define_custom_obj_fields({ oArenaBobombGlobalOwner = 'u32', }) function bhv_arena_bobomb_init(obj) obj.oAction = 0 obj.oFlags = OBJ_FLAG_UPDATE_GFX_POS_AND_ANGLE obj_scale(obj, 0.75) cur_obj_play_sound_2(SOUND_AIR_BOBOMB_LIT_FUSE) obj.oVelX = sins(obj.oMoveAngleYaw) * obj.oForwardVel obj.oVelY = 30 obj.oVelZ = coss(obj.oMoveAngleYaw) * obj.oForwardVel obj.oAnimations = gObjectAnimations.bobomb_seg8_anims_0802396C cur_obj_init_animation(1) network_init_object(obj, false, nil) end function bhv_arena_bobomb_intersects_player(obj, m, pos, radius) local mPos1 = { x = m.pos.x, y = m.pos.y + 50, z = m.pos.z } local mPos2 = { x = m.pos.x, y = m.pos.y + 150, z = m.pos.z } return (vec3f_dist(pos, mPos1) < radius or vec3f_dist(pos, mPos2) < radius) end function bhv_arena_bobomb_expode(obj) obj.oAction = 1 obj.oFlags = OBJ_FLAG_UPDATE_GFX_POS_AND_ANGLE obj_set_billboard(obj) obj_scale(obj, 2) obj.oAnimState = -1 cur_obj_play_sound_2(SOUND_GENERAL2_BOBOMB_EXPLOSION) set_environmental_camera_shake(SHAKE_ENV_EXPLOSION) obj.oOpacity = 255 obj_set_model_extended(obj, E_MODEL_EXPLOSION) local m = gMarioStates[0] local np = gNetworkPlayers[0] local e = gMarioStateExtras[0] local a = { x = obj.oPosX, y = obj.oPosY, z = obj.oPosZ } local validAttack = global_index_hurts_mario_state(obj.oArenaBobombGlobalOwner, m) or np.globalIndex == obj.oArenaBobombGlobalOwner local radius = 650 if np.globalIndex == obj.oArenaBobombGlobalOwner then radius = 200 end if validAttack and bhv_arena_bobomb_intersects_player(obj, m, a, radius) and mario_health_float(m) > 0 then obj.oDamageOrCoinValue = 3 interact_damage(m, INTERACT_DAMAGE, obj) e.lastDamagedByGlobal = obj.oArenaBobombGlobalOwner end end function bhv_arena_bobomb_thrown_loop(obj) local a = { x = obj.oPosX, y = obj.oPosY, z = obj.oPosZ } local dir = { x = obj.oVelX, y = obj.oVelY, z = obj.oVelZ } obj.oVelY = obj.oVelY - 3 obj.oFaceAnglePitch = obj.oFaceAnglePitch - 0x100 for i = 0, MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do local m = gMarioStates[i] if active_player(m) and global_index_hurts_mario_state(obj.oArenaBobombGlobalOwner, m) and not is_invuln_or_intang(m) then if bhv_arena_bobomb_intersects_player(obj, m, a, 200) then bhv_arena_bobomb_expode(obj) return end end end local info = collision_find_surface_on_ray( a.x, a.y, a.z, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z) local floorHeight = find_floor_height(obj.oPosX, obj.oPosY + 100, obj.oPosZ) if obj.oTimer > 30 * 1 or info.surface ~= nil or obj.oPosY < floorHeight then bhv_arena_bobomb_expode(obj) return else obj.oPosX = obj.oPosX + dir.x obj.oPosY = obj.oPosY + dir.y obj.oPosZ = obj.oPosZ + dir.z end end function bhv_arena_bobomb_explode_loop(obj) if obj.oTimer >= 9 then obj.activeFlags = ACTIVE_FLAG_DEACTIVATED end obj.oOpacity = obj.oOpacity - 14 cur_obj_scale((obj.oTimer / 9.0 + 1.0) * 2) obj.oAnimState = obj.oAnimState + 1 end function bhv_arena_bobomb_loop(obj) if obj.oAction == 0 then bhv_arena_bobomb_thrown_loop(obj) else bhv_arena_bobomb_explode_loop(obj) end end id_bhvArenaBobomb = hook_behavior(nil, OBJ_LIST_GENACTOR, true, bhv_arena_bobomb_init, bhv_arena_bobomb_loop)