-- name: Water Height Changer -- description: Use /waterset and /waterget to manipulate water height. local function on_get_command(msg) if not network_is_server() then djui_chat_message_create("You need to be the host!") return true end djui_chat_message_create(tostring(get_water_level(0))) djui_chat_message_create(tostring(get_water_level(1))) return true end local function on_set_command(msg) if not network_is_server() then djui_chat_message_create("You need to be the host!") return true end local num = tonumber(msg) if not num then djui_chat_message_create("Not a number!") return true end set_water_level(0, num, true) set_water_level(1, num, true) return true end hook_chat_command("waterset", "to set the first two water levels", on_set_command) hook_chat_command("waterget", "to get the first two water levels", on_get_command)