turtle is an api available on Turtles, which controls their movement. Functions in the Turtle API: turtle.forward() turtle.back() turtle.up() turtle.down() turtle.turnLeft() turtle.turnRight() turtle.select( slotNum ) turtle.getSelectedSlot() turtle.getItemCount( [slotNum] ) turtle.getItemSpace( [slotNum] ) turtle.getItemDetail( [slotNum] ) turtle.equipLeft() turtle.equipRight() turtle.dig( [toolSide] ) turtle.digUp( [toolSide] ) turtle.digDown( [toolSide] ) turtle.place() turtle.placeUp() turtle.placeDown() turtle.attack( [toolSide] ) turtle.attackUp( [toolSide] ) turtle.attackDown( [toolSide] ) turtle.detect() turtle.detectUp() turtle.detectDown() turtle.compare() turtle.compareUp() turtle.compareDown() turtle.inspect() turtle.inspectUp() turtle.inspectDown() turtle.compareTo( slotNum ) turtle.transferTo( slotNum, [quantity] ) turtle.drop( [quantity] ) turtle.dropUp( [quantity] ) turtle.dropDown( [quantity] ) turtle.suck( [quantity] ) turtle.suckUp( [quantity] ) turtle.suckDown( [quantity] ) turtle.getFuelLevel() turtle.getFuelLimit() turtle.refuel( [quantity] ) turtle.craft( [quantity] ) (requires Crafty Turtle) Events fired by the Turtle API: "turtle_inventory" when any of the items in the inventory are changed. Use comparison operations to inspect the changes.