == 0 then if (menuAndTransition or prevChar ~= currChar) and stallTimer == 0 then local modelId = p.modelId and p.modelId or defaultModels[m.character.type] if optionTable[optionTableRef.autoPalette].toggle > 0 and optionTable[optionTableRef.localModels].toggle > 0 and (currChar ~= 1 and prevChar ~= currChar and not p.presetPalette) and characterColorPresets[modelId] and not stopPalettes then p.presetPalette = true end if optionTable[optionTableRef.localModels].toggle == 0 then p.presetPalette = false end prevChar = currChar end if stallTimer > 0 then stallTimer = stallTimer - 1 end end end hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, mario_update)