#ifndef GEO_COMMANDS_H #define GEO_COMMANDS_H #include "command_macros_base.h" #include "game/shadow.h" #include "game/object_helpers.h" #include "game/behavior_actions.h" #include "game/segment2.h" #include "game/mario_misc.h" #include "game/mario_actions_cutscene.h" // sky background params #define BACKGROUND_OCEAN_SKY 0 #define BACKGROUND_FLAMING_SKY 1 #define BACKGROUND_UNDERWATER_CITY 2 #define BACKGROUND_BELOW_CLOUDS 3 #define BACKGROUND_SNOW_MOUNTAINS 4 #define BACKGROUND_DESERT 5 #define BACKGROUND_HAUNTED 6 #define BACKGROUND_GREEN_SKY 7 #define BACKGROUND_ABOVE_CLOUDS 8 #define BACKGROUND_PURPLE_SKY 9 #define BACKGROUND_CUSTOM 10 // geo layout macros /** * 0x00: Branch and store return address * 0x04: scriptTarget, segment address of geo layout */ #define GEO_BRANCH_AND_LINK(scriptTarget) \ CMD_BBH(0x00, 0x00, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(scriptTarget) /** * 0x01: Terminate geo layout * 0x01-0x03: unused */ #define GEO_END() \ CMD_BBH(0x01, 0x00, 0x0000) /** * 0x02: Branch * 0x01: if 1, store next geo layout address on stack * 0x02-0x03: unused * 0x04: scriptTarget, segment address of geo layout */ #define GEO_BRANCH(type, scriptTarget) \ CMD_BBH(0x02, type, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(scriptTarget) /** * 0x03: Return from branch * 0x01-0x03: unused */ #define GEO_RETURN() \ CMD_BBH(0x03, 0x00, 0x0000) /** * 0x04: Open node * 0x01-0x03: unused */ #define GEO_OPEN_NODE() \ CMD_BBH(0x04, 0x00, 0x0000) /** * 0x05: Close node * 0x01-0x03: unused */ #define GEO_CLOSE_NODE() \ CMD_BBH(0x05, 0x00, 0x0000) /** * 0x06: Register the current node at the given index in the gGeoViews array * 0x01: unused * 0x02: s16 index */ #define GEO_ASSIGN_AS_VIEW(index) \ CMD_BBH(0x06, 0x00, index) /** * 0x07: Update current scene graph node flags * 0x01: u8 operation (0 = reset, 1 = set, 2 = clear) * 0x02: s16 bits */ #define GEO_UPDATE_NODE_FLAGS(operation, flagBits) \ CMD_BBH(0x07, operation, flagBits) /** * 0x08: Create screen area scene graph node * 0x01: unused * 0x02: s16 num entries (+2) to allocate * 0x04: s16 x * 0x06: s16 y * 0x08: s16 width * 0x0A: s16 height */ #define GEO_NODE_SCREEN_AREA(numEntries, x, y, width, height) \ CMD_BBH(0x08, 0x00, numEntries), \ CMD_HH(x, y), \ CMD_HH(width, height) /** * 0x09: Create orthographic projection scene graph node * 0x02: s16 scale as percentage */ #define GEO_NODE_ORTHO(scale) \ CMD_BBH(0x09, 0x00, scale) /** * 0x0A: Create camera frustum scene graph node * 0x01: u8 if nonzero, enable function field * 0x02: s16 field of view * 0x04: s16 near * 0x06: s16 far * 0x08: [GraphNodeFunc function] */ #define GEO_CAMERA_FRUSTUM(fov, near, far) \ CMD_BBH(0x0A, 0x00, fov), \ CMD_HH(near, far) #define GEO_CAMERA_FRUSTUM_WITH_FUNC(fov, near, far, func) \ CMD_BBH(0x0A, 0x01, fov), \ CMD_HH(near, far), \ CMD_PTR(func) /** * 0x0B: Create a root scene graph node * 0x01-0x03: unused */ #define GEO_NODE_START() \ CMD_BBH(0x0B, 0x00, 0x0000) /** * 0x0C: Create zbuffer-toggling scene graph node * 0x01: u8 enableZBuffer (1 = on, 0 = off) * 0x02-0x03: unused */ #define GEO_ZBUFFER(enable) \ CMD_BBH(0x0C, enable, 0x0000) /** * 0x0D: Create render range scene graph node * 0x01-0x03: unused * 0x04: s16 minDistance * 0x06: s16 maxDistance */ #define GEO_RENDER_RANGE(minDistance, maxDistance) \ CMD_BBH(0x0D, 0x00, 0x0000), \ CMD_HH(minDistance, maxDistance) /** * 0x0E: Create switch-case scene graph node * 0x01: unused * 0x02: s16 numCases * 0x04: GraphNodeFunc caseSelectorFunc */ #define GEO_SWITCH_CASE(count, function) \ CMD_BBH(0x0E, 0x00, count), \ CMD_PTR(function) /** * 0x0F: Create a camera scene graph node. * 0x01: unused * 0x02: s16 camera type * 0x04: s16 posX * 0x06: s16 posY * 0x08: s16 posZ * 0x0A: s16 focusX * 0x0C: s16 focusY * 0x0E: s16 focusZ * 0x10: GraphNodeFunc function */ #define GEO_CAMERA(type, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, function) \ CMD_BBH(0x0F, 0x00, type), \ CMD_HHHHHH(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2), \ CMD_PTR(function) /** * 0x10: Create translation & rotation scene graph node with optional display list * Four different versions of 0x10 * cmd+0x01: u8 params * 0b1000_0000: if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer * 0b0111_0000: fieldLayout (determines how rest of data is formatted * 0b0000_1111: drawingLayer * * fieldLayout = 0: Translate & Rotate * 0x04: s16 xTranslation * 0x06: s16 yTranslation * 0x08: s16 zTranslation * 0x0A: s16 xRotation * 0x0C: s16 yRotation * 0x0E: s16 zRotation * 0x10: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address] */ #define GEO_TRANSLATE_ROTATE(layer, tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz) \ CMD_BBH(0x10, (0x00 | layer), 0x0000), \ CMD_HHHHHH(tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz) #define GEO_TRANSLATE_ROTATE_WITH_DL(layer, tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz, displayList) \ CMD_BBH(0x10, (0x00 | layer | 0x80), 0x0000), \ CMD_HHHHHH(tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz), \ CMD_PTR(displayList) /** * fieldLayout = 1: Translate * 0x02: s16 xTranslation * 0x04: s16 yTranslation * 0x06: s16 zTranslation * 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address] */ #define GEO_TRANSLATE(layer, tx, ty, tz) \ CMD_BBH(0x10, (0x10 | layer), tx), \ CMD_HH(ty, tz) #define GEO_TRANSLATE_WITH_DL(layer, tx, ty, tz, displayList) \ CMD_BBH(0x10, (0x10 | layer | 0x80), tx), \ CMD_HH(ty, tz), \ CMD_PTR(displayList) /** * fieldLayout = 2: Rotate * 0x02: s16 xRotation * 0x04: s16 yRotation * 0x06: s16 zRotation * 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address] */ #define GEO_ROTATE(layer, rx, ry, rz) \ CMD_BBH(0x10, (0x20 | layer), rx), \ CMD_HH(ry, rz) #define GEO_ROTATE_WITH_DL(layer, rx, ry, rz, displayList) \ CMD_BBH(0x10, (0x20 | layer | 0x80), rx), \ CMD_HH(ry, rz), \ CMD_PTR(displayList) /** * fieldLayout = 3: Rotate Y * 0x02: s16 yRotation * 0x04: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address] */ #define GEO_ROTATE_Y(layer, ry) \ CMD_BBH(0x10, (0x30 | layer), ry) #define GEO_ROTATE_Y_WITH_DL(layer, ry, displayList) \ CMD_BBH(0x10, (0x30 | layer | 0x80), ry), \ CMD_PTR(displayList) /** * 0x11: Create translation scene graph node with optional display list * 0x01: u8 params * 0b1000_0000: if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer * 0b0000_1111: drawingLayer * 0x02: s16 translationX * 0x04: s16 translationY * 0x06: s16 translationZ * 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address] */ #define GEO_TRANSLATE_NODE(layer, ux, uy, uz) \ CMD_BBH(0x11, layer, ux), \ CMD_HH(uy, uz) #define GEO_TRANSLATE_NODE_WITH_DL(layer, ux, uy, uz, displayList) \ CMD_BBH(0x11, (layer | 0x80), ux), \ CMD_HH(uy, uz), \ CMD_PTR(displayList) /** * 0x12: Create rotation scene graph node with optional display list * 0x01: u8 params * 0b1000_0000: if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer * 0b0000_1111: drawingLayer * 0x02: s16 rotationX * 0x04: s16 rotationY * 0x06: s16 rotationZ * 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address] */ #define GEO_ROTATION_NODE(layer, ux, uy, uz) \ CMD_BBH(0x12, layer, ux), \ CMD_HH(uy, uz) #define GEO_ROTATION_NODE_WITH_DL(layer, ux, uy, uz, displayList) \ CMD_BBH(0x12, (layer | 0x80), ux), \ CMD_HH(uy, uz), \ CMD_PTR(displayList) /** * 0x13: Create a scene graph node that is rotated by the object's animation. * 0x01: u8 drawingLayer * 0x02: s16 xTranslation * 0x04: s16 yTranslation * 0x06: s16 zTranslation * 0x08: u32 displayList: dislay list segmented address */ #define GEO_ANIMATED_PART(layer, x, y, z, displayList) \ CMD_BBH(0x13, layer, x), \ CMD_HH(y, z), \ CMD_PTR(displayList) /** * 0x14: Create billboarding node with optional display list * 0x01: u8 params * 0b1000_0000: if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer * 0b0000_1111: drawingLayer * 0x02: s16 xTranslation * 0x04: s16 yTranslation * 0x06: s16 zTranslation * 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params is set, display list segmented address] */ #define GEO_BILLBOARD_WITH_PARAMS(layer, tx, ty, tz) \ CMD_BBH(0x14, layer, tx), \ CMD_HH(ty, tz) #define GEO_BILLBOARD_WITH_PARAMS_AND_DL(layer, tx, ty, tz, displayList) \ CMD_BBH(0x14, (layer | 0x80), tx), \ CMD_HH(ty, tz), \ CMD_PTR(displayList) #define GEO_BILLBOARD() \ GEO_BILLBOARD_WITH_PARAMS(0, 0, 0, 0) /** * 0x15: Create plain display list scene graph node * 0x01: u8 drawingLayer * 0x02-0x03: unused * 0x04: u32 displayList: display list segmented address */ #define GEO_DISPLAY_LIST(layer, displayList) \ CMD_BBH(0x15, layer, 0x0000), \ CMD_PTR(displayList) /** * 0x16: Create shadow scene graph node * 0x01: unused * 0x02: s16 shadowType (cast to u8) * 0x04: s16 shadowSolidity (cast to u8) * 0x06: s16 shadowScale */ #define GEO_SHADOW(type, solidity, scale) \ CMD_BBH(0x16, 0x00, type), \ CMD_HH(solidity, scale) /** * 0x17: Create render object scene graph node * 0x01-0x03: unused */ #define GEO_RENDER_OBJ() \ CMD_BBH(0x17, 0x00, 0x0000) /** * 0x18: Create dynamically generated displaylist scene graph node * 0x01: unused * 0x02: s16 parameter * 0x04: GraphNodeFunc function */ #define GEO_ASM(param, function) \ CMD_BBH(0x18, 0x00, param), \ CMD_PTR(function) /** * 0x19: Create background scene graph node * 0x02: s16 background: background ID, or RGBA5551 color if backgroundFunc is null * 0x04: GraphNodeFunc backgroundFunc */ #define GEO_BACKGROUND(background, function) \ CMD_BBH(0x19, 0x00, background), \ CMD_PTR(function) #define GEO_BACKGROUND_COLOR(background) \ GEO_BACKGROUND(background, NULL) /** * 0x1A: No operation */ #define GEO_NOP_1A() \ CMD_BBH(0x1A, 0x00, 0x0000), \ CMD_HH(0x0000, 0x0000) /** * 0x1B: Copy the shared children from an object parent node from a specific view * to a newly created object parent. * 0x02: s16 index of array */ #define GEO_COPY_VIEW(index) \ CMD_BBH(0x1B, 0x00, index) /** * 0x1C: Create a held object scene graph node * cmd+0x01: u8 unused * cmd+0x02: s16 offsetX * cmd+0x04: s16 offsetY * cmd+0x06: s16 offsetZ * cmd+0x08: GraphNodeFunc nodeFunc */ #define GEO_HELD_OBJECT(param, ux, uy, uz, nodeFunc) \ CMD_BBH(0x1C, param, ux), \ CMD_HH(uy, uz), \ CMD_PTR(nodeFunc) /** * 0x1D: Create scale scene graph node with optional display list * 0x01: u8 params * 0b1000_0000: if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer * 0b0000_1111: drawingLayer * 0x02-0x03: unused * 0x04: u32 scale (0x10000 = 1.0) * 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params is set, display list segment address] */ #define GEO_SCALE(layer, scale) \ CMD_BBH(0x1D, layer, 0x0000), \ CMD_W(scale) #define GEO_SCALE_WITH_DL(layer, scale, displayList) \ CMD_BBH(0x1D, (layer | 0x80), 0x0000), \ CMD_W(scale), \ CMD_PTR(displayList) /** * 0x1E: No operation */ #define GEO_NOP_1E() \ CMD_BBH(0x1E, 0x00, 0x0000), \ CMD_HH(0x0000, 0x0000) /** * 0x1F: No operation */ #define GEO_NOP_1F() \ CMD_BBH(0x1F, 0x00, 0x0000), \ CMD_HH(0x0000, 0x0000), \ CMD_HH(0x0000, 0x0000), \ CMD_HH(0x0000, 0x0000) /** * 0x20: Create a scene graph node that specifies for an object the radius that * is used for frustum culling. * 0x01: unused * 0x02: s16 cullingRadius */ #define GEO_CULLING_RADIUS(cullingRadius) \ CMD_BBH(0x20, 0x00, cullingRadius) /** * 0x21: Custom backgrounds (skyboxes) */ #define GEO_BACKGROUND_EXT(background, function) \ CMD_BBH(0x21, 0x00, 0x00), \ CMD_PTR(background), \ CMD_PTR(function) #endif // GEO_COMMANDS_H