The Monitor is a peripheral device available for CraftOS. Type "help peripheral" to learn about using the Peripheral API to connect with peripherals. When a Monitor is connected, peripheral.getType() will return "monitor". A wrapped monitor can be used with term.redirect() to send all terminal output to the monitor. Methods exposed by the Monitor: write( text ) blit( text, textColor, backgroundColor ) clear() clearLine() getCursorPos() setCursorPos( x, y ) setCursorBlink( blink ) isColor() setTextColor( color ) setBackgroundColor( color ) getTextColor() getBackgroundColor() getSize() scroll( n ) setPaletteColor( color, r, g, b ) getPaletteColor( color ) Events fired by the Monitor: "monitor_touch" when an Advanced Monitor is touched by the player. Arguments are name, x, y "monitor_resize" when the size of a Monitor changes. Argument is the name of the monitor.