const fs = require("fs"); const { promisify } = require("util"); const createKeccakHash = require("keccak"); const ColorEncoder = require("./ColorEncoder"); const UserModel = require("./UserModel"); const mongoose = require("mongoose"); const level = require("level"); const { db } = require("./UserModel"); const Logger = require("./Logger"); const logger = new Logger("Database"); mongoose.connect( process.env.MONGO_URL, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, connectTimeoutMS: 1000 }, err => { if (err) { console.error(err); logger.error("Unable to connect to database service"); process.exit(1); } logger.log("Connected to Mongo"); } ); // TODO implement this with an if statement instead fs.mkdirSync("db/", { recursive: true }); class Database { static userdb; static roomdb; static bandb; static utildb; static async load() { logger.log("Initializing level stores..."); this.userdb = mongoose.connection; this.roomdb = level("db/rooms.db"); this.bandb = level("db/ban.db"); this.utildb = level("db/util.db"); logger.log("Level stores initialized"); // const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile); // const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir); // let files = await readdir("src/db/"); // if (!files.includes("users.json")) { // await writeFile('src/db/users.json', JSON.stringify(this.default_db, null, 2)) // this.userdb = new Map(Object.entries(require("./db/users.json"))); // } else { // this.userdb = new Map(Object.entries(require("./db/users.json"))); // } } static async getUserData(cl, server) { if (!this.userdb) { await this.load(); } let _id = createKeccakHash("keccak256") .update(cl.server._id_Private_Key + cl.ip) .digest("hex") .substr(0, 24); let user = await UserModel.findById(_id).exec(); if (user == null) { user = await this.createUser(_id); } return user; } static async createUser(_id) { if (!this.userdb) { await this.load(); } let user = new UserModel({ name: "Anonymous", _id: _id, color: "#" + ColorEncoder.intToRGB(ColorEncoder.hashCode(_id)), flags: {} });; return user; } static async updateUser(_id, data) { if (!this.userdb) { await this.load(); } let user = await UserModel.findOne({ _id: _id }).exec(); =; user._id = data._id; user.flags = data.flags; user.color = data.color; await; } static async wipe() { if (!this.userdb) { await this.load(); } await UserModel.find({}, (err, docs) => { docs.forEach(doc => { doc.remove(); }); }).exec(); } static strMapToObj(strMap) { return [...strMap.entries()].reduce( (obj, [key, value]) => ((obj[key] = value), obj), {} ); } static getRoomSettings(_id, cb) { let key = "room~" + _id; roomSettings; this.roomdb.get(key, (err, value) => { if (err || !value || value == "") { cb(err, value); return; } cb(undefined, value); }); } static setRoomSettings(_id, roomSettings, chat) { let roomData = new RoomDataModel(roomSettings, chat); let key = "room~" + _id; this.roomdb.put(key, JSON.stringify(roomData)); } static getRoomSettings(_id, cb) { let key = "room~" + _id; this.roomdb.get(key, (err, value) => { if (err) { cb(err); return; } let settings = JSON.parse(value); cb(err, settings); }); } static deleteRoomSettings(_id) { if (!this.bandb) return this.load(); this.roomdb.del("room~" + _id); } static addIPBan(ip) { if (!this.bandb) return this.load(); this.bandb.put("ipban~" + ip, true); } static removeIPBan(ip) { if (!this.bandb) return this.load(); this.bandb.del("ipban~" + ip); } static isIPBanned(ip, cb) { if (!this.bandb) { // FIXME this was causing a crash :/ maybe it should be async instead of return false? this.load(); return false; } this.roomdb.get("ipban~" + ip, (err, value) => { if (err) { return false; } console.log("ban:", value); if (value == true) return true; }); } static utilSet(key, value) { return this.utildb.put(key, value); } static utilGet(key) { return this.utildb.get(key); } static utilDel(key) { return this.utildb.del(key); } } class RoomDataModel { constructor(settings, chat) { this.settings = settings; = chat; } } module.exports = Database;