-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Daniel Ratcliffe -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-CCPL --- Helpful utilities for formatting and manipulating strings. -- -- @module textutils -- @since 1.2 local expect = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua") local expect, field = expect.expect, expect.field local wrap = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/strings.lua").wrap --- Slowly writes string text at current cursor position, -- character-by-character. -- -- Like [`_G.write`], this does not insert a newline at the end. -- -- @tparam string text The the text to write to the screen -- @tparam[opt] number rate The number of characters to write each second, -- Defaults to 20. -- @usage textutils.slowWrite("Hello, world!") -- @usage textutils.slowWrite("Hello, world!", 5) -- @since 1.3 function slowWrite(text, rate) expect(2, rate, "number", "nil") rate = rate or 20 if rate < 0 then error("Rate must be positive", 2) end local to_sleep = 1 / rate local wrapped_lines = wrap(tostring(text), (term.getSize())) local wrapped_str = table.concat(wrapped_lines, "\n") for n = 1, #wrapped_str do sleep(to_sleep) write(wrapped_str:sub(n, n)) end end --- Slowly prints string text at current cursor position, -- character-by-character. -- -- Like [`print`], this inserts a newline after printing. -- -- @tparam string sText The the text to write to the screen -- @tparam[opt] number nRate The number of characters to write each second, -- Defaults to 20. -- @usage textutils.slowPrint("Hello, world!") -- @usage textutils.slowPrint("Hello, world!", 5) function slowPrint(sText, nRate) slowWrite(sText, nRate) print() end --- Takes input time and formats it in a more readable format such as `6:30 PM`. -- -- @tparam number nTime The time to format, as provided by [`os.time`]. -- @tparam[opt] boolean bTwentyFourHour Whether to format this as a 24-hour -- clock (`18:30`) rather than a 12-hour one (`6:30 AM`) -- @treturn string The formatted time -- @usage Print the current in-game time as a 12-hour clock. -- -- textutils.formatTime(os.time()) -- @usage Print the local time as a 24-hour clock. -- -- textutils.formatTime(os.time("local"), true) function formatTime(nTime, bTwentyFourHour) expect(1, nTime, "number") expect(2, bTwentyFourHour, "boolean", "nil") local sTOD = nil if not bTwentyFourHour then if nTime >= 12 then sTOD = "PM" else sTOD = "AM" end if nTime >= 13 then nTime = nTime - 12 end end local nHour = math.floor(nTime) local nMinute = math.floor((nTime - nHour) * 60) if sTOD then return string.format("%d:%02d %s", nHour == 0 and 12 or nHour, nMinute, sTOD) else return string.format("%d:%02d", nHour, nMinute) end end local function makePagedScroll(_term, _nFreeLines) local nativeScroll = _term.scroll local nFreeLines = _nFreeLines or 0 return function(_n) for _ = 1, _n do nativeScroll(1) if nFreeLines <= 0 then local _, h = _term.getSize() _term.setCursorPos(1, h) _term.write("Press any key to continue") os.pullEvent("key") _term.clearLine() _term.setCursorPos(1, h) else nFreeLines = nFreeLines - 1 end end end end --[[- Prints a given string to the display. If the action can be completed without scrolling, it acts much the same as [`print`]; otherwise, it will throw up a "Press any key to continue" prompt at the bottom of the display. Each press will cause it to scroll down and write a single line more before prompting again, if need be. @tparam string text The text to print to the screen. @tparam[opt] number free_lines The number of lines which will be automatically scrolled before the first prompt appears (meaning free_lines + 1 lines will be printed). This can be set to the cursor's y position - 2 to always try to fill the screen. Defaults to 0, meaning only one line is displayed before prompting. @treturn number The number of lines printed. @usage Generates several lines of text and then prints it, paging once the bottom of the terminal is reached. local lines = {} for i = 1, 30 do lines[i] = ("This is line #%d"):format(i) end local message = table.concat(lines, "\n") local width, height = term.getCursorPos() textutils.pagedPrint(message, height - 2) ]] function pagedPrint(text, free_lines) expect(2, free_lines, "number", "nil") -- Setup a redirector local oldTerm = term.current() local newTerm = {} for k, v in pairs(oldTerm) do newTerm[k] = v end newTerm.scroll = makePagedScroll(oldTerm, free_lines) term.redirect(newTerm) -- Print the text local result local ok, err = pcall(function() if text ~= nil then result = print(text) else result = print() end end) -- Removed the redirector term.redirect(oldTerm) -- Propagate errors if not ok then error(err, 0) end return result end local function tabulateCommon(bPaged, ...) local tAll = table.pack(...) for i = 1, tAll.n do expect(i, tAll[i], "number", "table") end local w, h = term.getSize() local nMaxLen = w / 8 for n, t in ipairs(tAll) do if type(t) == "table" then for nu, sItem in pairs(t) do local ty = type(sItem) if ty ~= "string" and ty ~= "number" then error("bad argument #" .. n .. "." .. nu .. " (string expected, got " .. ty .. ")", 3) end nMaxLen = math.max(#tostring(sItem) + 1, nMaxLen) end end end local nCols = math.floor(w / nMaxLen) local nLines = 0 local function newLine() if bPaged and nLines >= h - 3 then pagedPrint() else print() end nLines = nLines + 1 end local function drawCols(_t) local nCol = 1 for _, s in ipairs(_t) do if nCol > nCols then nCol = 1 newLine() end local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos() cx = 1 + (nCol - 1) * nMaxLen term.setCursorPos(cx, cy) term.write(s) nCol = nCol + 1 end print() end local previous_colour = term.getTextColour() for _, t in ipairs(tAll) do if type(t) == "table" then if #t > 0 then drawCols(t) end elseif type(t) == "number" then term.setTextColor(t) end end term.setTextColor(previous_colour) end --[[- Prints tables in a structured form. This accepts multiple arguments, either a table or a number. When encountering a table, this will be treated as a table row, with each column width being auto-adjusted. When encountering a number, this sets the text color of the subsequent rows to it. @tparam {string...}|number ... The rows and text colors to display. @since 1.3 @usage textutils.tabulate( colors.orange, { "1", "2", "3" }, colors.lightBlue, { "A", "B", "C" } ) ]] function tabulate(...) return tabulateCommon(false, ...) end --[[- Prints tables in a structured form, stopping and prompting for input should the result not fit on the terminal. This functions identically to [`textutils.tabulate`], but will prompt for user input should the whole output not fit on the display. @tparam {string...}|number ... The rows and text colors to display. @see textutils.tabulate @see textutils.pagedPrint @since 1.3 @usage Generates a long table, tabulates it, and prints it to the screen. local rows = {} for i = 1, 30 do rows[i] = {("Row #%d"):format(i), math.random(1, 400)} end textutils.pagedTabulate(colors.orange, {"Column", "Value"}, colors.lightBlue, table.unpack(rows)) ]] function pagedTabulate(...) return tabulateCommon(true, ...) end local g_tLuaKeywords = { ["and"] = true, ["break"] = true, ["do"] = true, ["else"] = true, ["elseif"] = true, ["end"] = true, ["false"] = true, ["for"] = true, ["function"] = true, ["if"] = true, ["in"] = true, ["local"] = true, ["nil"] = true, ["not"] = true, ["or"] = true, ["repeat"] = true, ["return"] = true, ["then"] = true, ["true"] = true, ["until"] = true, ["while"] = true, } --- A version of the ipairs iterator which ignores metamethods local function inext(tbl, i) i = (i or 0) + 1 local v = rawget(tbl, i) if v == nil then return nil else return i, v end end local serialize_infinity = math.huge local function serialize_impl(t, tracking, indent, opts) local sType = type(t) if sType == "table" then if tracking[t] ~= nil then if tracking[t] == false then error("Cannot serialize table with repeated entries", 0) else error("Cannot serialize table with recursive entries", 0) end end tracking[t] = true local result if next(t) == nil then -- Empty tables are simple result = "{}" else -- Other tables take more work local open, sub_indent, open_key, close_key, equal, comma = "{\n", indent .. " ", "[ ", " ] = ", " = ", ",\n" if opts.compact then open, sub_indent, open_key, close_key, equal, comma = "{", "", "[", "]=", "=", "," end result = open local seen_keys = {} for k, v in inext, t do seen_keys[k] = true result = result .. sub_indent .. serialize_impl(v, tracking, sub_indent, opts) .. comma end for k, v in next, t do if not seen_keys[k] then local sEntry if type(k) == "string" and not g_tLuaKeywords[k] and string.match(k, "^[%a_][%a%d_]*$") then sEntry = k .. equal .. serialize_impl(v, tracking, sub_indent, opts) .. comma else sEntry = open_key .. serialize_impl(k, tracking, sub_indent, opts) .. close_key .. serialize_impl(v, tracking, sub_indent, opts) .. comma end result = result .. sub_indent .. sEntry end end result = result .. indent .. "}" end if opts.allow_repetitions then tracking[t] = nil else tracking[t] = false end return result elseif sType == "string" then return string.format("%q", t) elseif sType == "number" then if t ~= t then --nan return "0/0" elseif t == serialize_infinity then return "1/0" elseif t == -serialize_infinity then return "-1/0" else return tostring(t) end elseif sType == "boolean" or sType == "nil" then return tostring(t) else error("Cannot serialize type " .. sType, 0) end end local function mk_tbl(str, name) local msg = "attempt to mutate textutils." .. name return setmetatable({}, { __newindex = function() error(msg, 2) end, __tostring = function() return str end, }) end --- A table representing an empty JSON array, in order to distinguish it from an -- empty JSON object. -- -- The contents of this table should not be modified. -- -- @usage textutils.serialiseJSON(textutils.empty_json_array) -- @see textutils.serialiseJSON -- @see textutils.unserialiseJSON empty_json_array = mk_tbl("[]", "empty_json_array") --- A table representing the JSON null value. -- -- The contents of this table should not be modified. -- -- @usage textutils.serialiseJSON(textutils.json_null) -- @see textutils.serialiseJSON -- @see textutils.unserialiseJSON json_null = mk_tbl("null", "json_null") local serializeJSONString do local function hexify(c) return ("\\u00%02X"):format(c:byte()) end local map = { ["\""] = "\\\"", ["\\"] = "\\\\", ["\b"] = "\\b", ["\f"] = "\\f", ["\n"] = "\\n", ["\r"] = "\\r", ["\t"] = "\\t", } for i = 0, 0x1f do local c = string.char(i) if map[c] == nil then map[c] = hexify(c) end end serializeJSONString = function(s, options) if options and options.unicode_strings and s:find("[\x80-\xff]") then local retval = '"' for _, code in utf8.codes(s) do if code > 0xFFFF then -- Encode the codepoint as a UTF-16 surrogate pair code = code - 0x10000 local high, low = bit32.extract(code, 10, 10) + 0xD800, bit32.extract(code, 0, 10) + 0xDC00 retval = retval .. ("\\u%04X\\u%04X"):format(high, low) elseif code <= 0x5C and map[string.char(code)] then -- 0x5C = `\`, don't run `string.char` if we don't need to retval = retval .. map[string.char(code)] elseif code < 0x20 or code >= 0x7F then retval = retval .. ("\\u%04X"):format(code) else retval = retval .. string.char(code) end end return retval .. '"' else return ('"%s"'):format(s:gsub("[\0-\x1f\"\\]", map):gsub("[\x7f-\xff]", hexify)) end end end local function serializeJSONImpl(t, tracking, options) local sType = type(t) if t == empty_json_array then return "[]" elseif t == json_null then return "null" elseif sType == "table" then if tracking[t] ~= nil then if tracking[t] == false then error("Cannot serialize table with repeated entries", 0) else error("Cannot serialize table with recursive entries", 0) end end tracking[t] = true local result if next(t) == nil then -- Empty tables are simple result = "{}" else -- Other tables take more work local sObjectResult = "{" local sArrayResult = "[" local nObjectSize = 0 local nArraySize = 0 local largestArrayIndex = 0 local bNBTStyle = options.nbt_style for k, v in pairs(t) do if type(k) == "string" then local sEntry if bNBTStyle then sEntry = tostring(k) .. ":" .. serializeJSONImpl(v, tracking, options) else sEntry = serializeJSONString(k, options) .. ":" .. serializeJSONImpl(v, tracking, options) end if nObjectSize == 0 then sObjectResult = sObjectResult .. sEntry else sObjectResult = sObjectResult .. "," .. sEntry end nObjectSize = nObjectSize + 1 elseif type(k) == "number" and k > largestArrayIndex then --the largest index is kept to avoid losing half the array if there is any single nil in that array largestArrayIndex = k end end for k = 1, largestArrayIndex, 1 do --the array is read up to the very last valid array index, ipairs() would stop at the first nil value and we would lose any data after. local sEntry if t[k] == nil then --if the array is nil at index k the value is "null" as to keep the unused indexes in between used ones. sEntry = "null" else -- if the array index does not point to a nil we serialise it's content. sEntry = serializeJSONImpl(t[k], tracking, options) end if nArraySize == 0 then sArrayResult = sArrayResult .. sEntry else sArrayResult = sArrayResult .. "," .. sEntry end nArraySize = nArraySize + 1 end sObjectResult = sObjectResult .. "}" sArrayResult = sArrayResult .. "]" if nObjectSize > 0 or nArraySize == 0 then result = sObjectResult else result = sArrayResult end end if options.allow_repetitions then tracking[t] = nil else tracking[t] = false end return result elseif sType == "string" then return serializeJSONString(t, options) elseif sType == "number" or sType == "boolean" then return tostring(t) else error("Cannot serialize type " .. sType, 0) end end local unserialise_json do local sub, find, match, concat, tonumber = string.sub, string.find, string.match, table.concat, tonumber --- Skip any whitespace local function skip(str, pos) local _, last = find(str, "^[ \n\r\t]+", pos) if last then return last + 1 else return pos end end local escapes = { ["b"] = '\b', ["f"] = '\f', ["n"] = '\n', ["r"] = '\r', ["t"] = '\t', ["\""] = "\"", ["/"] = "/", ["\\"] = "\\", } local mt = {} local function error_at(pos, msg, ...) if select('#', ...) > 0 then msg = msg:format(...) end error(setmetatable({ pos = pos, msg = msg }, mt)) end local function expected(pos, actual, exp) if actual == "" then actual = "end of input" else actual = ("%q"):format(actual) end error_at(pos, "Unexpected %s, expected %s.", actual, exp) end local function parse_string(str, pos, terminate) local buf, n = {}, 1 -- We attempt to match all non-special characters at once using Lua patterns, as this -- provides a significant speed boost. This is all characters >= " " except \ and the -- terminator (' or "). local char_pat = "^[ !#-[%]^-\255]+" if terminate == "'" then char_pat = "^[ -&(-[%]^-\255]+" end while true do local c = sub(str, pos, pos) if c == "" then error_at(pos, "Unexpected end of input, expected '\"'.") end if c == terminate then break end if c == "\\" then -- Handle the various escapes c = sub(str, pos + 1, pos + 1) if c == "" then error_at(pos, "Unexpected end of input, expected escape sequence.") end if c == "u" then local num_str = match(str, "^%x%x%x%x", pos + 2) if not num_str then error_at(pos, "Malformed unicode escape %q.", sub(str, pos + 2, pos + 5)) end buf[n], n, pos = utf8.char(tonumber(num_str, 16)), n + 1, pos + 6 else local unesc = escapes[c] if not unesc then error_at(pos + 1, "Unknown escape character %q.", c) end buf[n], n, pos = unesc, n + 1, pos + 2 end elseif c >= " " then local _, finish = find(str, char_pat, pos) buf[n], n = sub(str, pos, finish), n + 1 pos = finish + 1 else error_at(pos + 1, "Unescaped whitespace %q.", c) end end return concat(buf, "", 1, n - 1), pos + 1 end local num_types = { b = true, B = true, s = true, S = true, l = true, L = true, f = true, F = true, d = true, D = true } local function parse_number(str, pos, opts) local _, last, num_str = find(str, '^(-?%d+%.?%d*[eE]?[+-]?%d*)', pos) local val = tonumber(num_str) if not val then error_at(pos, "Malformed number %q.", num_str) end if opts.nbt_style and num_types[sub(str, last + 1, last + 1)] then return val, last + 2 end return val, last + 1 end local function parse_ident(str, pos) local _, last, val = find(str, '^([%a][%w_]*)', pos) return val, last + 1 end local arr_types = { I = true, L = true, B = true } local function decode_impl(str, pos, opts) local c = sub(str, pos, pos) if c == '"' then return parse_string(str, pos + 1, '"') elseif c == "'" and opts.nbt_style then return parse_string(str, pos + 1, "\'") elseif c == "-" or c >= "0" and c <= "9" then return parse_number(str, pos, opts) elseif c == "t" then if sub(str, pos + 1, pos + 3) == "rue" then return true, pos + 4 end elseif c == 'f' then if sub(str, pos + 1, pos + 4) == "alse" then return false, pos + 5 end elseif c == 'n' then if sub(str, pos + 1, pos + 3) == "ull" then if opts.parse_null then return json_null, pos + 4 else return nil, pos + 4 end end elseif c == "{" then local obj = {} pos = skip(str, pos + 1) c = sub(str, pos, pos) if c == "" then return error_at(pos, "Unexpected end of input, expected '}'.") end if c == "}" then return obj, pos + 1 end while true do local key, value if c == "\"" then key, pos = parse_string(str, pos + 1, "\"") elseif opts.nbt_style then key, pos = parse_ident(str, pos) else return expected(pos, c, "object key") end pos = skip(str, pos) c = sub(str, pos, pos) if c ~= ":" then return expected(pos, c, "':'") end value, pos = decode_impl(str, skip(str, pos + 1), opts) obj[key] = value -- Consume the next delimiter pos = skip(str, pos) c = sub(str, pos, pos) if c == "}" then break elseif c == "," then pos = skip(str, pos + 1) else return expected(pos, c, "',' or '}'") end c = sub(str, pos, pos) end return obj, pos + 1 elseif c == "[" then local arr, n = {}, 1 pos = skip(str, pos + 1) c = sub(str, pos, pos) if arr_types[c] and sub(str, pos + 1, pos + 1) == ";" and opts.nbt_style then pos = skip(str, pos + 2) c = sub(str, pos, pos) end if c == "" then return expected(pos, c, "']'") end if c == "]" then if opts.parse_empty_array ~= false then return empty_json_array, pos + 1 else return {}, pos + 1 end end while true do n, arr[n], pos = n + 1, decode_impl(str, pos, opts) -- Consume the next delimiter pos = skip(str, pos) c = sub(str, pos, pos) if c == "]" then break elseif c == "," then pos = skip(str, pos + 1) else return expected(pos, c, "',' or ']'") end end return arr, pos + 1 elseif c == "" then error_at(pos, 'Unexpected end of input.') end error_at(pos, "Unexpected character %q.", c) end --[[- Converts a serialised JSON string back into a reassembled Lua object. This may be used with [`textutils.serializeJSON`], or when communicating with command blocks or web APIs. If a `null` value is encountered, it is converted into `nil`. It can be converted into [`textutils.json_null`] with the `parse_null` option. If an empty array is encountered, it is converted into [`textutils.empty_json_array`]. It can be converted into a new empty table with the `parse_empty_array` option. @tparam string s The serialised string to deserialise. @tparam[opt] { nbt_style? = boolean, parse_null? = boolean, parse_empty_array? = boolean } options Options which control how this JSON object is parsed. - `nbt_style`: When true, this will accept [stringified NBT][nbt] strings, as produced by many commands. - `parse_null`: When true, `null` will be parsed as [`json_null`], rather than `nil`. - `parse_empty_array`: When false, empty arrays will be parsed as a new table. By default (or when this value is true), they are parsed as [`empty_json_array`]. [nbt]: https://minecraft.wiki/w/NBT_format @return[1] The deserialised object @treturn[2] nil If the object could not be deserialised. @treturn string A message describing why the JSON string is invalid. @since 1.87.0 @changed 1.100.6 Added `parse_empty_array` option @see textutils.json_null Use to serialize a JSON `null` value. @see textutils.empty_json_array Use to serialize a JSON empty array. @usage Unserialise a basic JSON object textutils.unserialiseJSON('{"name": "Steve", "age": null}') @usage Unserialise a basic JSON object, returning null values as [`json_null`]. textutils.unserialiseJSON('{"name": "Steve", "age": null}', { parse_null = true }) ]] unserialise_json = function(s, options) expect(1, s, "string") expect(2, options, "table", "nil") if options then field(options, "nbt_style", "boolean", "nil") field(options, "parse_null", "boolean", "nil") field(options, "parse_empty_array", "boolean", "nil") else options = {} end local ok, res, pos = pcall(decode_impl, s, skip(s, 1), options) if not ok then if type(res) == "table" and getmetatable(res) == mt then return nil, ("Malformed JSON at position %d: %s"):format(res.pos, res.msg) end error(res, 0) end pos = skip(s, pos) if pos <= #s then return nil, ("Malformed JSON at position %d: Unexpected trailing character %q."):format(pos, sub(s, pos, pos)) end return res end end --[[- Convert a Lua object into a textual representation, suitable for saving in a file or pretty-printing. @param t The object to serialise @tparam { compact? = boolean, allow_repetitions? = boolean } opts Options for serialisation. - `compact`: Do not emit indentation and other whitespace between terms. - `allow_repetitions`: Relax the check for recursive tables, allowing them to appear multiple times (as long as tables do not appear inside themselves). @treturn string The serialised representation @throws If the object contains a value which cannot be serialised. This includes functions and tables which appear multiple times. @see cc.pretty.pretty_print An alternative way to display a table, often more suitable for pretty printing. @since 1.3 @changed 1.97.0 Added `opts` argument. @usage Serialise a basic table. textutils.serialise({ 1, 2, 3, a = 1, ["another key"] = { true } }) @usage Demonstrates some of the other options local tbl = { 1, 2, 3 } print(textutils.serialise({ tbl, tbl }, { allow_repetitions = true })) print(textutils.serialise(tbl, { compact = true })) ]] function serialize(t, opts) local tTracking = {} expect(2, opts, "table", "nil") if opts then field(opts, "compact", "boolean", "nil") field(opts, "allow_repetitions", "boolean", "nil") else opts = {} end return serialize_impl(t, tTracking, "", opts) end serialise = serialize -- GB version --- Converts a serialised string back into a reassembled Lua object. -- -- This is mainly used together with [`textutils.serialise`]. -- -- @tparam string s The serialised string to deserialise. -- @return[1] The deserialised object -- @treturn[2] nil If the object could not be deserialised. -- @since 1.3 function unserialize(s) expect(1, s, "string") local func = load("return " .. s, "unserialize", "t", {}) if func then local ok, result = pcall(func) if ok then return result end end return nil end unserialise = unserialize -- GB version --[[- Returns a JSON representation of the given data. This function attempts to guess whether a table is a JSON array or object. However, empty tables are assumed to be empty objects - use [`textutils.empty_json_array`] to mark an empty array. This is largely intended for interacting with various functions from the [`commands`] API, though may also be used in making [`http`] requests. @param[1] t The value to serialise. Like [`textutils.serialise`], this should not contain recursive tables or functions. @tparam[1,opt] { nbt_style? = boolean, unicode_strings? = boolean, allow_repetitions? = boolean } options Options for serialisation. - `nbt_style`: Whether to produce NBT-style JSON (non-quoted keys) instead of standard JSON. - `unicode_strings`: Whether to treat strings as containing UTF-8 characters instead of using the default 8-bit character set. - `allow_repetitions`: Relax the check for recursive tables, allowing them to appear multiple times (as long as tables do not appear inside themselves). @param[2] t The value to serialise. Like [`textutils.serialise`], this should not contain recursive tables or functions. @tparam[2] boolean bNBTStyle Whether to produce NBT-style JSON (non-quoted keys) instead of standard JSON. @treturn string The JSON representation of the input. @throws If the object contains a value which cannot be serialised. This includes functions and tables which appear multiple times. @usage Serialise a simple object textutils.serialiseJSON({ values = { 1, "2", true } }) @usage Serialise an object to a NBT-style string textutils.serialiseJSON({ values = { 1, "2", true } }, { nbt_style = true }) @since 1.7 @changed 1.106.0 Added `options` overload and `unicode_strings` option. @changed 1.109.0 Added `allow_repetitions` option. @see textutils.json_null Use to serialise a JSON `null` value. @see textutils.empty_json_array Use to serialise a JSON empty array. ]] function serializeJSON(t, options) expect(1, t, "table", "string", "number", "boolean") expect(2, options, "table", "boolean", "nil") if type(options) == "boolean" then options = { nbt_style = options } elseif type(options) == "table" then field(options, "nbt_style", "boolean", "nil") field(options, "unicode_strings", "boolean", "nil") field(options, "allow_repetitions", "boolean", "nil") else options = {} end local tTracking = {} return serializeJSONImpl(t, tTracking, options) end serialiseJSON = serializeJSON -- GB version unserializeJSON = unserialise_json unserialiseJSON = unserialise_json --- Replaces certain characters in a string to make it safe for use in URLs or POST data. -- -- @tparam string str The string to encode -- @treturn string The encoded string. -- @usage print("https://example.com/?view=" .. textutils.urlEncode("some text&things")) -- @since 1.31 function urlEncode(str) expect(1, str, "string") if str then str = string.gsub(str, "\n", "\r\n") str = string.gsub(str, "([^A-Za-z0-9 %-%_%.])", function(c) local n = string.byte(c) if n < 128 then -- ASCII return string.format("%%%02X", n) else -- Non-ASCII (encode as UTF-8) return string.format("%%%02X", 192 + bit32.band(bit32.arshift(n, 6), 31)) .. string.format("%%%02X", 128 + bit32.band(n, 63)) end end) str = string.gsub(str, " ", "+") end return str end local tEmpty = {} --- Provides a list of possible completions for a partial Lua expression. -- -- If the completed element is a table, suggestions will have `.` appended to -- them. Similarly, functions have `(` appended to them. -- -- @tparam string sSearchText The partial expression to complete, such as a -- variable name or table index. -- -- @tparam[opt] table tSearchTable The table to find variables in, defaulting to -- the global environment ([`_G`]). The function also searches the "parent" -- environment via the `__index` metatable field. -- -- @treturn { string... } The (possibly empty) list of completions. -- @see shell.setCompletionFunction -- @see _G.read -- @usage textutils.complete( "pa", _ENV ) -- @since 1.74 function complete(sSearchText, tSearchTable) expect(1, sSearchText, "string") expect(2, tSearchTable, "table", "nil") if g_tLuaKeywords[sSearchText] then return tEmpty end local nStart = 1 local nDot = string.find(sSearchText, ".", nStart, true) local tTable = tSearchTable or _ENV while nDot do local sPart = string.sub(sSearchText, nStart, nDot - 1) local value = tTable[sPart] if type(value) == "table" then tTable = value nStart = nDot + 1 nDot = string.find(sSearchText, ".", nStart, true) else return tEmpty end end local nColon = string.find(sSearchText, ":", nStart, true) if nColon then local sPart = string.sub(sSearchText, nStart, nColon - 1) local value = tTable[sPart] if type(value) == "table" then tTable = value nStart = nColon + 1 else return tEmpty end end local sPart = string.sub(sSearchText, nStart) local nPartLength = #sPart local tResults = {} local tSeen = {} while tTable do for k, v in pairs(tTable) do if not tSeen[k] and type(k) == "string" then if string.find(k, sPart, 1, true) == 1 then if not g_tLuaKeywords[k] and string.match(k, "^[%a_][%a%d_]*$") then local sResult = string.sub(k, nPartLength + 1) if nColon then if type(v) == "function" then table.insert(tResults, sResult .. "(") elseif type(v) == "table" then local tMetatable = getmetatable(v) if tMetatable and (type(tMetatable.__call) == "function" or type(tMetatable.__call) == "table") then table.insert(tResults, sResult .. "(") end end else if type(v) == "function" then sResult = sResult .. "(" elseif type(v) == "table" and next(v) ~= nil then sResult = sResult .. "." end table.insert(tResults, sResult) end end end end tSeen[k] = true end local tMetatable = getmetatable(tTable) if tMetatable and type(tMetatable.__index) == "table" then tTable = tMetatable.__index else tTable = nil end end table.sort(tResults) return tResults end