const Logger = require("../Logger"); const Color = require("../Color"); const { Cow } = require("../Cow"); const Database = require("../Database"); class Command { static commands = []; static logger = new Logger("Command Handler"); static handleCommand(cl, ch, c, usedPrefix, args, argcat, p, isAdmin) { for (let cmd of this.commands) { let aliasCheck = false; aliasLoop: for (let alias of cmd.aliases) { if (c.toLowerCase() == alias.toLowerCase()) { aliasCheck = true; break aliasLoop; } } if (!aliasCheck) continue; if (!isAdmin && cmd.permLevel == "admin") return ch.adminChat( `You don't have permission to use this command.` ); if (args.length - 1 < cmd.minargs) return ch.adminChat( `Not enough arguments. Usage: ${this.getUsage( cmd.usage, usedPrefix )}` ); try { const out = cmd.func(cl, ch, { c, args, argcat, p, isAdmin, a: args.join(" ") }); // console.log(out); if (!out) return; if (out !== "") { ch.adminChat(out); } } catch (err) { this.logger.error(err); ch.adminChat( `An error has occurred whilst performing this command.` ); } } } static addCommand(cmd) { this.commands.push(cmd); } static getUsage(usa, pre) { return usa.split("%P").join(pre); } constructor(id, aliases, desc, usage, minargs, func, permLevel) { = id; this.aliases = aliases || [id]; this.desc = desc || "no description"; // brandon-like words this.usage = usage || "no usage"; this.minargs = minargs; this.func = func; this.permLevel = permLevel || "admin"; // user / admin? } } Command.addCommand( new Command( "ping", ["ping"], undefined, `%Pping`, 0, (cl, ch, msg) => { return `pong`; }, "user" ) ); Command.addCommand( new Command( "color", ["color", "setcolor", "colorset"], undefined, `%Pcolor [color] [userid]`, 0, (cl, ch, msg) => { if (!msg.isAdmin) { ch.adminChat("You do not have permission to use this command."); return; } let color = ch.verifyColor(msg.args[1]); if (color) { let c = new Color(color); if (!msg.args[2]) { cl.emit( "color", { color: c.toHexa(), _id: cl.user._id }, true ); ch.adminChat( `Your color is now ${c .getName() .replace("A", "a")} [${c.toHexa()}]` ); } else { let winner = ch.server.getAllClientsByUserID( msg.args[2] )[0]; if (winner) { cl.emit( "color", { color: c.toHexa(), _id: winner.user._id }, true ); ch.adminChat( `Friend ${}'s color is now ${c .getName() .replace("A", "a")}.` ); } else { ch.adminChat( "The friend you are looking for (" + msg.args[2] + ") is not around." ); } } } else { ch.adminChat("Invalid color."); } ch.updateCh(); }, "user" ) ); Command.addCommand( new Command( "chlist", ["chlist"], undefined, `%Pchlist`, 0, (cl, ch, msg) => { if (!msg.isAdmin) { ch.adminChat("You do not have permission to use this command."); return; } ch.adminChat("Channels:"); for (const cc of cl.server.channels.values()) { ch.adminChat(`- ${cc._id}\n`); } }, "admin" ) ); Command.addCommand( new Command( "cow", ["cow"], undefined, `%Pcow`, 0, (cl, ch, msg) => { const cow = new Cow(); return `Cow: ${cow.emoji}${cow.display_name}`; }, "user" ) ); Command.addCommand( new Command( "inventory", ["inventory", "inv"], undefined, `%Pinventory`, 0, (cl, ch, msg) => { if (cl.user.inventory) { const items = Object.values(cl.user.inventory) .map( it => `${it.emoji ? it.emoji : ""}${it.display_name} (x${ it.count })` ) .join(", ") .trim(); ch.adminChat(`Inventory: ${items == "" ? "(none)" : items}`); } }, "user" ) ); Command.addCommand( new Command( "js", ["js"], undefined, `%Pjs`, 0, (cl, ch, msg) => { return cl.server.ev(msg.argcat); }, "admin" ) ); /* Command.addCommand( new Command( "ip", ["ip"], undefined, "%Pip", 0, (cl, ch, msg) => { if (msg.args[1]) { const winner = new Array(cl.server.connections.values()).find( cl => { if (!cl.user) return false; console.log(cl.user._id); return cl.user ? cl.user._id == msg.args[1] : false; } ); if (winner) { cl.sendArray([ { m: "a", a: "IP: " + winner.ip, p: { name: "mpp", color: "#ffffff", _id: "0", id: "0" } } ]); } else { cl.sendArray([ { m: "a", a: "No IP found.", p: { name: "mpp", color: "#ffffff", _id: "0", id: "0" } } ]); } } else { cl.sendArray([ { m: "a", a: "ip: " + cl.ip, p: { name: "mpp", color: "#ffffff", _id: "0", id: "0" } } ]); } }, "admin" ) ); */ Command.addCommand( new Command( "time", ["time"], undefined, `%Ptime`, 0, (cl, ch, msg) => { return `It is ${cl.server.cycle.getCurrentGenericTime()}.`; }, "admin" ) ); module.exports = { Command };