-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Daniel Ratcliffe -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-CCPL --[[- Read and write configuration options for CraftOS and your programs. When a computer starts, it reads the current value of settings from the `/.settings` file. These values then may be [read][`settings.get`] or [modified][`settings.set`]. > [!WARNING] > Calling [`settings.set`] does _not_ update the settings file by default. You > _must_ call [`settings.save`] to persist values. @module settings @since 1.78 @usage Define an basic setting `123` and read its value. settings.define("my.setting", { description = "An example setting", default = 123, type = number, }) print("my.setting = " .. settings.get("my.setting")) -- 123 You can then use the `set` program to change its value (e.g. `set my.setting 456`), and then re-run the `example` program to check it has changed. ]] local expect = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua") local type, expect, field = type, expect.expect, expect.field local details, values = {}, {} local function reserialize(value) if type(value) ~= "table" then return value end return textutils.unserialize(textutils.serialize(value)) end local function copy(value) if type(value) ~= "table" then return value end local result = {} for k, v in pairs(value) do result[k] = copy(v) end return result end local valid_types = { "number", "string", "boolean", "table" } for _, v in ipairs(valid_types) do valid_types[v] = true end --- Define a new setting, optional specifying various properties about it. -- -- While settings do not have to be added before being used, doing so allows -- you to provide defaults and additional metadata. -- -- @tparam string name The name of this option -- @tparam[opt] { description? = string, default? = any, type? = string } options -- Options for this setting. This table accepts the following fields: -- -- - `description`: A description which may be printed when running the `set` program. -- - `default`: A default value, which is returned by [`settings.get`] if the -- setting has not been changed. -- - `type`: Require values to be of this type. [Setting][`set`] the value to another type -- will error. -- @since 1.87.0 function define(name, options) expect(1, name, "string") expect(2, options, "table", "nil") if options then options = { description = field(options, "description", "string", "nil"), default = reserialize(field(options, "default", "number", "string", "boolean", "table", "nil")), type = field(options, "type", "string", "nil"), } if options.type and not valid_types[options.type] then error(("Unknown type %q. Expected one of %s."):format(options.type, table.concat(valid_types, ", ")), 2) end else options = {} end details[name] = options end --- Remove a [definition][`define`] of a setting. -- -- If a setting has been changed, this does not remove its value. Use [`settings.unset`] -- for that. -- -- @tparam string name The name of this option -- @since 1.87.0 function undefine(name) expect(1, name, "string") details[name] = nil end local function set_value(name, new) local old = values[name] if old == nil then local opt = details[name] old = opt and opt.default end values[name] = new if old ~= new then -- This should be safe, as os.queueEvent copies values anyway. os.queueEvent("setting_changed", name, new, old) end end --[[- Set the value of a setting. > [!WARNING] > Calling [`settings.set`] does _not_ update the settings file by default. You > _must_ call [`settings.save`] to persist values. @tparam string name The name of the setting to set @param value The setting's value. This cannot be `nil`, and must be serialisable by [`textutils.serialize`]. @throws If this value cannot be serialised @see settings.unset ]] function set(name, value) expect(1, name, "string") expect(2, value, "number", "string", "boolean", "table") local opt = details[name] if opt and opt.type then expect(2, value, opt.type) end set_value(name, reserialize(value)) end --- Get the value of a setting. -- -- @tparam string name The name of the setting to get. -- @param[opt] default The value to use should there be pre-existing value for -- this setting. If not given, it will use the setting's default value if given, -- or `nil` otherwise. -- @return The setting's, or the default if the setting has not been changed. -- @changed 1.87.0 Now respects default value if pre-defined and `default` is unset. function get(name, default) expect(1, name, "string") local result = values[name] if result ~= nil then return copy(result) elseif default ~= nil then return default else local opt = details[name] return opt and copy(opt.default) end end --- Get details about a specific setting. -- -- @tparam string name The name of the setting to get. -- @treturn { description? = string, default? = any, type? = string, value? = any } -- Information about this setting. This includes all information from [`settings.define`], -- as well as this setting's value. -- @since 1.87.0 function getDetails(name) expect(1, name, "string") local deets = copy(details[name]) or {} deets.value = values[name] deets.changed = deets.value ~= nil if deets.value == nil then deets.value = deets.default end return deets end --- Remove the value of a setting, setting it to the default. -- -- [`settings.get`] will return the default value until the setting's value is -- [set][`settings.set`], or the computer is rebooted. -- -- @tparam string name The name of the setting to unset. -- @see settings.set -- @see settings.clear function unset(name) expect(1, name, "string") set_value(name, nil) end --- Resets the value of all settings. Equivalent to calling [`settings.unset`] --- on every setting. -- -- @see settings.unset function clear() for name in pairs(values) do set_value(name, nil) end end --- Get the names of all currently defined settings. -- -- @treturn { string } An alphabetically sorted list of all currently-defined -- settings. function getNames() local result, n = {}, 1 for k in pairs(details) do result[n], n = k, n + 1 end for k in pairs(values) do if not details[k] then result[n], n = k, n + 1 end end table.sort(result) return result end --- Load settings from the given file. -- -- Existing settings will be merged with any pre-existing ones. Conflicting -- entries will be overwritten, but any others will be preserved. -- -- @tparam[opt] string sPath The file to load from, defaulting to `.settings`. -- @treturn boolean Whether settings were successfully read from this -- file. Reasons for failure may include the file not existing or being -- corrupted. -- -- @see settings.save -- @changed 1.87.0 `sPath` is now optional. function load(sPath) expect(1, sPath, "string", "nil") local file = fs.open(sPath or ".settings", "r") if not file then return false end local sText = file.readAll() file.close() local tFile = textutils.unserialize(sText) if type(tFile) ~= "table" then return false end for k, v in pairs(tFile) do local ty_v = type(v) if type(k) == "string" and (ty_v == "string" or ty_v == "number" or ty_v == "boolean" or ty_v == "table") then local opt = details[k] if not opt or not opt.type or ty_v == opt.type then -- This may fail if the table is recursive (or otherwise cannot be serialized). local ok, v = pcall(reserialize, v) if ok then set_value(k, v) end end end end return true end --- Save settings to the given file. -- -- This will entirely overwrite the pre-existing file. Settings defined in the -- file, but not currently loaded will be removed. -- -- @tparam[opt] string sPath The path to save settings to, defaulting to `.settings`. -- @treturn boolean If the settings were successfully saved. -- -- @see settings.load -- @changed 1.87.0 `sPath` is now optional. function save(sPath) expect(1, sPath, "string", "nil") local file = fs.open(sPath or ".settings", "w") if not file then return false end file.write(textutils.serialize(values)) file.close() return true end