ACT_LADDER = allocate_mario_action(ACT_GROUP_AIRBORNE | ACT_FLAG_AIR) -- behavior params: -- ladder height -- ex: 1388 -- object yaw = ladder yaw local sLadderClimb = 0 ---@param obj Object function bhv_arena_ladder_init(obj) obj.hitboxRadius = 40 obj.hitboxHeight = obj.oBehParams end id_bhvArenaLadder = hook_behavior(nil, OBJ_LIST_LEVEL, true, bhv_arena_ladder_init, nil) ---@param m MarioState function mario_check_for_ladder(m) local ladder = obj_get_nearest_object_with_behavior_id(m.marioObj, id_bhvArenaLadder) if ladder == nil then return end if m.action & ACT_FLAG_ATTACKING ~= 0 and lateral_dist_between_objects(m.marioObj, ladder) < ladder.hitboxRadius + m.marioObj.hitboxRadius and m.pos.y < ladder.oPosY + ladder.hitboxHeight and m.pos.y + m.marioObj.hitboxHeight > ladder.oPosY then set_mario_action(m, ACT_LADDER, 0) gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex].ladder = ladder end end ---@param m MarioState function act_ladder(m) local ladder = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex].ladder m.vel.x = 0 m.vel.y = 0 m.vel.z = 0 m.forwardVel = 0 perform_air_step(m, 0) m.pos.x = ladder.oPosX m.pos.z = ladder.oPosZ set_mario_animation(m, MARIO_ANIM_BEING_GRABBED) local loop = m.marioObj.header.gfx.animInfo.curAnim.loopEnd set_anim_to_frame(m, m.pos.y/10 - math.floor(m.pos.y / 10 / loop) * loop) m.marioObj.header.gfx.angle.x = 8192 m.faceAngle.y = ladder.oFaceAngleYaw m.pos.y = m.pos.y + m.controller.rawStickY*.2 if m.pos.y > ladder.oPosY + ladder.hitboxHeight then m.pos.y = ladder.oPosY + ladder.hitboxHeight end if m.pos.y < ladder.oPosY then m.pos.y = ladder.oPosY end if m.pos.y > ladder.oPosY or m.pos.y < ladder.oPosY + ladder.hitboxHeight then sLadderClimb = sLadderClimb + math.abs(m.controller.rawStickY * 0.2) end if sLadderClimb > 128 then sLadderClimb = 0 play_sound(SOUND_GENERAL_METAL_POUND, m.marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) end if (m.input & (INPUT_A_PRESSED | INPUT_B_PRESSED)) ~= 0 then set_mario_action(m,ACT_FREEFALL,0) m.vel.y = m.controller.rawStickY * 0.2 gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex].ladder = nil end end hook_mario_action(ACT_LADDER, { every_frame = act_ladder })