[NOTIF] CONNECTED = "@ connected" DISCONNECTED = "@ disconnected" LEFT_THIS_LEVEL = "@ left this level" ENTERED_THIS_LEVEL = "@ entered this level" ENTERED = "@ entered\n#" SERVER_CLOSED = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnected:\\#dcdcdc\\ Server closed" DISCORD_ERROR = "Discord threw an error.\nTo fix, try: \n1. Close the game.\n2. Restart Discord.\n3. Start the game." DISCORD_DETECT = "\\#ffa0a0\\Error:\\#c8c8c8\\ Could not detect Discord.\n\\#a0a0a0\\Try closing the game, restarting Discord, and opening the game again." DISCONNECT_FULL = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnected:\\#c8c8c8\\ The party is full." DISCONNECT_KICK = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnected:\\#c8c8c8\\ The server kicked you." DISCONNECT_BAN = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnected:\\#c8c8c8\\ The server banned you." DISCONNECT_REJOIN = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnected:\\#c8c8c8\\ Rejoining..." DISCONNECT_CLOSED = "\\#ffa0a0\\Disconnected:\\#c8c8c8\\ Host closed the connection." DISCONNECT_BIG_MOD = "Server had too large of a mod.\nQuitting." DIED = "@ died" DEBUG_FLY = "@ entered debug free-fly mode" IMPORT_MOD_SUCCESS = "\\#a0ffa0\\Imported mod\n\\#c8c8c8\\'@'" IMPORT_DYNOS_SUCCESS = "\\#a0ffa0\\Imported DynOS pack\n\\#c8c8c8\\'@'" IMPORT_FAIL = "\\#ffa0a0\\Failed to import\n\\#c8c8c8\\'@'" IMPORT_FAIL_INGAME = "\\#ffa0a0\\Can not import while in-game" COOPNET_CONNECTION_FAILED = "\\#ffa0a0\\Could not connect to CoopNet!" COOPNET_DISCONNECTED = "\\#ffa0a0\\Lost connection to CoopNet!" LOBBY_NOT_FOUND = "\\#ffa0a0\\Error:\\#c8c8c8\\ Lobby no longer exists!" LOBBY_JOIN_FULL = "\\#ffa0a0\\The lobby is full!" LOBBY_JOIN_FAILED = "\\#ffa0a0\\Failed to join the lobby!" LOBBY_PASSWORD_INCORRECT = "\\#ffa0a0\\Entered the wrong lobby password!" COOPNET_VERSION = "\\#ffa0a0\\Your version is no longer compatible with CoopNet. Update the game!" PEER_FAILED = "\\#ffa0a0\\Failed to connect to player '@'" UNKNOWN = "unknown" LOBBY_HOST = "the lobby's host" [CHAT] KICKING = "Kicking '@'!" BANNING = "Banning '@'!" SERVER_ONLY = "Only the server can use this command." PERM_BANNING = "Permanently banning '@'!" ADD_MODERATOR = "Adding '@' as a Moderator!" PLAYERS = "Players" NO_PERMS = "You do not have permission to use this command." PLAYER_NOT_FOUND = "Could not find player." SELF_KICK = "You can not kick yourself." SELF_BAN = "You can not ban yourself." SELF_MOD = "You can not make yourself a moderator." KICK_CONFIRM = "Are you sure you want to kick '@'?\nType '\\#a0ffa0\\/confirm\\#fff982\\' to kick." BAN_CONFIRM = "Are you sure you want to ban '@'?\nType '\\#a0ffa0\\/confirm\\#fff982\\' to ban." PERM_BAN_CONFIRM = "Are you sure you want to permanently ban '@'?\nType '\\#a0ffa0\\/confirm\\#fff982\\' to ban." MOD_CONFIRM = "Are you sure you want to make '@' a moderator?\nType '\\#a0ffa0\\/confirm\\#fff982\\'." PLAYERS_DESC = "/players - List all players and their IDs" KICK_DESC = "/kick [NAME|ID] - Kick this player from the current game" BAN_DESC = "/ban [NAME|ID] - Ban this player from the current game" PERM_BAN_DESC = "/permban [NAME|ID] - Ban this player from any game you host" MOD_DESC = "/moderator [NAME|ID] - Make this player able to use commands like /kick, /ban, /permban on any game you host" UNRECOGNIZED = "Unrecognized chat command." MOD_GRANTED = "\\#fff982\\You are now a Moderator." [MENU] BACK = "Back" CANCEL = "Cancel" NO = "No" YES = "Yes" [CAMERA] CAMERA = "CAMERA" FREE_CAMERA = "Free Camera" ANALOG_CAMERA = "Analog Camera" MOUSE_LOOK = "Mouse Look" INVERT_X = "Invert X" INVERT_Y = "Invert Y" X_SENSITIVITY = "X Sensitivity" Y_SENSITIVITY = "Y Sensitivity" AGGRESSION = "Aggression" PAN_LEVEL = "Pan Level" DECELERATION = "Deceleration" [CHEATS] CHEATS = "CHEATS" MOON_JUMP = "Moon Jump" GOD_MODE = "God Mode" INFINITE_LIVES = "Infinite Lives" SUPER_SPEED = "Super Speed" RESPONSIVE_CONTROLS = "Responsive Controls" RAPID_FIRE = "Rapid Fire (A)" BLJ_ANYWHERE = "BLJ Anywhere" ALWAYS_TRIPLE_JUMP = "Always Triple Jump" [CONTROLS] CONTROLS = "CONTROLS" N64_BINDS = "N64 Binds" EXTRA_BINDS = "Extra Binds" BACKGROUND_GAMEPAD = "Background Gamepad" GAMEPAD = "Gamepad" DEADZONE = "Deadzone" RUMBLE_STRENGTH = "Rumble Strength" CHAT = "Chat" PLAYERS = "Players" D_UP = "D-Up" D_DOWN = "D-Down" D_LEFT = "D-Left" D_RIGHT = "D-Right" X = "X" Y = "Y" CONSOLE = "Console" PREV = "Prev Page" NEXT = "Next Page" UP = "Up" DOWN = "Down" LEFT = "Left" RIGHT = "Right" A = "A" B = "B" START = "Start" L = "L" R = "R" Z = "Z" C_UP = "C-Up" C_DOWN = "C-Down" C_LEFT = "C-Left" C_RIGHT = "C-Right" [DISPLAY] DISPLAY = "DISPLAY" FULLSCREEN = "Fullscreen" FORCE_4BY3 = "Force 4:3" PRELOAD_TEXTURES = "Preload Textures" VSYNC = "VSync" UNCAPPED_FRAMERATE = "Uncapped Framerate" FRAME_LIMIT = "Frame Limit" FAST = "Fast" ACCURATE = "Accurate" INTERPOLATION = "Interpolation" NEAREST = "Nearest" LINEAR = "Linear" TRIPOINT = "Tripoint" FILTERING = "Filtering" D0P5X = "0.5x" D1X = "1x" D1P5X = "1.5x" D3X = "3x" D10X = "10x" D100X = "100x" DRAW_DISTANCE = "Draw Distance" DYNOS_PACKS = "DynOS Packs" ANTIALIASING = "Anti-aliasing" OFF = "Off" MUST_RESTART = "Restart the game to apply some changes." [DYNOS] DYNOS = "DYNOS" [HOST_MESSAGE] INFO_TITLE = "INFO" WARN_DISCORD = "Invite friends by right clicking their name on Discord and clicking on\n'\\#d0d0ff\\Invite to Game\\#c8c8c8\\'.\n\nYou can invite channels of servers as well by clicking the \\#d0d0ff\\plus\\#c8c8c8\\ button next to the place where you enter chat.\n\nGame Activity \\#ffa0a0\\must be\\#c8c8c8\\ enabled in your\nDiscord user settings.\n\nAppearing offline \\#ffa0a0\\will prevent\\#c8c8c8\\ invites from being sent." WARN_DISCORD2 = "\\#ffa0a0\\Error:\\#c8c8c8\\ Could not detect Discord.\n\n\\#a0a0a0\\Try closing the game,\nrestarting Discord,\nand opening the game again." WARN_SOCKET = "Direct connections \\#ffa0a0\\require you\\#c8c8c8\\ to configure port forwarding in your router.\n\nForward port '\\#d0d0ff\\%d\\#c8c8c8\\' for UDP." HOST = "Host" [HOST_MODS] ROMHACKS = "ROMHACKS" MODS = "MODS" [HOST_SAVE] SAVE_TITLE = "SAVE" ERASE_TITLE = "ERASE" CONFIRM = "Are you sure you want to erase this save slot?" ERASE = "erase" [HOST_SETTINGS] SETTINGS = "SETTINGS" NONSOLID = "Non-solid" SOLID = "Solid" FRIENDLY_FIRE = "Friendly Fire" PLAYER_INTERACTION = "Player interaction" WEAK = "Weak" NORMAL = "Normal" TOO_MUCH = "Too much" KNOCKBACK_STRENGTH = "Knockback strength" LEAVE_LEVEL = "Leave level" STAY_IN_LEVEL = "Stay in level" NONSTOP = "Non-stop" ON_STAR_COLLECTION = "On star collection" SKIP_INTRO_CUTSCENE = "Skip intro cutscene" SHARE_LIVES = "Share lives" ENABLE_CHEATS = "Enable cheats" BUBBLE_ON_DEATH = "Bubble on death" AMOUNT_OF_PLAYERS = "Amount of players" [HOST] SERVER_TITLE = "SERVER" HOST_TITLE = "HOST" DISCORD = "Discord" DIRECT_CONNECTION = "Direct Connection" COOPNET = "CoopNet" NETWORK_SYSTEM = "Network system" PORT = "Port" PASSWORD = "Password" SAVE_SLOT = "Save Slot" SETTINGS = "Settings" MODS = "Mods" ROMHACKS = "Rom-Hacks" APPLY = "Apply" HOST = "Host" [JOIN_MESSAGE] JOINING = "JOINING" [JOIN] JOIN_TITLE = "JOIN" JOIN_DISCORD = "To join a \\#d0d0ff\\Discord\\#c8c8c8\\ lobby:\n\nKeep the game open and click the join button on the invite.\n\nIf the invite says that the game has ended, click the name of the person that sent the invite to refresh it." JOIN_SOCKET = "Enter \\#d0d0ff\\direct connection\\#c8c8c8\\ IP and port:" JOIN = "Join" PUBLIC_LOBBIES = "Public Lobbies" PRIVATE_LOBBIES = "Private Lobbies" DIRECT = "Direct Connection" [MAIN] QUIT_TITLE = "QUIT" QUIT_CONFIRM = "Are you sure you want to quit?" HOST = "Host" JOIN = "Join" OPTIONS = "Options" QUIT = "Quit" [MENU_OPTIONS] MAIN_MENU = "MAIN MENU" LEVEL = "Level" USE_STAGE_MUSIC = "Use Stage Music" RANDOM_STAGE = "Random Stage" PLAY_VANILLA_DEMOS = "Play Vanilla Demos" [MISC] DEBUG_TITLE = "DEBUG" FIXED_COLLISIONS = "Fixed Collisions" LUA_PROFILER = "Lua Profiler" CTX_PROFILER = "Ctx Profiler" DEBUG_PRINT = "Debug Print" DEBUG_INFO = "Debug Info" DEBUG_ERRORS = "Debug Errors" MISC_TITLE = "MISC" PAUSE_IN_SINGLEPLAYER = "Pause In Singleplayer" DISABLE_POPUPS = "Disable Popups" MENU_OPTIONS = "Menu Options" DEBUG = "Debug" LANGUAGE = "Language" [CONSOLE] CONSOLE = "CONSOLE" [MODLIST] MODS = "MODS" [OPTIONS] OPTIONS = "OPTIONS" PLAYER = "Player" CAMERA = "Camera" CONTROLS = "Controls" DISPLAY = "Display" SOUND = "Sound" MISC = "Misc" [PAUSE] QUIT_TITLE = "QUIT" QUIT_HOST = "Are you sure you want to stop hosting?" QUIT_CLIENT = "Are you sure you want to disconnect?" PAUSE_TITLE = "PAUSE" PLAYER = "Player" DYNOS_PACKS = "DynOS Packs" OPTIONS = "Options" CHEATS = "Cheats" SERVER_SETTINGS = "Server Settings" RESUME = "Resume" STOP_HOSTING = "Stop Hosting" DISCONNECT = "Disconnect" [PLAYER] PLAYER_TITLE = "PLAYER" OVERALLS = "Overalls" SHIRT = "Shirt" GLOVES = "Gloves" SHOES = "Shoes" HAIR = "Hair" SKIN = "Skin" CAP = "Cap" PALETTE = "PALETTE" PART = "Part" HEX_CODE = "Hex Code" RED = "Red" GREEN = "Green" BLUE = "Blue" PLAYER = "Player" NAME = "Name" MODEL = "Model" PALETTE_PRESET = "Palette Preset" EDIT_PALETTE = "Edit Palette" [PALETTE] MARIO = "Mario" LUIGI = "Luigi" WALUIGI = "Waluigi" WARIO = "Wario" CHUCKYA = "Chuckya" GOOMBA = "Goomba" CLOVER = "Clover" COBALT = "Cobalt" FURY = "Fury" HOT_PINK = "Hot Pink" NICE_PINK = "Nice Pink" SEAFOAM = "Seafoam" LILAC = "Lilac" COPPER = "Copper" AZURE = "Azure" BURGUNDY = "Burgundy" MINT = "Mint" EGGPLANT = "Eggplant" ORANGE = "Orange" ARCTIC = "Arctic" FIRE_MARIO = "Fire Mario" FIRE_LUIGI = "Fire Luigi" FIRE_WALUIGI = "Fire Waluigi" FIRE_WARIO = "Fire Wario" BUSY_BEE = "Busy Bee" FORTRESS = "Fortress" BATTLEMENTS = "Battlements" BLUEBERRY_PIE = "Blueberry Pie" RASPBERRY = "Raspberry" BUBBLEGUM = "Bubblegum" ICE_MARIO = "Ice Mario" ICE_LUIGI = "Ice Luigi" TOAD = "Toad" CUSTOM = "Custom" [PLAYER_LIST] PLAYERS = "PLAYERS" NAME = "name" LOCATION = "location" ACT = "act" [SOUND] SOUND = "SOUND" MASTER_VOLUME = "Master Volume" MUSIC_VOLUME = "Music Volume" SFX_VOLUME = "Sfx Volume" ENV_VOLUME = "Env Volume" FADEOUT = "Fadeout Distant Sounds" [LANGUAGE] LANGUAGE = "LANGUAGE" [LOBBIES] PUBLIC_LOBBIES = "PUBLIC LOBBIES" PRIVATE_LOBBIES = "PRIVATE LOBBIES" REFRESH = "Refresh" REFRESHING = "Refreshing..." ENTER_PASSWORD = "Enter the private lobby's password:" SEARCH = "Search" NONE_FOUND = "No lobbies were found." [LOADING_SCREEN] LOADING = "Loading"