-- name: Personal Star Counter EX+ -- description: See how many stars you collect!\nIdea by Mr.Needlemouse, created by Sunk\n\nModified by Demnyx. if mod_storage_load("StarCounter") == nil then mod_storage_save("StarCounter", "0") end local TotalStarCounter = tonumber(mod_storage_load("StarCounter")) local StarCounter = 0 local prevNumStars = 0 local screenHeight = 0 local screenWidth = 0 local psToggle = 1 ---@param m MarioState --Increments an independent counter if a star is collected. function localStarCounter(m, o, type) if (m.playerIndex == 0) and (type == INTERACT_STAR_OR_KEY) then --This ensures that it increments ONLY if a star is collected. if get_id_from_behavior(o.behavior) ~= id_bhvBowserKey then --The hook happens after the star count increments, so this allows the independent counter to increment ONLY when YELLOW star is collected. if m.numStars ~= prevNumStars then StarCounter = StarCounter + 1 TotalStarCounter = TotalStarCounter + 1 mod_storage_save("StarCounter", tostring(TotalStarCounter)) end end end end -- Hud alpha stuff from Agent X function djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(r, g, b, a) local multiplier = 1 if is_game_paused() then multiplier = 0.5 end djui_hud_set_color(r * multiplier, g * multiplier, b * multiplier, a) end function displayStarCounter() local m = gMarioStates[0] if psToggle ~= 1 then return end if obj_get_first_with_behavior_id(id_bhvActSelector) ~= nil or (m.action == ACT_END_PEACH_CUTSCENE or m.action == ACT_CREDITS_CUTSCENE or m.action == ACT_END_WAVING_CUTSCENE) then return end djui_hud_set_resolution(RESOLUTION_N64) djui_hud_set_font(FONT_HUD) --I don't want to put this in a seperate function, there's not enough code for it to be worth it. if m.playerIndex == 0 then prevNumStars = m.numStars else return end screenHeight = djui_hud_get_screen_height() screenWidth = djui_hud_get_screen_width() if a == nil then a = 255 end if obj_get_first_with_behavior_id(id_bhvActSelector) ~= nil then if a <= 255 and a > 32 then a = a - 40 else a = 0 end else if a >= 0 and a < 215 then a = a + 16 else a = 255 end end local timerValFrames = hud_get_value(HUD_DISPLAY_TIMER) local timerX = 0 local timerY = 0 -- Move HUD graphics away from the TIMER HUD if timerValFrames ~= 0 then timerX = 60 timerY = 17 end --Normal personal star counter if StarCounter >= 100 then djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a) djui_hud_print_text(tostring(StarCounter), screenWidth - 61 - timerX, screenHeight - 208 - timerY, 1) djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(232, 17, 35, a) djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 77 - timerX, screenHeight - 208 - timerY, 1, 1) else djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(246, 246, 246, a) djui_hud_print_text(tostring("X"), screenWidth - 61 - timerX, screenHeight - 208 - timerY, 1) djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a) djui_hud_print_text(tostring(StarCounter), screenWidth - 46.8 - timerX, screenHeight - 208 - timerY, 1) djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(232, 17, 35, a) djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 77 - timerX, screenHeight - 208 - timerY, 1, 1) end --Total star counter if timerValFrames ~= 0 then timerX = 0 timerY = -10 end local perceived_total_counter = TotalStarCounter local milestone_counter = 0 while perceived_total_counter >= 10000 do perceived_total_counter = perceived_total_counter - 10000 milestone_counter = milestone_counter + 1 end if perceived_total_counter >= 100 then djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a) djui_hud_print_text(tostring(perceived_total_counter), screenWidth - 61 - timerX, screenHeight - 190 - timerY, 1) djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(50, 176, 40, a) djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 77 - timerX, screenHeight - 190 - timerY, 1, 1) if milestone_counter ~= 0 then djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a) djui_hud_print_text(string.format("x%d", milestone_counter), screenWidth - 77 - timerX, screenHeight - 174 - timerY, 0.5) end else djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(246, 246, 246, a) djui_hud_print_text(tostring("X"), screenWidth - 61 - timerX, screenHeight - 190 - timerY, 1) djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a) djui_hud_print_text(tostring(perceived_total_counter), screenWidth - 46.8 - timerX, screenHeight - 190 - timerY, 1) djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(50, 176, 40, a) djui_hud_render_texture(gTextures.star, screenWidth - 77 - timerX, screenHeight - 190 - timerY, 1, 1) if milestone_counter ~= 0 then djui_hud_set_adjusted_color(255, 255, 255, a) djui_hud_print_text(string.format("x%d", milestone_counter), screenWidth - 77 - timerX, screenHeight - 174 - timerY, 0.5) end end --StarCounter = 120 end function PSToggle(msg) if msg == string.lower("On") or msg == "1" then psToggle = 1 return true elseif msg == string.lower("Off") or msg == "0" then psToggle = 0 return true end end --------- --Hooks-- --------- hook_event(HOOK_ON_INTERACT, localStarCounter) hook_event(HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER, displayStarCounter) hook_chat_command('pstoggle', 'On|Off - Displays stars you"ve collected. Default is On.', PSToggle)