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120 lines
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-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Daniel Ratcliffe
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-CCPL
--- A collection of helper methods for working with input completion, such
-- as that require by [`_G.read`].
-- @module cc.completion
-- @see cc.shell.completion For additional helpers to use with
-- [`shell.setCompletionFunction`].
-- @since 1.85.0
local expect = require "cc.expect".expect
local function choice_impl(text, choices, add_space)
local results = {}
for n = 1, #choices do
local option = choices[n]
if #option + (add_space and 1 or 0) > #text and option:sub(1, #text) == text then
local result = option:sub(#text + 1)
if add_space then
table.insert(results, result .. " ")
table.insert(results, result)
return results
--- Complete from a choice of one or more strings.
-- @tparam string text The input string to complete.
-- @tparam { string... } choices The list of choices to complete from.
-- @tparam[opt] boolean add_space Whether to add a space after the completed item.
-- @treturn { string... } A list of suffixes of matching strings.
-- @usage Call [`_G.read`], completing the names of various animals.
-- local completion = require "cc.completion"
-- local animals = { "dog", "cat", "lion", "unicorn" }
-- read(nil, nil, function(text) return completion.choice(text, animals) end)
local function choice(text, choices, add_space)
expect(1, text, "string")
expect(2, choices, "table")
expect(3, add_space, "boolean", "nil")
return choice_impl(text, choices, add_space)
--- Complete the name of a currently attached peripheral.
-- @tparam string text The input string to complete.
-- @tparam[opt] boolean add_space Whether to add a space after the completed name.
-- @treturn { string... } A list of suffixes of matching peripherals.
-- @usage
-- local completion = require "cc.completion"
-- read(nil, nil, completion.peripheral)
local function peripheral_(text, add_space)
expect(1, text, "string")
expect(2, add_space, "boolean", "nil")
return choice_impl(text, peripheral.getNames(), add_space)
local sides = redstone.getSides()
--- Complete the side of a computer.
-- @tparam string text The input string to complete.
-- @tparam[opt] boolean add_space Whether to add a space after the completed side.
-- @treturn { string... } A list of suffixes of matching sides.
-- @usage
-- local completion = require "cc.completion"
-- read(nil, nil, completion.side)
local function side(text, add_space)
expect(1, text, "string")
expect(2, add_space, "boolean", "nil")
return choice_impl(text, sides, add_space)
--- Complete a [setting][`settings`].
-- @tparam string text The input string to complete.
-- @tparam[opt] boolean add_space Whether to add a space after the completed settings.
-- @treturn { string... } A list of suffixes of matching settings.
-- @usage
-- local completion = require "cc.completion"
-- read(nil, nil, completion.setting)
local function setting(text, add_space)
expect(1, text, "string")
expect(2, add_space, "boolean", "nil")
return choice_impl(text, settings.getNames(), add_space)
local command_list
--- Complete the name of a Minecraft [command][`commands`].
-- @tparam string text The input string to complete.
-- @tparam[opt] boolean add_space Whether to add a space after the completed command.
-- @treturn { string... } A list of suffixes of matching commands.
-- @usage
-- local completion = require "cc.completion"
-- read(nil, nil, completion.command)
local function command(text, add_space)
expect(1, text, "string")
expect(2, add_space, "boolean", "nil")
if command_list == nil then
command_list = commands and commands.list() or {}
return choice_impl(text, command_list, add_space)
return {
choice = choice,
peripheral = peripheral_,
side = side,
setting = setting,
command = command,