-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Daniel Ratcliffe -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-CCPL --[[- A [terminal redirect][`term.Redirect`] occupying a smaller area of an existing terminal. This allows for easy definition of spaces within the display that can be written/drawn to, then later redrawn/repositioned/etc as need be. The API itself contains only one function, [`window.create`], which returns the windows themselves. Windows are considered terminal objects - as such, they have access to nearly all the commands in the term API (plus a few extras of their own, listed within said API) and are valid targets to redirect to. Each window has a "parent" terminal object, which can be the computer's own display, a monitor, another window or even other, user-defined terminal objects. Whenever a window is rendered to, the actual screen-writing is performed via that parent (or, if that has one too, then that parent, and so forth). Bear in mind that the cursor of a window's parent will hence be moved around etc when writing a given child window. Windows retain a memory of everything rendered "through" them (hence acting as display buffers), and if the parent's display is wiped, the window's content can be easily redrawn later. A window may also be flagged as invisible, preventing any changes to it from being rendered until it's flagged as visible once more. A parent terminal object may have multiple children assigned to it, and windows may overlap. For example, the Multishell system functions by assigning each tab a window covering the screen, each using the starting terminal display as its parent, and only one of which is visible at a time. @module window @since 1.6 ]] local expect = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua").expect local tHex = { [colors.white] = "0", [colors.orange] = "1", [colors.magenta] = "2", [colors.lightBlue] = "3", [colors.yellow] = "4", [colors.lime] = "5", [colors.pink] = "6", [colors.gray] = "7", [colors.lightGray] = "8", [colors.cyan] = "9", [colors.purple] = "a", [colors.blue] = "b", [colors.brown] = "c", [colors.green] = "d", [colors.red] = "e", [colors.black] = "f", } local type = type local string_rep = string.rep local string_sub = string.sub --[[- Returns a terminal object that is a space within the specified parent terminal object. This can then be used (or even redirected to) in the same manner as eg a wrapped monitor. Refer to [the term API][`term`] for a list of functions available to it. [`term`] itself may not be passed as the parent, though [`term.native`] is acceptable. Generally, [`term.current`] or a wrapped monitor will be most suitable, though windows may even have other windows assigned as their parents. @tparam term.Redirect parent The parent terminal redirect to draw to. @tparam number nX The x coordinate this window is drawn at in the parent terminal @tparam number nY The y coordinate this window is drawn at in the parent terminal @tparam number nWidth The width of this window @tparam number nHeight The height of this window @tparam[opt] boolean bStartVisible Whether this window is visible by default. Defaults to `true`. @treturn Window The constructed window @since 1.6 @usage Create a smaller window, fill it red and write some text to it. local my_window = window.create(term.current(), 1, 1, 20, 5) my_window.setBackgroundColour(colours.red) my_window.setTextColour(colours.white) my_window.clear() my_window.write("Testing my window!") @usage Create a smaller window and redirect to it. local my_window = window.create(term.current(), 1, 1, 25, 5) term.redirect(my_window) print("Writing some long text which will wrap around and show the bounds of this window.") ]] function create(parent, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, bStartVisible) expect(1, parent, "table") expect(2, nX, "number") expect(3, nY, "number") expect(4, nWidth, "number") expect(5, nHeight, "number") expect(6, bStartVisible, "boolean", "nil") if parent == term then error("term is not a recommended window parent, try term.current() instead", 2) end local sEmptySpaceLine local tEmptyColorLines = {} local function createEmptyLines(nWidth) sEmptySpaceLine = string_rep(" ", nWidth) for n = 0, 15 do local nColor = 2 ^ n local sHex = tHex[nColor] tEmptyColorLines[nColor] = string_rep(sHex, nWidth) end end createEmptyLines(nWidth) -- Setup local bVisible = bStartVisible ~= false local nCursorX = 1 local nCursorY = 1 local bCursorBlink = false local nTextColor = colors.white local nBackgroundColor = colors.black local tLines = {} local tPalette = {} do local sEmptyText = sEmptySpaceLine local sEmptyTextColor = tEmptyColorLines[nTextColor] local sEmptyBackgroundColor = tEmptyColorLines[nBackgroundColor] for y = 1, nHeight do tLines[y] = { sEmptyText, sEmptyTextColor, sEmptyBackgroundColor } end for i = 0, 15 do local c = 2 ^ i tPalette[c] = { parent.getPaletteColour(c) } end end -- Helper functions local function updateCursorPos() if nCursorX >= 1 and nCursorY >= 1 and nCursorX <= nWidth and nCursorY <= nHeight then parent.setCursorPos(nX + nCursorX - 1, nY + nCursorY - 1) else parent.setCursorPos(0, 0) end end local function updateCursorBlink() parent.setCursorBlink(bCursorBlink) end local function updateCursorColor() parent.setTextColor(nTextColor) end local function redrawLine(n) local tLine = tLines[n] parent.setCursorPos(nX, nY + n - 1) parent.blit(tLine[1], tLine[2], tLine[3]) end local function redraw() for n = 1, nHeight do redrawLine(n) end end local function updatePalette() for k, v in pairs(tPalette) do parent.setPaletteColour(k, v[1], v[2], v[3]) end end local function internalBlit(sText, sTextColor, sBackgroundColor) local nStart = nCursorX local nEnd = nStart + #sText - 1 if nCursorY >= 1 and nCursorY <= nHeight then if nStart <= nWidth and nEnd >= 1 then -- Modify line local tLine = tLines[nCursorY] if nStart == 1 and nEnd == nWidth then tLine[1] = sText tLine[2] = sTextColor tLine[3] = sBackgroundColor else local sClippedText, sClippedTextColor, sClippedBackgroundColor if nStart < 1 then local nClipStart = 1 - nStart + 1 local nClipEnd = nWidth - nStart + 1 sClippedText = string_sub(sText, nClipStart, nClipEnd) sClippedTextColor = string_sub(sTextColor, nClipStart, nClipEnd) sClippedBackgroundColor = string_sub(sBackgroundColor, nClipStart, nClipEnd) elseif nEnd > nWidth then local nClipEnd = nWidth - nStart + 1 sClippedText = string_sub(sText, 1, nClipEnd) sClippedTextColor = string_sub(sTextColor, 1, nClipEnd) sClippedBackgroundColor = string_sub(sBackgroundColor, 1, nClipEnd) else sClippedText = sText sClippedTextColor = sTextColor sClippedBackgroundColor = sBackgroundColor end local sOldText = tLine[1] local sOldTextColor = tLine[2] local sOldBackgroundColor = tLine[3] local sNewText, sNewTextColor, sNewBackgroundColor if nStart > 1 then local nOldEnd = nStart - 1 sNewText = string_sub(sOldText, 1, nOldEnd) .. sClippedText sNewTextColor = string_sub(sOldTextColor, 1, nOldEnd) .. sClippedTextColor sNewBackgroundColor = string_sub(sOldBackgroundColor, 1, nOldEnd) .. sClippedBackgroundColor else sNewText = sClippedText sNewTextColor = sClippedTextColor sNewBackgroundColor = sClippedBackgroundColor end if nEnd < nWidth then local nOldStart = nEnd + 1 sNewText = sNewText .. string_sub(sOldText, nOldStart, nWidth) sNewTextColor = sNewTextColor .. string_sub(sOldTextColor, nOldStart, nWidth) sNewBackgroundColor = sNewBackgroundColor .. string_sub(sOldBackgroundColor, nOldStart, nWidth) end tLine[1] = sNewText tLine[2] = sNewTextColor tLine[3] = sNewBackgroundColor end -- Redraw line if bVisible then redrawLine(nCursorY) end end end -- Move and redraw cursor nCursorX = nEnd + 1 if bVisible then updateCursorColor() updateCursorPos() end end --- The window object. Refer to the [module's documentation][`window`] for -- a full description. -- -- @type Window -- @see term.Redirect local window = {} function window.write(sText) sText = tostring(sText) internalBlit(sText, string_rep(tHex[nTextColor], #sText), string_rep(tHex[nBackgroundColor], #sText)) end function window.blit(sText, sTextColor, sBackgroundColor) if type(sText) ~= "string" then expect(1, sText, "string") end if type(sTextColor) ~= "string" then expect(2, sTextColor, "string") end if type(sBackgroundColor) ~= "string" then expect(3, sBackgroundColor, "string") end if #sTextColor ~= #sText or #sBackgroundColor ~= #sText then error("Arguments must be the same length", 2) end sTextColor = sTextColor:lower() sBackgroundColor = sBackgroundColor:lower() internalBlit(sText, sTextColor, sBackgroundColor) end function window.clear() local sEmptyText = sEmptySpaceLine local sEmptyTextColor = tEmptyColorLines[nTextColor] local sEmptyBackgroundColor = tEmptyColorLines[nBackgroundColor] for y = 1, nHeight do local line = tLines[y] line[1] = sEmptyText line[2] = sEmptyTextColor line[3] = sEmptyBackgroundColor end if bVisible then redraw() updateCursorColor() updateCursorPos() end end function window.clearLine() if nCursorY >= 1 and nCursorY <= nHeight then local line = tLines[nCursorY] line[1] = sEmptySpaceLine line[2] = tEmptyColorLines[nTextColor] line[3] = tEmptyColorLines[nBackgroundColor] if bVisible then redrawLine(nCursorY) updateCursorColor() updateCursorPos() end end end function window.getCursorPos() return nCursorX, nCursorY end function window.setCursorPos(x, y) if type(x) ~= "number" then expect(1, x, "number") end if type(y) ~= "number" then expect(2, y, "number") end nCursorX = math.floor(x) nCursorY = math.floor(y) if bVisible then updateCursorPos() end end function window.setCursorBlink(blink) if type(blink) ~= "boolean" then expect(1, blink, "boolean") end bCursorBlink = blink if bVisible then updateCursorBlink() end end function window.getCursorBlink() return bCursorBlink end local function isColor() return parent.isColor() end function window.isColor() return isColor() end function window.isColour() return isColor() end local function setTextColor(color) if type(color) ~= "number" then expect(1, color, "number") end if tHex[color] == nil then error("Invalid color (got " .. color .. ")" , 2) end nTextColor = color if bVisible then updateCursorColor() end end window.setTextColor = setTextColor window.setTextColour = setTextColor function window.setPaletteColour(colour, r, g, b) if type(colour) ~= "number" then expect(1, colour, "number") end if tHex[colour] == nil then error("Invalid color (got " .. colour .. ")" , 2) end local tCol if type(r) == "number" and g == nil and b == nil then tCol = { colours.unpackRGB(r) } tPalette[colour] = tCol else if type(r) ~= "number" then expect(2, r, "number") end if type(g) ~= "number" then expect(3, g, "number") end if type(b) ~= "number" then expect(4, b, "number") end tCol = tPalette[colour] tCol[1] = r tCol[2] = g tCol[3] = b end if bVisible then return parent.setPaletteColour(colour, tCol[1], tCol[2], tCol[3]) end end window.setPaletteColor = window.setPaletteColour function window.getPaletteColour(colour) if type(colour) ~= "number" then expect(1, colour, "number") end if tHex[colour] == nil then error("Invalid color (got " .. colour .. ")" , 2) end local tCol = tPalette[colour] return tCol[1], tCol[2], tCol[3] end window.getPaletteColor = window.getPaletteColour local function setBackgroundColor(color) if type(color) ~= "number" then expect(1, color, "number") end if tHex[color] == nil then error("Invalid color (got " .. color .. ")", 2) end nBackgroundColor = color end window.setBackgroundColor = setBackgroundColor window.setBackgroundColour = setBackgroundColor function window.getSize() return nWidth, nHeight end function window.scroll(n) if type(n) ~= "number" then expect(1, n, "number") end if n ~= 0 then local tNewLines = {} local sEmptyText = sEmptySpaceLine local sEmptyTextColor = tEmptyColorLines[nTextColor] local sEmptyBackgroundColor = tEmptyColorLines[nBackgroundColor] for newY = 1, nHeight do local y = newY + n if y >= 1 and y <= nHeight then tNewLines[newY] = tLines[y] else tNewLines[newY] = { sEmptyText, sEmptyTextColor, sEmptyBackgroundColor } end end tLines = tNewLines if bVisible then redraw() updateCursorColor() updateCursorPos() end end end function window.getTextColor() return nTextColor end function window.getTextColour() return nTextColor end function window.getBackgroundColor() return nBackgroundColor end function window.getBackgroundColour() return nBackgroundColor end --- Get the buffered contents of a line in this window. -- -- @tparam number y The y position of the line to get. -- @treturn string The textual content of this line. -- @treturn string The text colours of this line, suitable for use with [`term.blit`]. -- @treturn string The background colours of this line, suitable for use with [`term.blit`]. -- @throws If `y` is not between 1 and this window's height. -- @since 1.84.0 function window.getLine(y) if type(y) ~= "number" then expect(1, y, "number") end if y < 1 or y > nHeight then error("Line is out of range.", 2) end local line = tLines[y] return line[1], line[2], line[3] end -- Other functions --- Set whether this window is visible. Invisible windows will not be drawn -- to the screen until they are made visible again. -- -- Making an invisible window visible will immediately draw it. -- -- @tparam boolean visible Whether this window is visible. function window.setVisible(visible) if type(visible) ~= "boolean" then expect(1, visible, "boolean") end if bVisible ~= visible then bVisible = visible if bVisible then window.redraw() end end end --- Get whether this window is visible. Invisible windows will not be -- drawn to the screen until they are made visible again. -- -- @treturn boolean Whether this window is visible. -- @see Window:setVisible -- @since 1.94.0 function window.isVisible() return bVisible end --- Draw this window. This does nothing if the window is not visible. -- -- @see Window:setVisible function window.redraw() if bVisible then redraw() updatePalette() updateCursorBlink() updateCursorColor() updateCursorPos() end end --- Set the current terminal's cursor to where this window's cursor is. This -- does nothing if the window is not visible. function window.restoreCursor() if bVisible then updateCursorBlink() updateCursorColor() updateCursorPos() end end --- Get the position of the top left corner of this window. -- -- @treturn number The x position of this window. -- @treturn number The y position of this window. function window.getPosition() return nX, nY end --- Reposition or resize the given window. -- -- This function also accepts arguments to change the size of this window. -- It is recommended that you fire a `term_resize` event after changing a -- window's, to allow programs to adjust their sizing. -- -- @tparam number new_x The new x position of this window. -- @tparam number new_y The new y position of this window. -- @tparam[opt] number new_width The new width of this window. -- @tparam number new_height The new height of this window. -- @tparam[opt] term.Redirect new_parent The new redirect object this -- window should draw to. -- @changed 1.85.0 Add `new_parent` parameter. function window.reposition(new_x, new_y, new_width, new_height, new_parent) if type(new_x) ~= "number" then expect(1, new_x, "number") end if type(new_y) ~= "number" then expect(2, new_y, "number") end if new_width ~= nil or new_height ~= nil then expect(3, new_width, "number") expect(4, new_height, "number") end if new_parent ~= nil and type(new_parent) ~= "table" then expect(5, new_parent, "table") end nX = new_x nY = new_y if new_parent then parent = new_parent end if new_width and new_height then local tNewLines = {} createEmptyLines(new_width) local sEmptyText = sEmptySpaceLine local sEmptyTextColor = tEmptyColorLines[nTextColor] local sEmptyBackgroundColor = tEmptyColorLines[nBackgroundColor] for y = 1, new_height do if y > nHeight then tNewLines[y] = { sEmptyText, sEmptyTextColor, sEmptyBackgroundColor } else local tOldLine = tLines[y] if new_width == nWidth then tNewLines[y] = tOldLine elseif new_width < nWidth then tNewLines[y] = { string_sub(tOldLine[1], 1, new_width), string_sub(tOldLine[2], 1, new_width), string_sub(tOldLine[3], 1, new_width), } else tNewLines[y] = { tOldLine[1] .. string_sub(sEmptyText, nWidth + 1, new_width), tOldLine[2] .. string_sub(sEmptyTextColor, nWidth + 1, new_width), tOldLine[3] .. string_sub(sEmptyBackgroundColor, nWidth + 1, new_width), } end end end nWidth = new_width nHeight = new_height tLines = tNewLines end if bVisible then window.redraw() end end if bVisible then window.redraw() end return window end