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2024-01-15 10:36:50 +01:00
-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Daniel Ratcliffe
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-CCPL
--- A basic 3D vector type and some common vector operations. This may be useful
-- when working with coordinates in Minecraft's world (such as those from the
-- [`gps`] API).
-- An introduction to vectors can be found on [Wikipedia][wiki].
-- [wiki]:
-- @module vector
-- @since 1.31
--- A 3-dimensional vector, with `x`, `y`, and `z` values.
-- This is suitable for representing both position and directional vectors.
-- @type Vector
local vector = {
--- Adds two vectors together.
-- @tparam Vector self The first vector to add.
-- @tparam Vector o The second vector to add.
-- @treturn Vector The resulting vector
-- @usage v1:add(v2)
-- @usage v1 + v2
add = function(self, o)
self.x + o.x,
self.y + o.y,
self.z + o.z
--- Subtracts one vector from another.
-- @tparam Vector self The vector to subtract from.
-- @tparam Vector o The vector to subtract.
-- @treturn Vector The resulting vector
-- @usage v1:sub(v2)
-- @usage v1 - v2
sub = function(self, o)
self.x - o.x,
self.y - o.y,
self.z - o.z
--- Multiplies a vector by a scalar value.
-- @tparam Vector self The vector to multiply.
-- @tparam number m The scalar value to multiply with.
-- @treturn Vector A vector with value `(x * m, y * m, z * m)`.
-- @usage v:mul(3)
-- @usage v * 3
mul = function(self, m)
self.x * m,
self.y * m,
self.z * m
--- Divides a vector by a scalar value.
-- @tparam Vector self The vector to divide.
-- @tparam number m The scalar value to divide by.
-- @treturn Vector A vector with value `(x / m, y / m, z / m)`.
-- @usage v:div(3)
-- @usage v / 3
div = function(self, m)
self.x / m,
self.y / m,
self.z / m
--- Negate a vector
-- @tparam Vector self The vector to negate.
-- @treturn Vector The negated vector.
-- @usage -v
unm = function(self)
--- Compute the dot product of two vectors
-- @tparam Vector self The first vector to compute the dot product of.
-- @tparam Vector o The second vector to compute the dot product of.
-- @treturn Vector The dot product of `self` and `o`.
-- @usage v1:dot(v2)
dot = function(self, o)
return self.x * o.x + self.y * o.y + self.z * o.z
--- Compute the cross product of two vectors
-- @tparam Vector self The first vector to compute the cross product of.
-- @tparam Vector o The second vector to compute the cross product of.
-- @treturn Vector The cross product of `self` and `o`.
-- @usage v1:cross(v2)
cross = function(self, o)
self.y * o.z - self.z * o.y,
self.z * o.x - self.x * o.z,
self.x * o.y - self.y * o.x
--- Get the length (also referred to as magnitude) of this vector.
-- @tparam Vector self This vector.
-- @treturn number The length of this vector.
length = function(self)
return math.sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y + self.z * self.z)
--- Divide this vector by its length, producing with the same direction, but
-- of length 1.
-- @tparam Vector self The vector to normalise
-- @treturn Vector The normalised vector
-- @usage v:normalize()
normalize = function(self)
return self:mul(1 / self:length())
--- Construct a vector with each dimension rounded to the nearest value.
-- @tparam Vector self The vector to round
-- @tparam[opt] number tolerance The tolerance that we should round to,
-- defaulting to 1. For instance, a tolerance of 0.5 will round to the
-- nearest 0.5.
-- @treturn Vector The rounded vector.
round = function(self, tolerance)
tolerance = tolerance or 1.0
math.floor((self.x + tolerance * 0.5) / tolerance) * tolerance,
math.floor((self.y + tolerance * 0.5) / tolerance) * tolerance,
math.floor((self.z + tolerance * 0.5) / tolerance) * tolerance
--- Convert this vector into a string, for pretty printing.
-- @tparam Vector self This vector.
-- @treturn string This vector's string representation.
-- @usage v:tostring()
-- @usage tostring(v)
tostring = function(self)
return self.x .. "," .. self.y .. "," .. self.z
--- Check for equality between two vectors.
-- @tparam Vector self The first vector to compare.
-- @tparam Vector other The second vector to compare to.
-- @treturn boolean Whether or not the vectors are equal.
equals = function(self, other)
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.z == other.z
local vmetatable = {
__index = vector,
__add = vector.add,
__sub = vector.sub,
__mul = vector.mul,
__div = vector.div,
__unm = vector.unm,
__tostring = vector.tostring,
__eq = vector.equals,
--- Construct a new [`Vector`] with the given coordinates.
-- @tparam number x The X coordinate or direction of the vector.
-- @tparam number y The Y coordinate or direction of the vector.
-- @tparam number z The Z coordinate or direction of the vector.
-- @treturn Vector The constructed vector.
function new(x, y, z)
return setmetatable({
x = tonumber(x) or 0,
y = tonumber(y) or 0,
z = tonumber(z) or 0,
}, vmetatable)