#Isotropix_Serial_Version 1.2 #Isotropix_Clarisse_Version 4 #Isotropix_Clarisse_Project_Version 0.94 Context "scene" { #created 1455809270 RendererRaytracer { name "path_tracer" #version 1.1 #created 1462890443 #modified 1654184341 anti_aliasing_sample_count 16 anti_aliasing_sampling_mode 0 anti_aliasing_filter 0 anti_aliasing_filter_size 1 1 lock_sampling_noise no integration_model "IntegratorPathtracer" integrator ".IntegratorPathtracer_embedded" integrators ".IntegratorPathtracer_embedded" ".IntegratorLegacy_embedded" ".IntegratorAmbientOcclusion_embedded" ".IntegratorUtility_embedded" export_aovs no embedded_objects { IntegratorPathtracer { name "IntegratorPathtracer_embedded" #version 0.94 #created 1654171351 #modified 1654175739 cap_display no alpha_threshold 0.0 material_sample_count 512 russian_roulette 0.0 roughness_noise_optimization 0.0 fireflies_filtering 0.0 low_light_threshold 0.0 diffuse_depth 16 specular_reflection_depth 16 glossy_reflection_depth 16 specular_transmission_depth 16 glossy_transmission_depth 16 total_maximum_depth 32 clamping_threshold 0.0 embedded_objects { MaterialPhysicalStandard { name "surface_default" #version 0.95 #created 1654171351 #modified 1654172673 private yes } MaterialPhysicalVolume { name "volume_default" #version 0.92 #created 1654171351 #modified 1654172673 private yes density_multiplier 100 } MaterialPhysicalHair { name "curve_default" #version 0.9 #created 1654171351 #modified 1654172673 private yes } } } IntegratorLegacy { name "IntegratorLegacy_embedded" #version 0.92 #created 1654171351 #modified 1654171351 cap_display no embedded_objects { MaterialStandard { name "surface_default" #version 0.92 #created 1654171351 #modified 1654172673 private yes specularity 1 1 1 } MaterialVolume { name "volume_default" #version 0.9 #created 1654171351 #modified 1654172673 private yes density_multiplier 100 } MaterialMarschnerFur { name "curve_default" #version 0.9 #created 1654171351 #modified 1654172673 private yes } } } IntegratorAmbientOcclusion { name "IntegratorAmbientOcclusion_embedded" #version 0.92 #created 1654171351 #modified 1654171351 cap_display no } IntegratorUtility { name "IntegratorUtility_embedded" #version 0.92 #created 1654171351 #modified 1654171351 cap_display no } } } Image { name "image" #version 0.95 #created 1462886391 #modified 1654175465 active_layer 0 resolution 4096 4096 resolution_multiplier 2 layers ".background" first_frame 0 last_frame 50 embedded_objects { Layer3d { name "background" #version 0.97 #created 1462886428 #modified 1654173903 use_image_margin no first_frame 0 last_frame 50 active_camera "orthographic" renderer "path_tracer" deep_output_data_precision 1 max_sample_count 0 user_data { __context_objects__ { } __context_lights__ { } } } } } TextureOslScript { name "script" #version 0.92 #created 1654172128 #modified 1654172673 positions "mat_1" 171 157 projection 6 OSL_shader_script "// Isotropix Clarisse OSL Script Template\r\n// You can modify this template by editing (by default): \r\n// ./osl_shaders/shader_template.osl\r\n//\r\n// You can also set a custom template using the main Preferences panel\r\n// Attributes are dynamically created based on inputs\r\n// The output is selected through the Output Name attribute\r\n\r\nshader ClarisseOSLTexture\r\n[[ string help = \"Default Clarisse Texture\" ]]\r\n( color input1 = color(1, 0, 0) [[ string help = \"Input color 1\" ]],\r\n output color result = 0)\r\n\r\n{\r\n result = input1;\r\n}\r\n" custom_attributes { attribute_group "output" { string "OSL_output_name" { doc "Select shader output to fill texture RGB color." allow_expression no preset "result" "result" value "result" } } attribute_group "input" { rgb "OSL_input1" { doc "Input color 1" texturable yes animatable yes shading_variable yes value 1 0.0 0.0 settings { key "osl_semantic" osl_settings 4 } } } } } TextureOslScript { name "script1" #version 0.92 #created 1654172933 #modified 1654184177 positions "mat_1" -435 -48 invert no projection 0 space 1 rays_type 0 OSL_shader_script "shader O_52656_0_57864084_91_O_19_48046875_0_65625_O\n(\nfloat O_REDAHS_TNEIDARG_LAIDAR_RAENIL_O_LINEAR_RADIAL_GRADIENT_SHADER_O=(1.-sqrt(1.-pow(dot(N,I),2.))),\nfloat O_SENTHGIRB_O_BRIGHTNES_O=.65625,\nfloat O_REWOP_TOOR_O_ROOT_POWER_O=19.48046875/2.,\noutput float O_REDAHS_O_SHADER_O=0.0\n)\n{\nO_REDAHS_O_SHADER_O=\n(\npow((1.-pow(-(O_REDAHS_TNEIDARG_LAIDAR_RAENIL_O_LINEAR_RADIAL_GRADIENT_SHADER_O-1.),2.)),pow(O_REWOP_TOOR_O_ROOT_POWER_O,-1.))\n*\n(1.-O_SENTHGIRB_O_BRIGHTNES_O)\n+1.\n-\n(1.-O_SENTHGIRB_O_BRIGHTNES_O)\n)\n;\n}" custom_attributes { attribute_group "output" { string "OSL_output_name" { doc "Select shader output to fill texture RGB color." allow_expression no preset "O_REDAHS_O_SHADER_O" "O_REDAHS_O_SHADER_O" value "O_REDAHS_O_SHADER_O" } } attribute_group "input" { double "OSL_O_REDAHS_TNEIDARG_LAIDAR_RAENIL_O_LINEAR_RADIAL_GRADIENT_SHADER_O" { doc "O_REDAHS_TNEIDARG_LAIDAR_RAENIL_O_LINEAR_RADIAL_GRADIENT_SHADER_O" texturable yes animatable yes shading_variable yes value 0.0 } double "OSL_O_SENTHGIRB_O_BRIGHTNES_O" { doc "O_SENTHGIRB_O_BRIGHTNES_O" texturable yes animatable yes shading_variable yes value 0.65625 } double "OSL_O_REWOP_TOOR_O_ROOT_POWER_O" { doc "O_REWOP_TOOR_O_ROOT_POWER_O" texturable yes animatable yes shading_variable yes value 9.740234375 expression "9.740234375" } } } } MaterialMatte { name "matte1" #version 0.91 #created 1654172938 #modified 1654189680 positions "mat_1" 249 -10 export_aovs no color { value 0.0 0.0 0.0 texture "multiply" } alpha 1 alpha_mode 1 } TextureMapFile { name "G__P_4201_1024_map" #version 0.98 #created 1654173140 #modified 1654173140 projection 6 filename "C:/O/O_AIDIW_O_WIDIA_O/GИP.4201 1024.PNG" frame_rate 69 color_space_auto_detect yes file_color_space "Clarisse|sRGB" } TextureMapFile { name "map_file" #version 0.98 #created 1654173400 #modified 1654173509 positions "mat_1" -184 89 projection 4 space 0 axis 2 object_space 2 reference_positions "-.5" filename "C:/O/O_AIDIW_O_WIDIA_O/O_REDNELB_O_BLENDER_O/O____ΛATϽCAЯRΦ_ΦΛƎEƧS_GИNIЯR____O____ЯRIИNG_ƧSƎEΛΦ_ΦЯRAϽCTAΛ____O/" frame_rate 69 color_space_auto_detect yes file_color_space "Clarisse|sRGB" } TextureOslScript { name "script2" #version 0.92 #created 1654178534 #modified 1654187133 positions "mat_1" -172 98 projection 0 space 1 OSL_shader_script "shader O____PACTAM___O____MATCAP____O\n(\nstring O____EGAMI___O____IMAGE____O=\"C:\\\",\noutput color result=1.\n)\n{\nvector O____AREMAC_LAMRON____O____NORMAL_CAMERA____O=transform(\"common\",\"camera\",N);\nfloat O____U_LAMRON____O____NORMAL_U____O=clamp(O____AREMAC_LAMRON____O____NORMAL_CAMERA____O[0]*.5+.5,.0,1.);\nfloat O____V_LAMRON____O____NORMAL_V____O=clamp(O____AREMAC_LAMRON____O____NORMAL_CAMERA____O[1]*.5+.5,.0,1.);\ncolor O____ROLOC_TUPTUO____O____OUTPUT_COLOR____O=texture(O____EGAMI___O____IMAGE____O,O____U_LAMRON____O____NORMAL_U____O,O____V_LAMRON____O____NORMAL_V____O);\nresult = O____ROLOC_TUPTUO____O____OUTPUT_COLOR____O;\n}" custom_attributes { attribute_group "output" { string "OSL_output_name" { doc "Select shader output to fill texture RGB color." allow_expression no preset "result" "result" value "result" } } attribute_group "input" { string "OSL_O____EGAMI___O____IMAGE____O" { doc "O____EGAMI___O____IMAGE____O" value "C:\\" } } } } TextureMultiply { name "multiply" #version 0.9 #created 1654178942 #modified 1654179591 positions "mat_1" 46 -29 input1 { value 1 1 1 texture "script1" } input2 { value 1 1 1 texture "script2" } } GeometryPolyfile { name "PIB_obj" #version 0.93 #created 1654171507 #modified 1654182943 translate 0.0 0.0 0.0 scale 1 1 -1 rotation_order 8193 constraints inherit_transform no scale_offset 1 1 1 enable_motion_blur no raytrace_offset 0.0 cast_shadows yes is_emitter yes 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Gamma);\n}" custom_attributes { attribute_group "output" { string "OSL_output_name" { doc "Select shader output to fill texture RGB color." allow_expression no preset "result" "result" value "result" } } attribute_group "input" { string "OSL_LitSphereMap_texture" { doc "LitSphereMap_texture" value "C:\\" } double "OSL_Gamma" { doc "Gamma" texturable yes animatable yes shading_variable yes value 1 } } } } TextureMultiply { name "multiply1" #version 0.9 #created 1654183995 #modified 1654184009 positions "mat_1" 49 104 input1 { value 1 1 1 texture "script1" } input2 { value 1 1 1 texture "script3" } } } #preferences { categories { playblast { frame_range 0 start 0 end 50 step 1 display_size 0 custom_size 720 486 display_HUD yes shading_mode -1 render_wireframe_overlay no enable_ambient_occlusion no ambient_occlusion_sample_count 1 ambient_occlusion_distance -1 refinement_count -1 format "image" encoding 5 filename "$CTEMP\\blast_#####" } rendering { motion_blur_sample_count 2 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