import os import re import sys def extract_level_defines(txt): tmp = txt txt = 'enum LevelNum {\n LEVEL_NONE,\n' for line in tmp.splitlines(): if line.startswith('STUB_LEVEL') or line.startswith('DEFINE_LEVEL'): txt += ' ' + line.split(',')[1].strip() + ',\n' txt += ' LEVEL_COUNT,\n };' return txt extra_steps = { "levels/level_defines.h": extract_level_defines, } def extract_constants(filename): with open(filename) as file: txt = # perform special functions short_filename = filename.split('/../', 1)[-1] if short_filename in extra_steps: txt = extra_steps[short_filename](txt) # strip comments txt = re.sub('//.*', ' ', txt) while ('/*' in txt): s1 = txt.split('/*', 1) s2 = s1[1].split('*/', 1) txt = s1[0] + s2[-1] # strip multiline continues txt = re.sub(r'\\\n', ' ', txt) # strip extern C txt = re.sub(r'extern "C" {', ' ', txt) # single-line blocks txt = re.sub(r'{\n', '{ ', txt) txt = re.sub(r'\n{', ' {', txt) tmp = txt txt = '' inside = 0 for character in tmp: if inside != 0 and character == '\n': continue txt += character if character == '{': inside += 1 if character == '}': inside -= 1 # normalize whitespace txt = txt.replace('\t', ' ') while (' ' in txt): txt = txt.replace(' ', ' ') while ('\n\n' in txt): txt = txt.replace('\n\n', '\n') # BAD culling of ifdef version tmp = txt txt = '' inside = 0 for line in tmp.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line == '#ifdef VERSION_JP': inside = 1 continue if line == '#ifdef VERSION_EU': inside = 1 continue if line == '#else': inside = 0 continue if line == '#endif': inside = 0 continue if inside == 0: txt += line + '\n' # cull obvious non-enums, non-defines tmp = txt txt = '' for line in tmp.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('enum '): txt += line + '\n' if line.startswith('#define '): pieces = line.split(' ') if len(pieces) < 3: continue if '(' in pieces[1]: continue txt += line + '\n' return txt if __name__ == "__main__": print(extract_constants(sys.argv[1]))