#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os.path import argparse from subprocess import check_call # TODO: -S argument for shifted ROMs parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="find the first difference(s) between the compiled ROM and the baserom" ) versionGroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() versionGroup.add_argument( "-j", "--jp", help="use original Japanese version", action="store_const", const="jp", dest="version", ) versionGroup.add_argument( "-u", "--us", help="use United States version", action="store_const", const="us", dest="version", ) versionGroup.add_argument( "-e", "--eu", help="use European (PAL) version", action="store_const", const="eu", dest="version", ) versionGroup.add_argument( "-s", "--sh", help="use Shindou (Rumble) version", action="store_const", const="sh", dest="version", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--make", help="run make before finding difference(s)", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--count", type=int, default=1, help="find up to this many instruction difference(s)", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--by-name", type=str, default="", help="perform a symbol or address lookup" ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--diff", action="store_true", help="run ./diff.py on the result" ) args = parser.parse_args() diff_count = args.count version = args.version if version is None: version = "us" best = 0 for ver in ["us", "jp", "eu", "sh"]: try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(f"build/{ver}/sm64.{ver}.z64") if mtime > best: best = mtime version = ver except Exception: pass print("Assuming version " + version) if args.make: check_call(["make", "-j4", "VERSION=" + version, "COMPARE=0"]) baseimg = f"baserom.{version}.z64" basemap = f"sm64.{version}.map" myimg = f"build/{version}/sm64.{version}.z64" mymap = f"build/{version}/{basemap}" if os.path.isfile("expected/" + mymap): basemap = "expected/" + mymap required_files = [baseimg, myimg, mymap] if not os.path.isfile(baseimg): print(baseimg + " must exist.") exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(myimg) or not os.path.isfile(mymap): print( myimg + " and " + mymap + " must exist. Try rerunning with --make to build them." ) exit(1) mybin = open(myimg, "rb").read() basebin = open(baseimg, "rb").read() if len(mybin) != len(basebin): print("Modified ROM has different size...") exit(1) if mybin == basebin: print("No differences!") if not args.by_name: exit(0) def search_map(rom_addr): ram_offset = None last_ram = 0 last_rom = 0 last_fn = "" last_file = "" prev_line = "" with open(mymap) as f: for line in f: if "load address" in line: # Example: ".boot 0x0000000004000000 0x1000 load address 0x0000000000000000" if "noload" in line or "noload" in prev_line: ram_offset = None continue ram = int(line[16 : 16 + 18], 0) rom = int(line[59 : 59 + 18], 0) ram_offset = ram - rom continue prev_line = line if ( ram_offset is None or "=" in line or "*fill*" in line or " 0x" not in line ): continue ram = int(line[16 : 16 + 18], 0) rom = ram - ram_offset fn = line.split()[-1] if "0x" in fn: ram_offset = None continue if rom > rom_addr or (rom_addr & 0x80000000 and ram > rom_addr): return f"in {last_fn} (ram 0x{last_ram:08x}, rom 0x{last_rom:06x}, {last_file})" last_ram = ram last_rom = rom last_fn = fn if "/" in fn: last_file = fn return "at end of rom?" def parse_map(fname): ram_offset = None cur_file = "" syms = {} prev_sym = None prev_line = "" with open(fname) as f: for line in f: if "load address" in line: if "noload" in line or "noload" in prev_line: ram_offset = None continue ram = int(line[16 : 16 + 18], 0) rom = int(line[59 : 59 + 18], 0) ram_offset = ram - rom continue prev_line = line if ( ram_offset is None or "=" in line or "*fill*" in line or " 0x" not in line ): continue ram = int(line[16 : 16 + 18], 0) rom = ram - ram_offset fn = line.split()[-1] if "0x" in fn: ram_offset = None elif "/" in fn: cur_file = fn else: syms[fn] = (rom, cur_file, prev_sym, ram) prev_sym = fn return syms def map_diff(): map1 = parse_map(mymap) map2 = parse_map(basemap) min_ram = None found = None for sym, addr in map1.items(): if sym not in map2: continue if addr[0] != map2[sym][0]: if min_ram is None or addr[0] < min_ram: min_ram = addr[0] found = (sym, addr[1], addr[2]) if min_ram is None: return False else: print() print( f"Map appears to have shifted just before {found[0]} ({found[1]}) -- in {found[2]}?" ) if found[2] is not None and found[2] not in map2: print() print( f"(Base map file {basemap} out of date due to renamed symbols, so result may be imprecise.)" ) return True def hexbytes(bs): return ":".join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in bs) # For convenience, allow `./first-diff.py ` # to do a symbol <-> address lookup. This should really be split out into a # separate script... if args.by_name: try: addr = int(args.by_name, 0) print(args.by_name, "is", search_map(addr)) except ValueError: m = parse_map(mymap) try: print( args.by_name, "is at position", hex(m[args.by_name][0]), "in ROM,", hex(m[args.by_name][3]), "in RAM", ) except KeyError: print("function", args.by_name, "not found") exit() found_instr_diff = [] map_search_diff = [] diffs = 0 shift_cap = 1000 for i in range(24, len(mybin), 4): # (mybin[i:i+4] != basebin[i:i+4], but that's slightly slower in CPython...) if diffs <= shift_cap and ( mybin[i] != basebin[i] or mybin[i + 1] != basebin[i + 1] or mybin[i + 2] != basebin[i + 2] or mybin[i + 3] != basebin[i + 3] ): if diffs == 0: print(f"First difference at ROM addr {hex(i)}, {search_map(i)}") print( f"Bytes: {hexbytes(mybin[i : i + 4])} vs {hexbytes(basebin[i : i + 4])}" ) diffs += 1 if ( len(found_instr_diff) < diff_count and mybin[i] >> 2 != basebin[i] >> 2 and not search_map(i) in map_search_diff ): found_instr_diff.append(i) map_search_diff.append(search_map(i)) if diffs == 0: print("No differences!") if not args.by_name: exit() definite_shift = diffs > shift_cap if not definite_shift: print(str(diffs) + " differing word(s).") if diffs > 100: if len(found_instr_diff) > 0: for i in found_instr_diff: print(f"Instruction difference at ROM addr {hex(i)}, {search_map(i)}") print( f"Bytes: {hexbytes(mybin[i : i + 4])} vs {hexbytes(basebin[i : i + 4])}" ) if version == "sh": print("Shifted ROM, as expected.") else: if not os.path.isfile(basemap): if definite_shift: print("Tons of differences, must be a shifted ROM.") print( "To find ROM shifts, copy a clean .map file to " + basemap + " and rerun this script." ) exit() if not map_diff(): print(f"No ROM shift{' (!?)' if definite_shift else ''}") if args.diff: diff_args = input("Call ./diff.py with which arguments? ") or "--" if diff_args[0] != "-": diff_args = "-" + diff_args if "w" in diff_args and args.make: diff_args += "m" # To avoid warnings when passing -w, also pass -m as long as -m was passed to first-diff itself check_call( [ "python3", "diff.py", f"-{version[0]}", diff_args, search_map(found_instr_diff[0]).split()[1], ] )