-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Daniel Ratcliffe -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-CCPL local tArgs = { ... } local sTopic if #tArgs > 0 then sTopic = tArgs[1] else sTopic = "intro" end if sTopic == "index" then print("Help topics available:") local tTopics = help.topics() textutils.pagedTabulate(tTopics) return end local strings = require "cc.strings" local function min_of(a, b, default) if not a and not b then return default end if not a then return b end if not b then return a end return math.min(a, b) end --[[- Parse a markdown string, extracting headings and highlighting some basic constructs. The implementation of this is horrible. SquidDev shouldn't be allowed to write parsers, especially ones they think might be "performance critical". ]] local function parse_markdown(text) local len = #text local oob = len + 1 -- Some patterns to match headers and bullets on the start of lines. -- The `%f[^\n\0]` is some wonderful logic to match the start of a line /or/ -- the start of the document. local heading = "%f[^\n\0](#+ +)([^\n]*)" local bullet = "%f[^\n\0]( *)[.*]( +)" local code = "`([^`]+)`" local new_text, fg, bg = "", "", "" local function append(txt, fore, back) new_text = new_text .. txt fg = fg .. (fore or "0"):rep(#txt) bg = bg .. (back or "f"):rep(#txt) end local next_header = text:find(heading) local next_bullet = text:find(bullet) local next_block = min_of(next_header, next_bullet, oob) local next_code, next_code_end = text:find(code) local sections = {} local start = 1 while start <= len do if start == next_block then if start == next_header then local _, fin, head, content = text:find(heading, start) sections[#new_text + 1] = content append(head .. content, "4", "f") start = fin + 1 next_header = text:find(heading, start) else local _, fin, space, content = text:find(bullet, start) append(space .. "\7" .. content) start = fin + 1 next_bullet = text:find(bullet, start) end next_block = min_of(next_header, next_bullet, oob) elseif next_code and next_code_end < next_block then -- Basic inline code blocks if start < next_code then append(text:sub(start, next_code - 1)) end local content = text:match(code, next_code) append(content, "0", "7") start = next_code_end + 1 next_code, next_code_end = text:find(code, start) else -- Normal text append(text:sub(start, next_block - 1)) start = next_block -- Rescan for a new code block if next_code then next_code, next_code_end = text:find(code, start) end end end return new_text, fg, bg, sections end local function word_wrap_basic(text, width) local lines, fg, bg = strings.wrap(text, width), {}, {} local fg_line, bg_line = ("0"):rep(width), ("f"):rep(width) -- Normalise the strings suitable for use with blit. We could skip this and -- just use term.write, but saves us a clearLine call. for k, line in pairs(lines) do lines[k] = strings.ensure_width(line, width) fg[k] = fg_line bg[k] = bg_line end return lines, fg, bg, {} end local function word_wrap_markdown(text, width) -- Add in styling for Markdown-formatted text. local text, fg, bg, sections = parse_markdown(text) local lines = strings.wrap(text, width) local fglines, bglines, section_list, section_n = {}, {}, {}, 1 -- Normalise the strings suitable for use with blit. We could skip this and -- just use term.write, but saves us a clearLine call. local start = 1 for k, line in pairs(lines) do -- I hate this with a burning passion, but it works! local pos = text:find(line, start, true) lines[k], fglines[k], bglines[k] = strings.ensure_width(line, width), strings.ensure_width(fg:sub(pos, pos + #line), width), strings.ensure_width(bg:sub(pos, pos + #line), width) if sections[pos] then section_list[section_n], section_n = { content = sections[pos], offset = k - 1 }, section_n + 1 end start = pos + 1 end return lines, fglines, bglines, section_list end local sFile = help.lookup(sTopic) local file = sFile ~= nil and io.open(sFile) or nil if not file then printError("No help available") return end local contents = file:read("*a") file:close() -- Trim trailing newlines from the file to avoid displaying a blank line. if contents:sub(-1) == "\n" then contents:sub(1, -2) end local word_wrap = sFile:sub(-3) == ".md" and word_wrap_markdown or word_wrap_basic local width, height = term.getSize() local content_height = height - 1 -- Height of the content box. local lines, fg, bg, sections = word_wrap(contents, width) local print_height = #lines -- If we fit within the screen, just display without pagination. if print_height <= content_height then local _, y = term.getCursorPos() for i = 1, print_height do if y + i - 1 > height then term.scroll(1) term.setCursorPos(1, height) else term.setCursorPos(1, y + i - 1) end term.blit(lines[i], fg[i], bg[i]) end return end local current_section = nil local offset = 0 --- Find the currently visible section, or nil if this document has no sections. -- -- This could potentially be a binary search, but right now it's not worth it. local function find_section() for i = #sections, 1, -1 do if sections[i].offset <= offset then return i end end end local function draw_menu() term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) term.setCursorPos(1, height) term.clearLine() local tag = "Help: " .. sTopic if current_section then tag = tag .. (" (%s)"):format(sections[current_section].content) end term.write(tag) if width >= #tag + 16 then term.setCursorPos(width - 14, height) term.write("Press Q to exit") end end local function draw() for y = 1, content_height do term.setCursorPos(1, y) if y + offset > print_height then -- Should only happen if we resize the terminal to a larger one -- than actually needed for the current text. term.clearLine() else term.blit(lines[y + offset], fg[y + offset], bg[y + offset]) end end local new_section = find_section() if new_section ~= current_section then current_section = new_section draw_menu() end end draw() draw_menu() while true do local event, param = os.pullEventRaw() if event == "key" then if param == keys.up and offset > 0 then offset = offset - 1 draw() elseif param == keys.down and offset < print_height - content_height then offset = offset + 1 draw() elseif param == keys.pageUp and offset > 0 then offset = math.max(offset - content_height + 1, 0) draw() elseif param == keys.pageDown and offset < print_height - content_height then offset = math.min(offset + content_height - 1, print_height - content_height) draw() elseif param == keys.home then offset = 0 draw() elseif param == keys.left and current_section and current_section > 1 then offset = sections[current_section - 1].offset draw() elseif param == keys.right and current_section and current_section < #sections then offset = sections[current_section + 1].offset draw() elseif param == keys["end"] then offset = print_height - content_height draw() elseif param == keys.q then sleep(0) -- Super janky, but consumes stray "char" events. break end elseif event == "mouse_scroll" then if param < 0 and offset > 0 then offset = offset - 1 draw() elseif param > 0 and offset <= print_height - content_height then offset = offset + 1 draw() end elseif event == "term_resize" then local new_width, new_height = term.getSize() if new_width ~= width then lines, fg, bg = word_wrap(contents, new_width) print_height = #lines end width, height = new_width, new_height content_height = height - 1 offset = math.max(math.min(offset, print_height - content_height), 0) draw() draw_menu() elseif event == "terminate" then break end end term.setCursorPos(1, 1) term.clear()