import os import re rejects = "" integer_types = ["u8", "u16", "u32", "u64", "s8", "s16", "s32", "s64", "int"] number_types = ["f32", "float"] cobject_types = ["struct MarioState*", "struct Object*"] cobject_lot_types = ["LOT_MARIO_STATE", "LOT_OBJECT"] template = """/* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED */ /* SHOULD NOT BE MANUALLY CHANGED */ #include "smlua.h" #include "game/level_update.h" #include "game/area.h" #include "game/mario.h" #include "game/mario_step.h" #include "game/mario_actions_stationary.h" #include "audio/external.h" #include "object_fields.h" #include "engine/math_util.h" $[FUNCTIONS] void smlua_bind_functions_autogen(void) { lua_State* L = gLuaState; $[BINDS] } """ built_functions = "" built_binds = "" ####### do_extern = False header_h = "" functions = [] def reject_line(line): if len(line) == 0: return True if '(' not in line: return True if ')' not in line: return True if ';' not in line: return True def normalize_type(t): t = t.strip() if ' ' in t: parts = t.split(' ', 1) t = parts[0] + ' ' + parts[1].replace(' ', '') return t def gen_comment_header(f): comment_h = "// " + f + " //" comment_l = "/" * len(comment_h) s = "" s += " " + comment_l + "\n" s += " " + comment_h + "\n" s += "" + comment_l + "\n" s += "\n" return s def process_line(line): function = {} line = line.strip() function['line'] = line line = line.replace('UNUSED', '') match ='[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\(', line) function['type'] = normalize_type(line[0:match.span()[0]]) function['identifier'] =[0:-1] function['params'] = [] params_str = line.split('(', 1)[1].rsplit(')', 1)[0].strip() if len(params_str) == 0 or params_str == 'void': pass else: param_index = 0 for param_str in params_str.split(','): param = {} param_str = param_str.strip() if param_str.endswith('*') or ' ' not in param_str: param['type'] = normalize_type(param_str) param['identifier'] = 'arg%d' % param_index else: match ='[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', param_str) param['type'] = normalize_type(param_str[0:match.span()[0]]) param['identifier'] = function['params'].append(param) param_index += 1 functions.append(function) def process_lines(file_str): for line in file_str.splitlines(): if reject_line(line): global rejects rejects += line + '\n' continue process_line(line) def build_param(param, i): ptype = param['type'] pid = param['identifier'] if ptype in integer_types: return ' %s %s = smlua_to_integer(L, %d);\n' % (ptype, pid, i) elif ptype in number_types: return ' %s %s = smlua_to_number(L, %d);\n' % (ptype, pid, i) elif ptype in cobject_types: index = cobject_types.index(ptype) return ' %s %s = (%s)smlua_to_cobject(L, %d, %s);\n' % (ptype, pid, ptype, i, cobject_lot_types[index]) else: return ' ' + ptype + ' ' + pid + ' <--- UNIMPLEMENTED' + '\n' def build_return(function): ftype = function['type'] fid = function['identifier'] ccall = '%s(%s)' % (fid, ', '.join([x['identifier'] for x in function['params']])) if ftype == 'void': return ' %s;\n' % ccall lfunc = 'UNIMPLEMENTED -->' if ftype in integer_types: lfunc = 'lua_pushinteger' elif ftype in number_types: lfunc = 'lua_pushnumber' return ' %s(L, %s);\n' % (lfunc, ccall) def build_function(function): if len(function['params']) <= 0: s = 'int smlua_func_%s(UNUSED lua_State* L) {\n' % function['identifier'] else: s = 'int smlua_func_%s(lua_State* L) {\n' % function['identifier'] i = 1 for param in function['params']: s += build_param(param, i) s += ' if (!gSmLuaConvertSuccess) { return 0; }\n' i += 1 s += '\n' global do_extern if do_extern: s += ' extern %s\n' % function['line'] s += build_return(function) s += ' return 1;\n}\n' function['implemented'] = 'UNIMPLEMENTED' not in s if 'UNIMPLEMENTED' in s: s = "/*\n" + s + "*/\n" global built_functions built_functions += s + "\n" def build_functions(): for function in functions: build_function(function) def build_bind(function): s = 'smlua_bind_function(L, "%s", smlua_func_%s);' % (function['identifier'], function['identifier']) if function['implemented']: s = ' ' + s else: s = ' //' + s + ' <--- UNIMPLEMENTED' global built_binds built_binds += s + "\n" def build_binds(fname): global built_binds built_binds += "\n // " + fname.split('/')[-1] + "\n" for function in functions: build_bind(function) def process_file(fname): functions.clear() global do_extern do_extern = fname.endswith(".c") with open(fname) as file: process_lines( build_functions() build_binds(fname) def process_files(): dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/lua_functions/' files = os.listdir(dir_path) for f in files: comment_header = "// " + f + " //" comment_line = "/" * len(comment_header) global built_functions built_functions += gen_comment_header(f) process_file(dir_path + f) def main(): process_files() filename = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../src/pc/lua/smlua_functions_autogen.c' with open(filename, 'w') as out: out.write(template.replace("$[FUNCTIONS]", built_functions).replace("$[BINDS]", built_binds)) print('REJECTS:') print(rejects) main()