# Since the ".env" file is gitignored, you can use the ".env.example" file to # build a new ".env" file when you clone the repo. Keep this file up-to-date # when you add new variables to `.env`. # This file will be committed to version control, so make sure not to have any # secrets in it. If you are cloning this repo, create a copy of this file named # ".env" and populate it with your secrets. # When adding additional environment variables, the schema in "/src/env.mjs" # should be updated accordingly. # Prisma # https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/database-reference/connection-urls#env DATABASE_URL="file:./db.sqlite" # Next Auth # You can generate a new secret on the command line with: # openssl rand -base64 32 # https://next-auth.js.org/configuration/options#secret # NEXTAUTH_SECRET="" NEXTAUTH_URL="http://localhost:3000" # Next Auth Discord Provider DISCORD_CLIENT_ID="" DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET=""