-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Daniel Ratcliffe -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-CCPL --[[- Make HTTP requests, sending and receiving data to a remote web server. @module http @since 1.1 @see local_ips To allow accessing servers running on your local network. ]] local expect = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua").expect local native = http local nativeHTTPRequest = http.request local methods = { GET = true, POST = true, HEAD = true, OPTIONS = true, PUT = true, DELETE = true, PATCH = true, TRACE = true, } local function check_key(options, key, ty, opt) local value = options[key] local valueTy = type(value) if (value ~= nil or not opt) and valueTy ~= ty then error(("bad field '%s' (%s expected, got %s"):format(key, ty, valueTy), 4) end end local function check_request_options(options, body) check_key(options, "url", "string") if body == false then check_key(options, "body", "nil") else check_key(options, "body", "string", not body) end check_key(options, "headers", "table", true) check_key(options, "method", "string", true) check_key(options, "redirect", "boolean", true) check_key(options, "timeout", "number", true) if options.method and not methods[options.method] then error("Unsupported HTTP method", 3) end end local function wrap_request(_url, ...) local ok, err = nativeHTTPRequest(...) if ok then while true do local event, param1, param2, param3 = os.pullEvent() if event == "http_success" and param1 == _url then return param2 elseif event == "http_failure" and param1 == _url then return nil, param2, param3 end end end return nil, err end --[[- Make a HTTP GET request to the given url. @tparam string url The url to request @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part of this request. @tparam[opt=false] boolean binary Whether the [response handle][`fs.ReadHandle`] should be opened in binary mode. @tparam[2] { url = string, headers? = { [string] = string }, binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean, timeout? = number, } request Options for the request. See [`http.request`] for details on how these options behave. @treturn Response The resulting http response, which can be read from. @treturn[2] nil When the http request failed, such as in the event of a 404 error or connection timeout. @treturn string A message detailing why the request failed. @treturn Response|nil The failing http response, if available. @changed 1.63 Added argument for headers. @changed 1.80pr1 Response handles are now returned on error if available. @changed 1.80pr1 Added argument for binary handles. @changed 1.80pr1.6 Added support for table argument. @changed 1.86.0 Added PATCH and TRACE methods. @changed 1.105.0 Added support for custom timeouts. @changed 1.109.0 The returned response now reads the body as raw bytes, rather than decoding from UTF-8. @usage Make a request to [example.tweaked.cc](https://example.tweaked.cc), and print the returned page. ```lua local request = http.get("https://example.tweaked.cc") print(request.readAll()) -- => HTTP is working! request.close() ``` ]] function get(_url, _headers, _binary) if type(_url) == "table" then check_request_options(_url, false) return wrap_request(_url.url, _url) end expect(1, _url, "string") expect(2, _headers, "table", "nil") expect(3, _binary, "boolean", "nil") return wrap_request(_url, _url, nil, _headers, _binary) end --[[- Make a HTTP POST request to the given url. @tparam string url The url to request @tparam string body The body of the POST request. @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part of this request. @tparam[opt=false] boolean binary Whether the [response handle][`fs.ReadHandle`] should be opened in binary mode. @tparam[2] { url = string, body? = string, headers? = { [string] = string }, binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean, timeout? = number, } request Options for the request. See [`http.request`] for details on how these options behave. @treturn Response The resulting http response, which can be read from. @treturn[2] nil When the http request failed, such as in the event of a 404 error or connection timeout. @treturn string A message detailing why the request failed. @treturn Response|nil The failing http response, if available. @since 1.31 @changed 1.63 Added argument for headers. @changed 1.80pr1 Response handles are now returned on error if available. @changed 1.80pr1 Added argument for binary handles. @changed 1.80pr1.6 Added support for table argument. @changed 1.86.0 Added PATCH and TRACE methods. @changed 1.105.0 Added support for custom timeouts. @changed 1.109.0 The returned response now reads the body as raw bytes, rather than decoding from UTF-8. ]] function post(_url, _post, _headers, _binary) if type(_url) == "table" then check_request_options(_url, true) return wrap_request(_url.url, _url) end expect(1, _url, "string") expect(2, _post, "string") expect(3, _headers, "table", "nil") expect(4, _binary, "boolean", "nil") return wrap_request(_url, _url, _post, _headers, _binary) end --[[- Asynchronously make a HTTP request to the given url. This returns immediately, a [`http_success`] or [`http_failure`] will be queued once the request has completed. @tparam string url The url to request @tparam[opt] string body An optional string containing the body of the request. If specified, a `POST` request will be made instead. @tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part of this request. @tparam[opt=false] boolean binary Whether the [response handle][`fs.ReadHandle`] should be opened in binary mode. @tparam[2] { url = string, body? = string, headers? = { [string] = string }, binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean, timeout? = number, } request Options for the request. This table form is an expanded version of the previous syntax. All arguments from above are passed in as fields instead (for instance, `http.request("https://example.com")` becomes `http.request { url = "https://example.com" }`). This table also accepts several additional options: - `method`: Which HTTP method to use, for instance `"PATCH"` or `"DELETE"`. - `redirect`: Whether to follow HTTP redirects. Defaults to true. - `timeout`: The connection timeout, in seconds. @see http.get For a synchronous way to make GET requests. @see http.post For a synchronous way to make POST requests. @changed 1.63 Added argument for headers. @changed 1.80pr1 Added argument for binary handles. @changed 1.80pr1.6 Added support for table argument. @changed 1.86.0 Added PATCH and TRACE methods. @changed 1.105.0 Added support for custom timeouts. @changed 1.109.0 The returned response now reads the body as raw bytes, rather than decoding from UTF-8. ]] function request(_url, _post, _headers, _binary) local url if type(_url) == "table" then check_request_options(_url) url = _url.url else expect(1, _url, "string") expect(2, _post, "string", "nil") expect(3, _headers, "table", "nil") expect(4, _binary, "boolean", "nil") url = _url end local ok, err = nativeHTTPRequest(_url, _post, _headers, _binary) if not ok then os.queueEvent("http_failure", url, err) end -- Return true/false for legacy reasons. Undocumented, as it shouldn't be relied on. return ok, err end local nativeCheckURL = native.checkURL --[[- Asynchronously determine whether a URL can be requested. If this returns `true`, one should also listen for [`http_check`] which will container further information about whether the URL is allowed or not. @tparam string url The URL to check. @treturn true When this url is not invalid. This does not imply that it is allowed - see the comment above. @treturn[2] false When this url is invalid. @treturn string A reason why this URL is not valid (for instance, if it is malformed, or blocked). @see http.checkURL For a synchronous version. ]] checkURLAsync = nativeCheckURL --[[- Determine whether a URL can be requested. If this returns `true`, one should also listen for [`http_check`] which will container further information about whether the URL is allowed or not. @tparam string url The URL to check. @treturn true When this url is valid and can be requested via [`http.request`]. @treturn[2] false When this url is invalid. @treturn string A reason why this URL is not valid (for instance, if it is malformed, or blocked). @see http.checkURLAsync For an asynchronous version. @usage ```lua print(http.checkURL("https://example.tweaked.cc/")) -- => true print(http.checkURL("http://localhost/")) -- => false Domain not permitted print(http.checkURL("not a url")) -- => false URL malformed ``` ]] function checkURL(_url) expect(1, _url, "string") local ok, err = nativeCheckURL(_url) if not ok then return ok, err end while true do local _, url, ok, err = os.pullEvent("http_check") if url == _url then return ok, err end end end local nativeWebsocket = native.websocket local function check_websocket_options(options, body) check_key(options, "url", "string") check_key(options, "headers", "table", true) check_key(options, "timeout", "number", true) end --[[- Asynchronously open a websocket. This returns immediately, a [`websocket_success`] or [`websocket_failure`] will be queued once the request has completed. @tparam[1] string url The websocket url to connect to. This should have the `ws://` or `wss://` protocol. @tparam[1, opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part of the initial websocket connection. @tparam[2] { url = string, headers? = { [string] = string }, timeout ?= number, } request Options for the websocket. See [`http.websocket`] for details on how these options behave. @since 1.80pr1.3 @changed 1.95.3 Added User-Agent to default headers. @changed 1.105.0 Added support for table argument and custom timeout. @changed 1.109.0 Non-binary websocket messages now use the raw bytes rather than using UTF-8. @see websocket_success @see websocket_failure ]] function websocketAsync(url, headers) local actual_url if type(url) == "table" then check_websocket_options(url) actual_url = url.url else expect(1, url, "string") expect(2, headers, "table", "nil") actual_url = url end local ok, err = nativeWebsocket(url, headers) if not ok then os.queueEvent("websocket_failure", actual_url, err) end -- Return true/false for legacy reasons. Undocumented, as it shouldn't be relied on. return ok, err end --[[- Open a websocket. @tparam[1] string url The websocket url to connect to. This should have the `ws://` or `wss://` protocol. @tparam[1,opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part of the initial websocket connection. @tparam[2] { url = string, headers? = { [string] = string }, timeout ?= number, } request Options for the websocket. This table form is an expanded version of the previous syntax. All arguments from above are passed in as fields instead (for instance, `http.websocket("https://example.com")` becomes `http.websocket { url = "https://example.com" }`). This table also accepts the following additional options: - `timeout`: The connection timeout, in seconds. @treturn Websocket The websocket connection. @treturn[2] false If the websocket connection failed. @treturn string An error message describing why the connection failed. @since 1.80pr1.1 @changed 1.80pr1.3 No longer asynchronous. @changed 1.95.3 Added User-Agent to default headers. @changed 1.105.0 Added support for table argument and custom timeout. @changed 1.109.0 Non-binary websocket messages now use the raw bytes rather than using UTF-8. @usage Connect to an echo websocket and send a message. local ws = assert(http.websocket("wss://example.tweaked.cc/echo")) ws.send("Hello!") -- Send a message print(ws.receive()) -- And receive the reply ws.close() ]] function websocket(url, headers) local actual_url if type(url) == "table" then check_websocket_options(url) actual_url = url.url else expect(1, url, "string") expect(2, headers, "table", "nil") actual_url = url end local ok, err = nativeWebsocket(url, headers) if not ok then return ok, err end while true do local event, url, param = os.pullEvent( ) if event == "websocket_success" and url == actual_url then return param elseif event == "websocket_failure" and url == actual_url then return false, param end end end