#ifndef LEVEL_COMMANDS_H #define LEVEL_COMMANDS_H #include "command_macros_base.h" #include "level_table.h" #define OP_AND 0 #define OP_NAND 1 #define OP_EQ 2 #define OP_NEQ 3 #define OP_LT 4 #define OP_LEQ 5 #define OP_GT 6 #define OP_GEQ 7 #define OP_SET 0 #define OP_GET 1 #define VAR_CURR_SAVE_FILE_NUM 0 #define VAR_CURR_COURSE_NUM 1 #define VAR_CURR_ACT_NUM 2 #define VAR_CURR_LEVEL_NUM 3 #define VAR_CURR_AREA_INDEX 4 #define WARP_CHECKPOINT 0x80 #define WARP_NO_CHECKPOINT 0x00 #define WHIRLPOOL_COND_ALWAYS 0 #define WHIRLPOOL_COND_BOWSER2_BEATEN 2 #define WHIRLPOOL_COND_AT_LEAST_SECOND_STAR 3 // Head defines #define REGULAR_FACE 0x0002 #define DIZZY_FACE 0x0003 #define EXECUTE(seg, script, scriptEnd, entry) \ CMD_BBH(0x00, 0x10, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(NULL), \ CMD_PTR(NULL), \ CMD_PTR(entry) #define EXIT_AND_EXECUTE(seg, script, scriptEnd, entry) \ CMD_BBH(0x01, 0x10, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(NULL), \ CMD_PTR(NULL), \ CMD_PTR(entry) #define EXIT() \ CMD_BBH(0x02, 0x04, 0x0000) #define SLEEP(frames) \ CMD_BBH(0x03, 0x04, frames) #define SLEEP_BEFORE_EXIT(frames) \ CMD_BBH(0x04, 0x04, frames) #define JUMP(target) \ CMD_BBH(0x05, 0x08, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(target) #define JUMP_LINK(target) \ CMD_BBH(0x06, 0x08, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(target) #define RETURN() \ CMD_BBH(0x07, 0x04, 0x0000) #define JUMP_LINK_PUSH_ARG(arg) \ CMD_BBH(0x08, 0x04, arg) #define JUMP_N_TIMES() \ CMD_BBH(0x09, 0x04, 0x0000) #define LOOP_BEGIN() \ CMD_BBH(0x0A, 0x04, 0x0000) #define LOOP_UNTIL(op, arg) \ CMD_BBBB(0x0B, 0x08, op, 0x00), \ CMD_W(arg) #define JUMP_IF(op, arg, target) \ CMD_BBBB(0x0C, 0x0C, op, 0x00), \ CMD_W(arg), \ CMD_PTR(target) #define JUMP_LINK_IF(op, arg, target) \ CMD_BBBB(0x0D, 0x0C, op, 0x00), \ CMD_W(arg), \ CMD_PTR(target) #define SKIP_IF(op, arg) \ CMD_BBBB(0x0E, 0x08, op, 0), \ CMD_W(arg) #define SKIP() \ CMD_BBH(0x0F, 0x04, 0x0000) #define SKIP_NOP() \ CMD_BBH(0x10, 0x04, 0x0000) #define CALL(arg, func) \ CMD_BBH(0x11, 0x08, arg), \ CMD_PTR(func) // Calls func in a loop until it returns nonzero #define CALL_LOOP(arg, func) \ CMD_BBH(0x12, 0x08, arg), \ CMD_PTR(func) #define SET_REG(value) \ CMD_BBH(0x13, 0x04, value) #define PUSH_POOL() \ CMD_BBH(0x14, 0x04, 0x0000) #define POP_POOL() \ CMD_BBH(0x15, 0x04, 0x0000) #define FIXED_LOAD(loadAddr, romStart, romEnd) \ CMD_BBH(0x16, 0x10, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(NULL), \ CMD_PTR(NULL), \ CMD_PTR(NULL) #define LOAD_RAW(seg, romStart, romEnd) \ CMD_BBH(0x17, 0x0C, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(NULL), \ CMD_PTR(NULL) #define LOAD_MIO0(seg, romStart, romEnd) \ CMD_BBH(0x18, 0x0C, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(NULL), \ CMD_PTR(NULL) #define LOAD_MARIO_HEAD(sethead) \ CMD_BBH(0x19, 0x04, sethead) #define LOAD_MIO0_TEXTURE(seg, romStart, romEnd) \ CMD_BBH(0x1A, 0x0C, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(NULL), \ CMD_PTR(NULL) #define INIT_LEVEL() \ CMD_BBH(0x1B, 0x04, 0x0000) #define CLEAR_LEVEL() \ CMD_BBH(0x1C, 0x04, 0x0000) #define ALLOC_LEVEL_POOL() \ CMD_BBH(0x1D, 0x04, 0x0000) #define FREE_LEVEL_POOL() \ CMD_BBH(0x1E, 0x04, 0x0000) #define AREA(index, geo) \ CMD_BBBB(0x1F, 0x08, index, 0), \ CMD_PTR(geo) #define END_AREA() \ CMD_BBH(0x20, 0x04, 0x0000) #define LOAD_MODEL_FROM_DL(model, dl, layer) \ CMD_BBH(0x21, 0x08, ((layer << 12) | model)), \ CMD_PTR(dl) #define LOAD_MODEL_FROM_GEO(model, geo) \ CMD_BBH(0x22, 0x08, model), \ CMD_PTR(geo) // unk8 is float, but doesn't really matter since CMD23 is unused #define CMD23(model, unk4, unk8) \ CMD_BBH(0x22, 0x08, model), \ CMD_PTR(unk4), \ CMD_W(unk8) #define OBJECT_WITH_ACTS(model, posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ, behParam, beh, acts) \ CMD_BBBB(0x24, 0x18, acts, model), \ CMD_HHHHHH(posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ), \ CMD_W(behParam), \ CMD_PTR(beh) #define OBJECT(model, posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ, behParam, beh) \ OBJECT_WITH_ACTS(model, posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ, behParam, beh, 0x1F) #define MARIO(unk3, behArg, beh) \ CMD_BBBB(0x25, 0x0C, 0x00, unk3), \ CMD_W(behArg), \ CMD_PTR(beh) #define WARP_NODE(id, destLevel, destArea, destNode, flags) \ CMD_BBBB(0x26, 0x08, id, destLevel), \ CMD_BBBB(destArea, destNode, flags, 0x00) #define PAINTING_WARP_NODE(id, destLevel, destArea, destNode, flags) \ CMD_BBBB(0x27, 0x08, id, destLevel), \ CMD_BBBB(destArea, destNode, flags, 0x00) #define INSTANT_WARP(index, destArea, displaceX, displaceY, displaceZ) \ CMD_BBBB(0x28, 0x0C, index, destArea), \ CMD_HH(displaceX, displaceY), \ CMD_HH(displaceZ, 0x0000) #define LOAD_AREA(area) \ CMD_BBBB(0x29, 0x04, area, 0x00) #define CMD2A(unk2) \ CMD_BBBB(0x2A, 0x04, unk2, 0x00) #define MARIO_POS(area, yaw, posX, posY, posZ) \ CMD_BBBB(0x2B, 0x0C, area, 0x00), \ CMD_HH(yaw, posX), \ CMD_HH(posY, posZ) // unused #define CMD2C() \ CMD_BBH(0x2C, 0x04, 0x0000) // unused #define CMD2D() \ CMD_BBH(0x2D, 0x04, 0x0000) #define TERRAIN(terrainData) \ CMD_BBH(0x2E, 0x08, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(terrainData) #define ROOMS(surfaceRooms) \ CMD_BBH(0x2F, 0x08, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(surfaceRooms) #define SHOW_DIALOG(index, dialogId) \ CMD_BBBB(0x30, 0x04, index, dialogId) #define TERRAIN_TYPE(terrainType) \ CMD_BBH(0x31, 0x04, terrainType) #define NOP() \ CMD_BBH(0x32, 0x04, 0x0000) #define TRANSITION(transType, time, colorR, colorG, colorB) \ CMD_BBBB(0x33, 0x08, transType, time), \ CMD_BBBB(colorR, colorG, colorB, 0x00) #define BLACKOUT(active) \ CMD_BBBB(0x34, 0x04, active, 0x00) #define GAMMA(enabled) \ CMD_BBBB(0x35, 0x04, enabled, 0x00) #define SET_BACKGROUND_MUSIC(settingsPreset, seq) \ CMD_BBH(0x36, 0x08, settingsPreset), \ CMD_HH(seq, 0x0000) #define SET_MENU_MUSIC(seq) \ CMD_BBH(0x37, 0x04, seq) #define STOP_MUSIC(fadeOutTime) \ CMD_BBH(0x38, 0x04, fadeOutTime) #define MACRO_OBJECTS(objList) \ CMD_BBH(0x39, 0x08, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(objList) // unused #define CMD3A(unk2, unk4, unk6, unk8, unk10) \ CMD_BBH(0x3A, 0x0C, unk2), \ CMD_HH(unk6, unk8), \ CMD_HH(unk10, 0x0000) #define WHIRLPOOL(index, condition, posX, posY, posZ, strength) \ CMD_BBBB(0x3B, 0x0C, index, condition), \ CMD_HH(posX, posY), \ CMD_HH(posZ, strength) #define GET_OR_SET(op, var) \ CMD_BBBB(0x3C, 0x04, op, var) #define ADV_DEMO() \ CMD_BBH(0x3D, 0x04, 0x0000) #define CLEAR_DEMO_PTR() \ CMD_BBH(0x3E, 0x04, 0x0000) // coop #define OBJECT_WITH_ACTS_EXT(model, posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ, behParam, beh, acts) \ CMD_BBBB(0x3F, 0x18, acts, model), \ CMD_HHHHHH(posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ), \ CMD_W(behParam), \ CMD_PTR(beh) #define OBJECT_WITH_ACTS_EXT2(model, posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ, behParam, beh, acts) \ CMD_BBBB(0x40, 0x1C, acts, 0), \ CMD_HHHHHH(posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ), \ CMD_W(behParam), \ CMD_PTR(model), \ CMD_PTR(beh) #define OBJECT_EXT(model, posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ, behParam, beh) \ OBJECT_WITH_ACTS_EXT(model, posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ, behParam, beh, 0x1F) #define OBJECT_EXT2(model, posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ, behParam, beh) \ OBJECT_WITH_ACTS_EXT2(model, posX, posY, posZ, angleX, angleY, angleZ, behParam, beh, 0x1F) #define LOAD_MODEL_FROM_GEO_EXT(model, geo) \ CMD_BBH(0x41, 0x08, model), \ CMD_PTR(geo) #define JUMP_AREA_EXT(op, arg, target) \ CMD_BBBB(0x42, 0x0C, op, 0x00), \ CMD_W(arg), \ CMD_PTR(target) // README // // README // // README // /* When adding new level script commands, you have to add the command to dynos_bin_lvl_validate.cpp's LvlCmd_Init(), and specify which params are pointers */ // README // // README // // README // #endif // LEVEL_COMMANDS_H