Functions in the Filesystem API: fs.list( path ) fs.find( wildcard ) fs.exists( path ) fs.isDir( path ) fs.isReadOnly( path ) fs.getDir( path ) fs.getName( path ) fs.getSize( path ) fs.getDrive( path ) fs.getFreeSpace( path ) fs.makeDir( path ) fs.move( path, path ) fs.copy( path, path ) fs.delete( path ) fs.combine( path, localpath ) path, mode ) fs.complete( path, location ) Available modes are "r", "w", "a", "rb", "wb" and "ab". Functions on files opened with mode "r": readLine() readAll() close() read( number ) Functions on files opened with mode "w" or "a": write( string ) writeLine( string ) flush() close() Functions on files opened with mode "rb": read() close() Functions on files opened with mode "wb" or "ab": write( byte ) flush() close()