package.preload["argparse"] = function(...) local function errorf(msg, ...) error(msg:format(...), 0) end local function setter(arg, result, value) result[] = value or true end local parser = { __name = "ArgParser" } parser.__index = parser function parser:add(names, arg) if type(names) == "string" then names = { names } end arg.names = names for i = 1, #names do local name = names[i] if name:sub(1, 2) == "--" then self.options[name:sub(3)] = arg elseif name:sub(1, 1) == "-" then self.flags[name:sub(2)] = arg else self.arguments[#self.arguments + 1] = arg; arg.argument = true end end table.insert(self.list, #self.list, arg) if arg.action == nil then arg.action = setter end if arg.required == nil then arg.required = names[1]:sub(1, 1) ~= "-" end if == nil then = names[1]:gsub("^-+", "") end if arg.mvar == nil then arg.mvar = end end function parser:parse(...) local args = table.pack(...) local i, n = 1, #args local arg_idx = 1 local result = {} while i <= n do local arg = args[i] i = i + 1 if arg:find("^%-%-([^=]+)=(.+)$") then local name, value = arg:match("^%-%-([^=]+)=(.+)$") local arg = self.options[name] if not arg then errorf("Unknown argument %q", name) end if not arg.many and result[] ~= nil then errorf("%s has already been set", name) end if not arg.value then errorf("%s does not accept a value", name) end arg:action(result, value) elseif arg:find("^%-%-(.*)$") then local name = arg:match("^%-%-(.*)$") local arg = self.options[name] if not arg then errorf("Unknown argument %q", name) end if not arg.many and result[] ~= nil then errorf("%s has already been set", name) end if arg.value then local value = args[i] i = i + 1 if not value then errorf("%s needs a value", name) end arg:action(result, value) else arg:action(result) end elseif arg:find("^%-(.+)$") then local flags = arg:match("^%-(.+)$") for j = 1, #flags do local name = flags:sub(j, j) local arg = self.flags[name] if not arg then errorf("Unknown argument %q", name) end if not arg.many and result[] ~= nil then errorf("%s has already been set", name) end if arg.value then local value if j == #flags then value = args[i] i = i + 1 else value = flags:sub(j + 1) end if not value then errorf("%s expects a value", name) end arg:action(result, value) break else arg:action(result) end end else local argument = self.arguments[arg_idx] if argument then argument:action(result, arg) arg_idx = arg_idx + 1 else errorf("Unexpected argument %q", arg) end end end for i = 1, #self.list do local arg = self.list[i] if arg and arg.required and result[] == nil then errorf("%s is required (use -h to see usage)", end end return result end local function get_usage(arg) local name if arg.argument then name = arg.mvar elseif arg.value then name = arg.names[1] .. "=" .. arg.mvar else name = arg.names[1] end if #arg.names > 1 then name = name .. "," .. table.concat(arg.names, ",", 2) end return name end local function create(prefix) local parser = setmetatable({ options = {}, flags = {}, arguments = {}, list = {}, }, parser) parser:add({ "-h", "--help", "-?" }, { value = false, required = false, doc = "Show this help message", action = function() if prefix then print(prefix) print() end print("USAGE") local max = 0 for i = 1, #parser.list do max = math.max(max, #get_usage(parser.list[i])) end local format = " %-" .. max .. "s %s" for i = 1, #parser.list do local arg = parser.list[i] print(format:format(get_usage(arg), arg.doc or "")) end error("", 0) end, }) return parser end local function is_help(cmd) return cmd == "help" or cmd == "--help" or cmd == "-h" or cmd == "-?" end return { create = create, is_help = is_help } end package.preload["framebuffer"] = function(...) local stringify = require("json").stringify local colour_lookup = {} for i = 0, 15 do colour_lookup[2 ^ i] = string.format("%x", i) end local void = function() end local function empty(colour, width, height) local function is_colour() return colour end return { write = void, blit = void, clear = void, clearLine = void, setCursorPos = void, setCursorBlink = void, setPaletteColour = void, setPaletteColor = void, setTextColour = void, setTextColor = void, setBackgroundColour = void, setBackgroundColor = void, getTextColour = void, getTextColor = void, getBackgroundColour = void, getBackgroundColor = void, scroll = void, isColour = is_colour, isColor = is_colour, getSize = function() return width, height end, getPaletteColour = term.native().getPaletteColour, getPaletteColor = term.native().getPaletteColor, } end local function buffer(original) local text = {} local text_colour = {} local back_colour = {} local palette = {} local palette_24 = {} local cursor_x, cursor_y = 1, 1 local cursor_blink = false local cur_text_colour = "0" local cur_back_colour = "f" local sizeX, sizeY = original.getSize() local color = original.isColor() local dirty = false local redirect = {} if original.getPaletteColour then for i = 0, 15 do local c = 2 ^ i palette[c] = { original.getPaletteColour( c ) } palette_24[colour_lookup[c]] = colours.rgb8(original.getPaletteColour( c )) end end function redirect.write(writeText) writeText = tostring(writeText) original.write(writeText) dirty = true if cursor_y > sizeY or cursor_y < 1 or cursor_x + #writeText <= 1 or cursor_x > sizeX then cursor_x = cursor_x + #writeText return end if cursor_x < 1 then writeText = writeText:sub(-cursor_x + 2) cursor_x = 1 elseif cursor_x + #writeText > sizeX then writeText = writeText:sub(1, sizeX - cursor_x + 1) end local lineText = text[cursor_y] local lineColor = text_colour[cursor_y] local lineBack = back_colour[cursor_y] local preStop = cursor_x - 1 local preStart = math.min(1, preStop) local postStart = cursor_x + #writeText local postStop = sizeX local sub, rep = string.sub, string.rep text[cursor_y] = sub(lineText, preStart, preStop)..writeText..sub(lineText, postStart, postStop) text_colour[cursor_y] = sub(lineColor, preStart, preStop)..rep(cur_text_colour, #writeText)..sub(lineColor, postStart, postStop) back_colour[cursor_y] = sub(lineBack, preStart, preStop)..rep(cur_back_colour, #writeText)..sub(lineBack, postStart, postStop) cursor_x = cursor_x + #writeText end function redirect.blit(writeText, writeFore, writeBack) original.blit(writeText, writeFore, writeBack) dirty = true if cursor_y > sizeY or cursor_y < 1 or cursor_x + #writeText <= 1 or cursor_x > sizeX then cursor_x = cursor_x + #writeText return end if cursor_x < 1 then writeText = writeText:sub(-cursor_x + 2) writeFore = writeFore:sub(-cursor_x + 2) writeBack = writeBack:sub(-cursor_x + 2) cursor_x = 1 elseif cursor_x + #writeText > sizeX then writeText = writeText:sub(1, sizeX - cursor_x + 1) writeFore = writeFore:sub(1, sizeX - cursor_x + 1) writeBack = writeBack:sub(1, sizeX - cursor_x + 1) end local lineText = text[cursor_y] local lineColor = text_colour[cursor_y] local lineBack = back_colour[cursor_y] local preStop = cursor_x - 1 local preStart = math.min(1, preStop) local postStart = cursor_x + #writeText local postStop = sizeX local sub = string.sub text[cursor_y] = sub(lineText, preStart, preStop)..writeText..sub(lineText, postStart, postStop) text_colour[cursor_y] = sub(lineColor, preStart, preStop)..writeFore..sub(lineColor, postStart, postStop) back_colour[cursor_y] = sub(lineBack, preStart, preStop)..writeBack..sub(lineBack, postStart, postStop) cursor_x = cursor_x + #writeText end function redirect.clear() for i = 1, sizeY do text[i] = string.rep(" ", sizeX) text_colour[i] = string.rep(cur_text_colour, sizeX) back_colour[i] = string.rep(cur_back_colour, sizeX) end dirty = true return original.clear() end function redirect.clearLine() if cursor_y > sizeY or cursor_y < 1 then return end text[cursor_y] = string.rep(" ", sizeX) text_colour[cursor_y] = string.rep(cur_text_colour, sizeX) back_colour[cursor_y] = string.rep(cur_back_colour, sizeX) dirty = true return original.clearLine() end function redirect.getCursorPos() return cursor_x, cursor_y end function redirect.setCursorPos(x, y) if type(x) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type(x) .. ")", 2) end if type(y) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #2 (expected number, got " .. type(y) .. ")", 2) end if x ~= cursor_x or y ~= cursor_y then cursor_x = math.floor(x) cursor_y = math.floor(y) dirty = true end return original.setCursorPos(x, y) end function redirect.setCursorBlink(b) if type(b) ~= "boolean" then error("bad argument #1 (expected boolean, got " .. type(b) .. ")", 2) end if cursor_blink ~= b then cursor_blink = b dirty = true end return original.setCursorBlink(b) end function redirect.getCursorBlink() return cursor_blink end function redirect.getSize() return sizeX, sizeY end function redirect.scroll(n) if type(n) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type(n) .. ")", 2) end local empty_text = string.rep(" ", sizeX) local empty_text_colour = string.rep(cur_text_colour, sizeX) local empty_back_colour = string.rep(cur_back_colour, sizeX) if n > 0 then for i = 1, sizeY do text[i] = text[i + n] or empty_text text_colour[i] = text_colour[i + n] or empty_text_colour back_colour[i] = back_colour[i + n] or empty_back_colour end elseif n < 0 then for i = sizeY, 1, -1 do text[i] = text[i + n] or empty_text text_colour[i] = text_colour[i + n] or empty_text_colour back_colour[i] = back_colour[i + n] or empty_back_colour end end dirty = true return original.scroll(n) end function redirect.setTextColour(clr) if type(clr) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type(clr) .. ")", 2) end local new_colour = colour_lookup[clr] or error("Invalid colour (got " .. clr .. ")" , 2) if new_colour ~= cur_text_colour then dirty = true cur_text_colour = new_colour end return original.setTextColour(clr) end redirect.setTextColor = redirect.setTextColour function redirect.setBackgroundColour(clr) if type(clr) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type(clr) .. ")", 2) end local new_colour = colour_lookup[clr] or error("Invalid colour (got " .. clr .. ")" , 2) if new_colour ~= cur_back_colour then dirty = true cur_back_colour = new_colour end return original.setBackgroundColour(clr) end redirect.setBackgroundColor = redirect.setBackgroundColour function redirect.isColour() return color == true end redirect.isColor = redirect.isColour function redirect.getTextColour() return 2 ^ tonumber(cur_text_colour, 16) end redirect.getTextColor = redirect.getTextColour function redirect.getBackgroundColour() return 2 ^ tonumber(cur_back_colour, 16) end redirect.getBackgroundColor = redirect.getBackgroundColour if original.getPaletteColour then function redirect.setPaletteColour(colour, r, g, b) local palcol = palette[colour] if not palcol then error("Invalid colour (got " .. tostring(colour) .. ")", 2) end if type(r) == "number" and g == nil and b == nil then palcol[1], palcol[2], palcol[3] = colours.rgb8(r) palette_24[colour_lookup[colour]] = r else if type(r) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #2 (expected number, got " .. type(r) .. ")", 2) end if type(g) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #3 (expected number, got " .. type(g) .. ")", 2) end if type(b) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #4 (expected number, got " .. type(b ) .. ")", 2 ) end palcol[1], palcol[2], palcol[3] = r, g, b palette_24[colour_lookup[colour]] = colours.rgb8(r, g, b) end dirty = true return original.setPaletteColour(colour, r, g, b) end redirect.setPaletteColor = redirect.setPaletteColour function redirect.getPaletteColour(colour) local palcol = palette[colour] if not palcol then error("Invalid colour (got " .. tostring(colour) .. ")", 2) end return palcol[1], palcol[2], palcol[3] end redirect.getPaletteColor = redirect.getPaletteColour end function redirect.is_dirty() return dirty end function redirect.clear_dirty() dirty = false end function redirect.serialise() return stringify { packet = 0x10, width = sizeX, height = sizeY, cursorX = cursor_x, cursorY = cursor_y, cursorBlink = cursor_blink, curFore = cur_text_colour, curBack = cur_back_colour, palette = palette_24, text = text, fore = text_colour, back = back_colour } end redirect.setCursorPos(1, 1) redirect.setBackgroundColor( redirect.setTextColor(colours.white) redirect.clear() return redirect end return { buffer = buffer, empty = empty } end package.preload["encode"] = function(...) local function fletcher_32(str) local s1, s2, byte = 0, 0, string.byte if #str % 2 ~= 0 then str = str .. "\0" end for i = 1, #str, 2 do local c1, c2 = byte(str, i, i + 1) s1 = (s1 + c1 + (c2 * 0x100)) % 0xFFFF s2 = (s2 + s1) % 0xFFFF end return s2 * 0x10000 + s1 end return { fletcher_32 = fletcher_32 } end package.preload["json"] = function(...) local tonumber = tonumber local function skip_delim(str, pos, delim, err_if_missing) pos = pos + #str:match('^%s*', pos) if str:sub(pos, pos) ~= delim then if err_if_missing then error('Expected ' .. delim) end return pos, false end return pos + 1, true end local esc_map = { b = '\b', f = '\f', n = '\n', r = '\r', t = '\t' } local function parse_str_val(str, pos) local out, n = {}, 0 if pos > #str then error("Malformed JSON (in string)") end while true do local c = str:sub(pos, pos) if c == '"' then return table.concat(out, "", 1, n), pos + 1 end n = n + 1 if c == '\\' then local nextc = str:sub(pos + 1, pos + 1) if not nextc then error("Malformed JSON (in string)") end if nextc == "u" then local num = tonumber(str:sub(pos + 2, pos + 5), 16) if not num then error("Malformed JSON (in unicode string) ") end if num <= 255 then pos, out[n] = pos + 6, string.char(num) else pos, out[n] = pos + 6, "?" end else pos, out[n] = pos + 2, esc_map[nextc] or nextc end else pos, out[n] = pos + 1, c end end end local function parse_num_val(str, pos) local num_str = str:match('^-?%d+%.?%d*[eE]?[+-]?%d*', pos) local val = tonumber(num_str) if not val then error('Error parsing number at position ' .. pos .. '.') end return val, pos + #num_str end local null = {} local literals = {['true'] = true, ['false'] = false, ['null'] = null } local escapes = {} for i = 0, 255 do local c = string.char(i) if i >= 32 and i <= 126 then escapes[c] = c else escapes[c] = ("\\u00%02x"):format(i) end end escapes["\t"], escapes["\n"], escapes["\r"], escapes["\""], escapes["\\"] = "\\t", "\\n", "\\r", "\\\"", "\\\\" local function parse(str, pos, end_delim) pos = pos or 1 if pos > #str then error('Reached unexpected end of input.') end local pos = pos + #str:match('^%s*', pos) local first = str:sub(pos, pos) if first == '{' then local obj, key, delim_found = {}, true, true pos = pos + 1 while true do key, pos = parse(str, pos, '}') if key == nil then return obj, pos end if not delim_found then error('Comma missing between object items.') end pos = skip_delim(str, pos, ':', true) obj[key], pos = parse(str, pos) pos, delim_found = skip_delim(str, pos, ',') end elseif first == '[' then local arr, val, delim_found = {}, true, true pos = pos + 1 while true do val, pos = parse(str, pos, ']') if val == nil then return arr, pos end if not delim_found then error('Comma missing between array items.') end arr[#arr + 1] = val pos, delim_found = skip_delim(str, pos, ',') end elseif first == '"' then return parse_str_val(str, pos + 1) elseif first == '-' or first:match('%d') then return parse_num_val(str, pos) elseif first == end_delim then return nil, pos + 1 else for lit_str, lit_val in pairs(literals) do local lit_end = pos + #lit_str - 1 if str:sub(pos, lit_end) == lit_str then return lit_val, lit_end + 1 end end local pos_info_str = 'position ' .. pos .. ': ' .. str:sub(pos, pos + 10) error('Invalid json syntax starting at ' .. pos_info_str) end end local format, gsub, tostring, pairs, next, type, concat = string.format, string.gsub, tostring, pairs, next, type, table.concat local function stringify_impl(t, out, n) local ty = type(t) if ty == "table" then local first_ty = type(next(t)) if first_ty == "nil" then out[n], n = "{}", n + 1 return n elseif first_ty == "string" then out[n], n = "{", n + 1 local first = true for k, v in pairs(t) do if first then first = false else out[n], n = ",", n + 1 end out[n] = format("\"%s\":", k) n = stringify_impl(v, out, n + 1) end out[n], n = "}", n + 1 return n elseif first_ty == "number" then out[n], n = "[", n + 1 for i = 1, #t do if i > 1 then out[n], n = ",", n + 1 end n = stringify_impl(t[i], out, n) end out[n], n = "]", n + 1 return n else error("Cannot serialize key " .. first_ty) end elseif ty == "string" then if t:match("^[ -~]*$") then out[n], n = gsub(format("%q", t), "\n", "n"), n + 1 else out[n], n = "\"" .. gsub(t, ".", escapes) .. "\"", n + 1 end return n elseif ty == "number" or ty == "boolean" then out[n],n = tostring(t), n + 1 return n else error("Cannot serialize type " .. ty) end end local function stringify(object) local buffer = {} local n = stringify_impl(object, buffer, 1) return concat(buffer, "", 1, n - 1) end local function try_parse(msg) local ok, res = pcall(parse, msg) if ok then return res else return nil, res end end return { stringify = stringify, try_parse = try_parse, parse = parse, null = null } end local tonumber, type, keys = tonumber, type, keys local argparse = require "argparse" local framebuffer = require "framebuffer" local encode = require "encode" local json = require "json" if _G.cloud_catcher then local usage = ([[ cloud: [args] Communicate with the cloud-catcher session. Subcommands: edit Open a file on the remote server. token Display the token for this connection. ]]):gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", ""):gsub("\n ", "\n") local subcommand = ... if subcommand == "edit" or subcommand == "e" then local arguments = argparse.create("cloud edit: Edit a file in the remote viewer") arguments:add({ "file" }, { doc = "The file to upload", required = true }) local result = arguments:parse(select(2, ...)) local file = result.file local resolved = shell.resolve(file) if not fs.exists(resolved) and not resolved:find("%.") then local extension = settings.get("edit.default_extension", "") if extension ~= "" and type(extension) == "string" then resolved = resolved .. "." .. extension end end if fs.isDir(resolved) then error(("%q is a directory"):format(file), 0) end if fs.isReadOnly(resolved) then if fs.exists(resolved) then print(("%q is read only, will not be able to modify"):format(file)) else error(("%q does not exist"):format(file), 0) end end local ok, err = _G.cloud_catcher.edit(resolved) if not ok then error(err, 0) end elseif subcommand == "token" or subcommand == "t" then print(_G.cloud_catcher.token()) elseif argparse.is_help(subcommand) then print(usage) elseif subcommand == nil then printError(usage) error() else error(("%q is not a cloud catcher subcommand, run with --help for more info"):format(subcommand), 0) end return end local current_path = shell.getRunningProgram() local current_name = fs.getName(current_path) local arguments = argparse.create(current_name .. ": Interact with this computer remotely") arguments:add({ "token" }, { doc = "The token to use when connecting" }) arguments:add({ "--term", "-t" }, { value = true, doc = "Terminal dimensions or none to hide" }) arguments:add({ "--dir", "-d" }, { value = true, doc = "The directory to sync to. Defaults to the current one." }) arguments:add({ "--http", "-H" }, { value = false, doc = "Use HTTP instead of HTTPs" }) local args = arguments:parse(...) local token = args.token if #token ~= 32 or token:find("[^%a%d]") then error("Invalid token (must be 32 alpha-numeric characters)", 0) end local capabilities = {} local term_opts = args.term local previous_term, parent_term = term.current() if term_opts == nil then parent_term = previous_term else if term_opts == "none" then parent_term = nil elseif term_opts == "hide" then parent_term = framebuffer.empty(true, term.getSize()) elseif term_opts:find("^(%d+)x(%d+)$") then local w, h = term_opts:match("^(%d+)x(%d+)$") if w == 0 or h == 0 then error("Terminal cannot have 0 size", 0) end parent_term = framebuffer.empty(true, tonumber(w), tonumber(h)) else error("Unknown format for term: expected \"none\", \"hide\" or \"wxh\"", 0) end end if parent_term then table.insert(capabilities, "terminal:host") local w, h = parent_term.getSize() if w * h > 5000 then error("Terminal is too large to handle", 0) end end local sync_dir = shell.resolve(args.dir or "./") if not fs.isDir(sync_dir) then error(("%q is not a directory"):format(sync_dir), 0) end table.insert(capabilities, "file:host") local url = ("%s://"):format( args.http and "ws" or "wss", token, table.concat(capabilities, ",")) local remote, err = http.websocket(url) if not remote then error("Cannot connect to cloud-catcher server: " .. err, 0) end local server_term, server_file_edit, server_file_host = false, false, false do local max_packet_size = 16384 _G.cloud_catcher = { token = function() return token end, edit = function(file, force) if not server_file_edit then return false, "There are no editors connected" end local contents, exists local handle =, "rb") if handle then contents = handle.readAll() handle.close() exists = true else contents = "" exists = false end if #file + #contents + 5 > max_packet_size then return false, "This file is too large to be edited remotely" end local check = encode.fletcher_32(contents) local flag = 0x04 if fs.isReadOnly(file) then flag = flag + 0x01 end if not exists then flag = flag + 0x08 end remote.send(json.stringify { packet = 0x22, id = 0, actions = { { file = file, checksum = check, flags = flag, action = 0, contents = contents } } }) return true end } shell.setAlias("cloud", "/" .. current_path) local function complete_multi(text, options) local results = {} for i = 1, #options do local option, add_spaces = options[i][1], options[i][2] if #option + (add_spaces and 1 or 0) > #text and option:sub(1, #text) == text then local result = option:sub(#text + 1) if add_spaces then table.insert( results, result .. " " ) else table.insert( results, result ) end end end return results end local subcommands = { { "edit", true }, { "token", false } } shell.setCompletionFunction(current_path, function(shell, index, text, previous_text) if _G.cloud_catcher == nil then return end if index == 1 then return complete_multi(text, subcommands) elseif index == 2 and previous_text[2] == "edit" then return fs.complete(text, shell.dir(), true, false) end end) end local co, buffer if parent_term ~= nil then buffer = framebuffer.buffer(parent_term) co = coroutine.create( term.redirect(buffer) end local info_dirty, last_label, get_label = true, nil, os.getComputerLabel local function send_info() last_label = get_label() info_dirty = false remote.send(json.stringify { packet = 0x12, id = os.getComputerID(), label = last_label, }) end local ok, res = true if co then ok, res = coroutine.resume(co, "shell") end local last_change, last_timer = os.clock(), nil local pending_events, pending_n = {}, 0 local function push_event(event) pending_n = pending_n + 1 pending_events[pending_n] = event end while ok and (not co or coroutine.status(co) ~= "dead") do if not info_dirty and last_label ~= get_label() then info_dirty = true end if server_term and last_timer == nil and (buffer.is_dirty() or info_dirty) then local now = os.clock() if now - last_change < 0.04 then last_timer = os.startTimer(0) else last_change = os.clock() if buffer.is_dirty() then remote.send(buffer.serialise()) buffer.clear_dirty() end if info_dirty then send_info() end end end local event if pending_n >= 1 then event = table.remove(pending_events, 1) pending_n = pending_n - 1 else event = table.pack(coroutine.yield()) end if event[1] == "timer" and event[2] == last_timer then last_timer = nil if server_term then last_change = os.clock() if buffer.is_dirty() then remote.send(buffer.serialise()) buffer.clear_dirty() end if info_dirty then send_info() end end elseif event[1] == "websocket_closed" and event[2] == url then ok, res = false, "Connection lost" remote = nil elseif event[1] == "websocket_message" and event[2] == url then local packet = json.try_parse(event[3]) local code = packet and packet.packet if type(code) ~= "number" then code = - 1 end if code >= 0x00 and code < 0x10 then if code == 0x00 then -- ConnectionUpdate server_term, server_file_edit, server_file_host = false, false, false for _, cap in ipairs(packet.capabilities) do if cap == "terminal:view" and buffer ~= nil then server_term = true remote.send(buffer.serialise()) buffer.clear_dirty() send_info() last_change = os.clock() elseif cap == "file:host" then server_file_host = true elseif cap == "file:edit" then server_file_edit = true end end elseif code == 0x02 then -- ConnectionPing remote.send([[{"packet":2}]]) end elseif server_term and code >= 0x10 and code < 0x20 then if code == 0x11 then -- TerminalEvents for _, event in ipairs( do if == "cloud_catcher_key" then local key = keys[event.args[1]] if type(key) == "number" then push_event { n = 3, "key", key, event.args[2] } end elseif == "cloud_catcher_key_up" then local key = keys[event.args[1]] if type(key) == "number" then push_event { n = 2, "key_up", key } end else push_event(table.pack(, table.unpack(event.args))) end end end elseif code >= 0x20 and code < 0x30 then if code == 0x22 then -- FileAction local result = {} for i, action in pairs(packet.actions) do local ok =, 0x1) == 1 local expected_checksum = 0 local handle =, "rb") if handle then local contents = handle.readAll() handle.close() expected_checksum = encode.fletcher_32(contents) end if not ok then ok = expected_checksum == 0 or action.checksum == expected_checksum end if not ok then result[i] = { file = action.file, checksum = expected_checksum, result = 2 } elseif action.action == 0x0 then -- Replace handle =, "wb") if handle then handle.write(action.contents) handle.close() result[i] = { file = action.file, checksum = encode.fletcher_32(action.contents), result = 1 } else result[i] = { file = action.file, checksum = expected_checksum, result = 3 } end elseif action.action == 0x1 then -- Patch handle =, "rb") if handle then local out, n = {}, 0 for _, delta in pairs( do if delta.kind == 0 then -- Same n = n + 1 out[n] = elseif delta.kind == 1 then -- Added n = n + 1 out[n] = delta.contents elseif delta.kind == 2 then -- Removed end end handle.close() handle =, "wb") if handle then local contents = table.concat(out) handle.write(contents) handle.close() result[i] = { file = action.file, checksum = encode.fletcher_32(contents), result = 1 } else result[i] = { file = action.file, checksum = expected_checksum, result = 3 } end else result[i] = { file = action.file, checksum = expected_checksum, result = 2 } end elseif action.action == 0x02 then -- Delete local ok = fs.delete(action.file) result[i] = { file = action.file, checksum = action.checksum, result = ok and 1 or 3 } end end remote.send(json.stringify { packet = 0x23, id =, files = result, }) end end elseif res == nil or event[1] == res or event[1] == "terminate" then if co then ok, res = coroutine.resume(co, table.unpack(event, 1, event.n)) elseif event[1] == "terminate" then ok, res = false, "Terminated" end end end term.redirect(previous_term) if previous_term == parent_term then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) if previous_term.endPrivateMode then previous_term.endPrivateMode() end end _G.cloud_catcher = nil shell.clearAlias("cloud") shell.getCompletionInfo()[current_path] = nil if remote ~= nil then remote.close() end if not ok then error(res, 0) end