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2024-01-15 10:36:50 +01:00
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Daniel Ratcliffe
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-CCPL
--- @module fs
local expect = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua")
local expect, field = expect.expect, expect.field
local native = fs
local fs = _ENV
for k, v in pairs(native) do fs[k] = v end
--[[- Provides completion for a file or directory name, suitable for use with
When a directory is a possible candidate for completion, two entries are
included - one with a trailing slash (indicating that entries within this
directory exist) and one without it (meaning this entry is an immediate
completion candidate). `include_dirs` can be set to [`false`] to only include
those with a trailing slash.
@tparam[1] string path The path to complete.
@tparam[1] string location The location where paths are resolved from.
@tparam[1,opt=true] boolean include_files When [`false`], only directories will
be included in the returned list.
@tparam[1,opt=true] boolean include_dirs When [`false`], "raw" directories will
not be included in the returned list.
@tparam[2] string path The path to complete.
@tparam[2] string location The location where paths are resolved from.
@tparam[2] {
include_dirs? = boolean, include_files? = boolean,
include_hidden? = boolean
} options
This table form is an expanded version of the previous syntax. The
`include_files` and `include_dirs` arguments from above are passed in as fields.
This table also accepts the following options:
- `include_hidden`: Whether to include hidden files (those starting with `.`)
by default. They will still be shown when typing a `.`.
@treturn { string... } A list of possible completion candidates.
@since 1.74
@changed 1.101.0
@usage Complete files in the root directory.
read(nil, nil, function(str)
return fs.complete(str, "", true, false)
@usage Complete files in the root directory, hiding hidden files by default.
read(nil, nil, function(str)
return fs.complete(str, "", {
include_files = true,
include_dirs = false,
include_hidden = false,
function fs.complete(sPath, sLocation, bIncludeFiles, bIncludeDirs)
expect(1, sPath, "string")
expect(2, sLocation, "string")
local bIncludeHidden = nil
if type(bIncludeFiles) == "table" then
bIncludeDirs = field(bIncludeFiles, "include_dirs", "boolean", "nil")
bIncludeHidden = field(bIncludeFiles, "include_hidden", "boolean", "nil")
bIncludeFiles = field(bIncludeFiles, "include_files", "boolean", "nil")
expect(3, bIncludeFiles, "boolean", "nil")
expect(4, bIncludeDirs, "boolean", "nil")
bIncludeHidden = bIncludeHidden ~= false
bIncludeFiles = bIncludeFiles ~= false
bIncludeDirs = bIncludeDirs ~= false
local sDir = sLocation
local nStart = 1
local nSlash = string.find(sPath, "[/\\]", nStart)
if nSlash == 1 then
sDir = ""
nStart = 2
local sName
while not sName do
local nSlash = string.find(sPath, "[/\\]", nStart)
if nSlash then
local sPart = string.sub(sPath, nStart, nSlash - 1)
sDir = fs.combine(sDir, sPart)
nStart = nSlash + 1
sName = string.sub(sPath, nStart)
if fs.isDir(sDir) then
local tResults = {}
if bIncludeDirs and sPath == "" then
table.insert(tResults, ".")
if sDir ~= "" then
if sPath == "" then
table.insert(tResults, bIncludeDirs and ".." or "../")
elseif sPath == "." then
table.insert(tResults, bIncludeDirs and "." or "./")
local tFiles = fs.list(sDir)
for n = 1, #tFiles do
local sFile = tFiles[n]
if #sFile >= #sName and string.sub(sFile, 1, #sName) == sName and (
bIncludeHidden or sFile:sub(1, 1) ~= "." or sName:sub(1, 1) == "."
) then
local bIsDir = fs.isDir(fs.combine(sDir, sFile))
local sResult = string.sub(sFile, #sName + 1)
if bIsDir then
table.insert(tResults, sResult .. "/")
if bIncludeDirs and #sResult > 0 then
table.insert(tResults, sResult)
if bIncludeFiles and #sResult > 0 then
table.insert(tResults, sResult)
return tResults
return {}
local function find_aux(path, parts, i, out)
local part = parts[i]
if not part then
-- If we're at the end of the pattern, ensure our path exists and append it.
if fs.exists(path) then out[#out + 1] = path end
elseif part.exact then
-- If we're an exact match, just recurse into this directory.
return find_aux(fs.combine(path, part.contents), parts, i + 1, out)
-- Otherwise we're a pattern. Check we're a directory, then recurse into each
-- matching file.
if not fs.isDir(path) then return end
local files = fs.list(path)
for j = 1, #files do
local file = files[j]
if file:find(part.contents) then find_aux(fs.combine(path, file), parts, i + 1, out) end
local find_escape = {
-- Escape standard Lua pattern characters
["^"] = "%^", ["$"] = "%$", ["("] = "%(", [")"] = "%)", ["%"] = "%%",
["."] = "%.", ["["] = "%[", ["]"] = "%]", ["+"] = "%+", ["-"] = "%-",
-- Aside from our wildcards.
["*"] = ".*",
["?"] = ".",
--[[- Searches for files matching a string with wildcards.
This string looks like a normal path string, but can include wildcards, which
can match multiple paths:
- "?" matches any single character in a file name.
- "*" matches any number of characters.
For example, `rom/*/command*` will look for any path starting with `command`
inside any subdirectory of `/rom`.
Note that these wildcards match a single segment of the path. For instance
`rom/*.lua` will include `rom/startup.lua` but _not_ include `rom/programs/list.lua`.
@tparam string path The wildcard-qualified path to search for.
@treturn { string... } A list of paths that match the search string.
@throws If the supplied path was invalid.
@since 1.6
@changed 1.106.0 Added support for the `?` wildcard.
@usage List all Markdown files in the help folder
function fs.find(pattern)
expect(1, pattern, "string")
pattern = fs.combine(pattern) -- Normalise the path, removing ".."s.
-- If the pattern is trying to search outside the computer root, just abort.
-- This will fail later on anyway.
if pattern == ".." or pattern:sub(1, 3) == "../" then
error("/" .. pattern .. ": Invalid Path", 2)
-- If we've no wildcards, just check the file exists.
if not pattern:find("[*?]") then
if fs.exists(pattern) then return { pattern } else return {} end
local parts = {}
for part in pattern:gmatch("[^/]+") do
if part:find("[*?]") then
parts[#parts + 1] = {
exact = false,
contents = "^" .. part:gsub(".", find_escape) .. "$",
parts[#parts + 1] = { exact = true, contents = part }
local out = {}
find_aux("", parts, 1, out)
return out
--- Returns true if a path is mounted to the parent filesystem.
-- The root filesystem "/" is considered a mount, along with disk folders and
-- the rom folder. Other programs (such as network shares) can exstend this to
-- make other mount types by correctly assigning their return value for getDrive.
-- @tparam string path The path to check.
-- @treturn boolean If the path is mounted, rather than a normal file/folder.
-- @throws If the path does not exist.
-- @see getDrive
-- @since 1.87.0
function fs.isDriveRoot(sPath)
expect(1, sPath, "string")
-- Force the root directory to be a mount.
return fs.getDir(sPath) == ".." or fs.getDrive(sPath) ~= fs.getDrive(fs.getDir(sPath))