Make DynOS only generate one bin per actor

This commit is contained in:
MysterD 2022-03-25 22:05:07 -07:00
parent f38741ba4a
commit b25bb84b48
1 changed files with 110 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -1782,44 +1782,15 @@ static String GetActorFolder(const Array<Pair<u64, String>> &aActorsFolders, u64
return String();
void DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack(const SysPath &aPackFolder) {
Print("---------- Pack folder: \"%s\" ----------", aPackFolder.c_str());
Array<Pair<u64, String>> _ActorsFolders;
GfxData *_GfxData = New<GfxData>();
// Read all the files and files from the subfolders of the pack folder
// Animations are processed separately
DIR *aPackDir = opendir(aPackFolder.c_str());
if (aPackDir) {
struct dirent *_PackEnt = NULL;
while ((_PackEnt = readdir(aPackDir)) != NULL) {
// Skip . and ..
if (SysPath(_PackEnt->d_name) == ".") continue;
if (SysPath(_PackEnt->d_name) == "..") continue;
// For each subfolder, read tokens from and
SysPath _Folder = fstring("%s/%s", aPackFolder.c_str(), _PackEnt->d_name);
if (fs_sys_dir_exists(_Folder.c_str())) {
_GfxData->mModelIdentifier = 0;
ScanModelFile(_GfxData, fstring("%s/", _Folder.c_str()));
ScanModelFile(_GfxData, fstring("%s/", _Folder.c_str()));
if (_GfxData->mModelIdentifier != 0) {
_ActorsFolders.Add({ _GfxData->mModelIdentifier, String(_PackEnt->d_name) });
// Generate a binary file for each actor found in the GfxData
#ifdef COOP
static bool DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack_Internal(const SysPath &aPackFolder, Array<Pair<u64, String>> _ActorsFolders, GfxData *_GfxData, bool onlyConsiderActors) {
bool generated = false;
for (auto &_GeoNode : _GfxData->mGeoLayouts) {
String _GeoRootName = _GeoNode->mName;
for (s32 i = 0; i != DynOS_Geo_GetActorCount(); ++i) {
String _GeoRootName = DynOS_Geo_GetActorName(i);
const void* actor = DynOS_Geo_GetActorLayoutFromName(_GeoRootName.begin());
if (onlyConsiderActors && actor == NULL) { continue; }
if (!onlyConsiderActors && _GeoNode != _GfxData->mGeoLayouts[_GfxData->mGeoLayouts.Count() - 1]) { continue; }
DataNode<GeoLayout> *_GeoRoot = GetGeoLayout(_GfxData, _GeoRootName);
if (_GeoRoot != NULL) {
@ -1857,13 +1828,114 @@ void DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack(const SysPath &aPackFolder) {
SysPath _AnimsFolder = fstring("%s/%s/anims", aPackFolder.c_str(), _ActorFolder.begin());
ScanAnimationFolder(_GfxData, _AnimsFolder);
#ifdef COOP
// Create table for player model animations
if ((_GeoRootName == "mario_geo" || _GeoRootName == "luigi_geo" || _GeoRootName == "toad_player_geo" || _GeoRootName == "wario_geo" || _GeoRootName == "waluigi_geo") && !_GfxData->mAnimations.Empty()) {
for (s32 i = 0; i != 256; ++i) {
String _AnimName("anim_%02X", i);
if (_GfxData->mAnimations.FindIf([&_AnimName](const DataNode<AnimData> *aNode) { return aNode->mName == _AnimName; }) != -1) {
_GfxData->mAnimationTable[i] = { _AnimName, NULL };
} else {
_GfxData->mAnimationTable[i] = { "NULL", NULL };
// Write if no error
if (_GfxData->mErrorCount == 0) {
DynOS_Gfx_WriteBinary(_BinFilename, _GfxData);
} else {
Print(" %u error(s): Unable to parse data", _GfxData->mErrorCount);
// Clear data pointers
generated = true;
return generated;
void DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack(const SysPath &aPackFolder) {
Print("---------- Pack folder: \"%s\" ----------", aPackFolder.c_str());
Array<Pair<u64, String>> _ActorsFolders;
GfxData *_GfxData = New<GfxData>();
// Read all the files and files from the subfolders of the pack folder
// Animations are processed separately
DIR *aPackDir = opendir(aPackFolder.c_str());
if (aPackDir) {
struct dirent *_PackEnt = NULL;
while ((_PackEnt = readdir(aPackDir)) != NULL) {
// Skip . and ..
if (SysPath(_PackEnt->d_name) == ".") continue;
if (SysPath(_PackEnt->d_name) == "..") continue;
// For each subfolder, read tokens from and
SysPath _Folder = fstring("%s/%s", aPackFolder.c_str(), _PackEnt->d_name);
if (fs_sys_dir_exists(_Folder.c_str())) {
_GfxData->mModelIdentifier = 0;
ScanModelFile(_GfxData, fstring("%s/", _Folder.c_str()));
ScanModelFile(_GfxData, fstring("%s/", _Folder.c_str()));
if (_GfxData->mModelIdentifier != 0) {
_ActorsFolders.Add({ _GfxData->mModelIdentifier, String(_PackEnt->d_name) });
// Generate a binary file for each actor found in the GfxData
#ifdef COOP
bool foundActor = DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack_Internal(aPackFolder, _ActorsFolders, _GfxData, true);
if (!foundActor) { DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack_Internal(aPackFolder, _ActorsFolders, _GfxData, false); }
for (s32 i = 0; i != DynOS_Geo_GetActorCount(); ++i) {
String _GeoRootName = DynOS_Geo_GetActorName(i);
DataNode<GeoLayout> *_GeoRoot = GetGeoLayout(_GfxData, _GeoRootName);
if (_GeoRoot != NULL) {
// If there is an existing binary file for this layout, skip and go to the next actor
SysPath _BinFilename = fstring("%s/%s.bin", aPackFolder.c_str(), _GeoRootName.begin());
if (fs_sys_file_exists(_BinFilename.c_str())) {
// Init
_GfxData->mLoadIndex = 0;
_GfxData->mErrorCount = 0;
_GfxData->mModelIdentifier = _GeoRoot->mModelIdentifier;
_GfxData->mPackFolder = aPackFolder;
_GfxData->mPointerList = { NULL }; // The NULL pointer is needed, so we add it here
_GfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture = NULL;
_GfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentPalette = NULL;
// Parse data
PrintNoNewLine("%s.bin: Model identifier: %X - Processing... ", _GeoRootName.begin(), _GfxData->mModelIdentifier);
ParseGeoLayoutData(_GfxData, _GeoRoot, true);
// Init animation data
for (auto &_AnimBuffer : _GfxData->mAnimValues) Delete(_AnimBuffer);
for (auto &_AnimBuffer : _GfxData->mAnimIndices) Delete(_AnimBuffer);
for (auto &_AnimNode : _GfxData->mAnimations) Delete(_AnimNode);
// Scan anims folder for animation data
String _ActorFolder = GetActorFolder(_ActorsFolders, _GfxData->mModelIdentifier);
SysPath _AnimsFolder = fstring("%s/%s/anims", aPackFolder.c_str(), _ActorFolder.begin());
ScanAnimationFolder(_GfxData, _AnimsFolder);
// Create table for mario_geo animations or luigi_geo animations
if ((_GeoRootName == "mario_geo" || _GeoRootName == "luigi_geo") && !_GfxData->mAnimations.Empty()) {
for (s32 i = 0; i != 256; ++i) {
String _AnimName("anim_%02X", i);
@ -1889,6 +1961,7 @@ void DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack(const SysPath &aPackFolder) {