ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL = 0xFF --- gArenaFlagInfo = {} sFlagScoreTimer = 0 define_custom_obj_fields({ oArenaFlagTeam = 'u32', oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal = 'u32', oArenaFlagAtBase = 'u32', }) function bhv_arena_flag_init(obj) local team = (obj.oBehParams >> 24) & 0xFF obj.oFlags = OBJ_FLAG_UPDATE_GFX_POS_AND_ANGLE obj.oOpacity = 255 obj.oArenaFlagTeam = team obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal = ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL obj.oArenaFlagAtBase = 1 gArenaFlagInfo[team] = { pos = { x = obj.oPosX, y = obj.oPosY, z = obj.oPosZ }, team = team, obj = obj, } if team == 0 then obj_set_model_extended(obj, E_MODEL_FLAG_WHITE) elseif team == 1 then obj_set_model_extended(obj, E_MODEL_FLAG_RED) elseif team == 2 then obj_set_model_extended(obj, E_MODEL_FLAG_BLUE) else obj_mark_for_deletion(obj) end network_init_object(obj, false, { 'oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal', 'oArenaFlagAtBase', 'oPosX', 'oPosY', 'oPosZ', }) end function bhv_arena_flag_update_pos_rot(obj) -- spin obj.oFaceAngleYaw = obj.oFaceAngleYaw - 600 obj.oFaceAngleRoll = 0 obj.oFaceAnglePitch = 0 local data = gArenaFlagInfo[obj.oArenaFlagTeam] if obj.oArenaFlagAtBase == 1 then -- set at base obj.oPosX = data.pos.x obj.oPosY = data.pos.y obj.oPosZ = data.pos.z return end if obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal == ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL then return end local np = network_player_from_global_index(obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal) if np == nil then return end -- set at player local m = gMarioStates[np.localIndex] local awayMag = -50 local yOffset = 50 if np.localIndex ~= 0 then yOffset = 150 awayMag = -30 end obj.oPosX = m.pos.x + sins(m.faceAngle.y) * awayMag obj.oPosY = m.pos.y + yOffset obj.oPosZ = m.pos.z + coss(m.faceAngle.y) * awayMag obj.oFaceAngleYaw = m.faceAngle.y + 0x4000 obj.oFaceAngleRoll = -0x400 end function bhv_arena_flag_update_score(obj) if gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode ~= GAME_MODE_FT and gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode ~= GAME_MODE_TFT then return end if not network_is_server() then return end if obj.oArenaFlagTeam ~= 0 then return end if obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal == ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL then return end if gGlobalSyncTable.gameState ~= GAME_STATE_ACTIVE then return end local np = network_player_from_global_index(obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal) if np == nil then return end sFlagScoreTimer = sFlagScoreTimer + 1 if (sFlagScoreTimer % 30) == 0 then local s = gPlayerSyncTable[np.localIndex] s.score = s.score + 1 if gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_TFT then local teamScore = calculate_team_score( if teamScore >= gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].scoreCap then round_end() end elseif s.score >= gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].scoreCap then round_end() end end end function bhv_arena_flag_update_rotation(obj) if obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal ~= ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL then return end end function bhv_arena_flag_return(obj, showMessage) if obj.oArenaFlagAtBase == 1 then return end local otherTeam = get_other_team(obj.oArenaFlagTeam) local data = gArenaFlagInfo[obj.oArenaFlagTeam] obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal = ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL obj.oArenaFlagAtBase = 1 obj.oPosX = data.pos.x obj.oPosY = data.pos.y obj.oPosZ = data.pos.z network_send_object(obj, true) if showMessage then local msg = string.format('%sThe %s%s%s flag was returned!', team_color_str(otherTeam), team_color_str(obj.oArenaFlagTeam), team_name_str(obj.oArenaFlagTeam), team_color_str(otherTeam)) send_arena_flag(obj.oArenaFlagTeam, ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL, msg) end end function bhv_arena_flag_collect(obj, m) local data = gArenaFlagInfo[obj.oArenaFlagTeam] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] if e.levelTimer < 30 then return false end if obj.oArenaFlagTeam > 0 and == obj.oArenaFlagTeam then if obj.oArenaFlagAtBase == 1 then local otherTeam = get_other_team(obj.oArenaFlagTeam) local otherData = gArenaFlagInfo[otherTeam] local otherFlag = otherData.obj if otherFlag.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal == np.globalIndex then -- capture flag otherFlag.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal = ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL otherFlag.oArenaFlagAtBase = 1 otherFlag.oPosX = otherData.pos.x otherFlag.oPosY = otherData.pos.y otherFlag.oPosZ = otherData.pos.z network_send_object(otherFlag, true) local msg = string.format('%s%s captured the %s%s%s flag!', team_color_str(, strip_colors(, team_color_str(otherTeam), team_name_str(otherTeam), team_color_str( send_arena_flag(otherFlag.oArenaFlagTeam, np.globalIndex, msg) if gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_ACTIVE then if == 1 then gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam1 = gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam1 + 1 if gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam1 >= gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].scoreCap then round_end() end elseif == 2 then gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam2 = gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam2 + 1 if gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam2 >= gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].scoreCap then round_end() end end end return true end return false end -- return flag obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal = ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL obj.oArenaFlagAtBase = 1 obj.oPosX = data.pos.x obj.oPosY = data.pos.y obj.oPosZ = data.pos.z network_send_object(obj, true) local msg = string.format('%s%s returned the %s flag!', team_color_str(, strip_colors(, team_name_str( send_arena_flag(obj.oArenaFlagTeam, np.globalIndex, msg) return true end -- pick up flag obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal = np.globalIndex obj.oArenaFlagAtBase = 0 obj.oTimer = 0 obj.oPosX = m.pos.x obj.oPosY = m.pos.y obj.oPosZ = m.pos.z network_send_object(obj, true) local msg = string.format('%s%s picked up the %s%s%s flag!', team_color_str(, strip_colors(, team_color_str(obj.oArenaFlagTeam), team_name_str(obj.oArenaFlagTeam), team_color_str( send_arena_flag(obj.oArenaFlagTeam, np.globalIndex, msg) return true end function bhv_arena_flag_check_collect(obj) if not network_is_server() then return end if obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal ~= ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL then return end for i = 0, MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do local m = gMarioStates[i] local player = m.marioObj local yDist = math.abs(obj.oPosY - player.oPosY) local xzDist = math.sqrt((obj.oPosX - player.oPosX) ^ 2 + (obj.oPosZ - player.oPosZ) ^ 2) if active_player(m) and mario_health_float(m) > 0 and xzDist < 160 and yDist < 250 then if bhv_arena_flag_collect(obj, m) then return end end end end function bhv_arena_update_scale(obj) local np = gNetworkPlayers[0] if obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal == np.globalIndex then cur_obj_scale(0.4) else cur_obj_scale(1.0) end end function bhv_arena_flag_check_drop(obj) if not network_is_server() then return end if obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal == ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL then return end local np = network_player_from_global_index(obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal) if np == nil then bhv_arena_flag_return(obj, true) return end local m = gMarioStates[np.localIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[np.localIndex] if not active_player(m) then bhv_arena_flag_return(obj, true) return end if mario_health_float(m) <= 0 then obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal = ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL obj.oArenaFlagAtBase = 0 obj.oTimer = 0 network_send_object(obj, true) local msg = string.format('%s%s dropped the %s%s%s flag!', team_color_str(, strip_colors(, team_color_str(obj.oArenaFlagTeam), team_name_str(obj.oArenaFlagTeam), team_color_str( send_arena_flag(obj.oArenaFlagTeam, ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL, msg) return end end function bhv_arena_flag_check_death(npVictim) if not network_is_server() then return end if npVictim == nil then return end for teamNum = 0, 2 do local data = gArenaFlagInfo[teamNum] if data ~= nil and data.obj ~= nil and npVictim.globalIndex == data.obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal then bhv_arena_flag_return(data.obj, true) end end end function bhv_arena_flag_check_return(obj) if not network_is_server() then return end if obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal ~= ARENA_FLAG_INVALID_GLOBAL then return end if obj.oArenaFlagAtBase == 1 then return end if obj.oTimer > 30 * 30 then obj.oTimer = 0 bhv_arena_flag_return(obj, true) end end function bhv_arena_flag_reset() for teamNum = 0, 2 do local data = gArenaFlagInfo[teamNum] if data ~= nil and data.obj ~= nil then bhv_arena_flag_return(data.obj, false) end end end function bhv_arena_flag_hide(obj) if gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_CTF and (obj.oArenaFlagTeam == 1 or obj.oArenaFlagTeam == 2) then cur_obj_unhide() return false elseif (gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_FT or gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_TFT) and obj.oArenaFlagTeam == 0 then cur_obj_unhide() return false else cur_obj_hide() return true end end function is_holding_flag(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] for teamNum = 0, 2 do local data = gArenaFlagInfo[teamNum] if data ~= nil and data.obj ~= nil and np.globalIndex == data.obj.oArenaFlagHeldByGlobal then return true end end return false end function bhv_arena_flag_loop(obj) if bhv_arena_flag_hide(obj) then return end bhv_arena_flag_update_pos_rot(obj) bhv_arena_flag_update_score(obj) bhv_arena_flag_check_collect(obj) bhv_arena_update_scale(obj) bhv_arena_flag_check_drop(obj) bhv_arena_flag_check_return(obj) end id_bhvArenaFlag = hook_behavior(nil, OBJ_LIST_LEVEL, true, bhv_arena_flag_init, bhv_arena_flag_loop)